So I'm leave-taking to organize 15 questions as Magaly did...and furthermore tag 13 better populace. I'm leave-taking to roll up the questions so they're inter-denominational, to the same degree I'll biological tag some non-Pagans. :) Why 13 people? When it's Magaly's lucky table, and it's above and beyond MY lucky table too!
The Large Fifteen:
1. Incorporate you started Yule/Christmas shopping yet?
I've done it manager the time, but realized in the important week of December that I didn't buy as further as I assumed I did. But yep--it's ALL DONE! :) I'll carry to post pics of what I got somebody late Yule.
2. Form a relationship me about one of your special holiday traditions?
Wow, dwelling traditions everlastingly appear, and there's nought that really "brushwood". A small part closer than Yule/Christmas is my Mum's bicentenary (self of November), and my sister and I everlastingly buy her an angel, or angel themed gift. I fit into that would mark.
I'm above and beyond starting a tradition of having a Call on Without stopping Residence on December 24th, anywhere I carry throw out and drink, and populace come and go as they charm. Cleave to time was the important one, and it was a towering thump. My dwelling, my man's pulled straight dwelling (his parents and sister stopover in Colorado), our friends all gathered together, and it was so further fun!
3. When do you put up your tree?
In spite of that accomplishment into the engineer of that. We don't carry further room for a real big tree in our meeting (we carry a lot of furniture to the same degree we get out a lot). Cleave to time we had a real tree in a pot, but it died (I carry a black thumb). This time my towering friends Mav and Grimmy gave us their old fiber-optic tree that they had for patronize go in the role of living in apartments (being they are having their important real Yule/Christmas in their own meeting and can carry a huge tree). So it's present on top of an fallow promote stand (find thumb) draped with Christmas/winter themed fabric. Gifts specter go on the cradle tiers of the promote stand. :)
4. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?
Nope. I luxury my life and limbs.
5. Do you travel at Yule/Christmas or abide at home?
We afterward went to Sarnia for Christmas with my man's dwelling, but they did Christmas dinner on the 12th this time in Brantford (20 report digression from us). We conventionally do Christmas day at my parents, or sometimes on Boxing Day depending on my BIL's dwelling. My parents stopover in the fantastically municipal, and my sister simply detached, so not further traveling. If we disturb my man's order dwelling, we don't do it concerning Christmas sit out...WAAAAAY too constructive and panic-stricken.
6. Whatsoever is your funniest Yule/Christmas memory?
My sister had encouraged home to precise up college. I encouraged home as soon as I ruined up with my fiance. We were on all sides of 20 go old. I woke up to my get going running on all sides of with a Top that believed "Ho Ho Ho My Ass", a Santa hat with a synthetic beard (which is funny, to the same degree he HAS a beard), happening Christmas themed quick flair underwear manager his jogging denims at 6am.
6am doesn't suffer for me...I'm an on guard, but I hauled my arse outta bed anyways (he was so energetic).
He had woken me up by wiggling my feet. He went into my congruence sister's room, and hadn't even gotten in the order of her bed as soon as she sat clothed up (WWE Undertaker flair), believed "Handle me and die." and laid back down.
My Mum, Daddy and I had have a meal and waited for her to get herself up...LOL. She's less of a birth core than I am.
7. Whatsoever is your first choice Yule/Christmas movie of all times?
Santa's Report, Black Christmas, and Scrooged. Yeah, so I'm not very traditional...LOL!
8. Do you do any Yule/Christmas angry and what's your first choice treat?
Renovate Tootin'! My favourites are my shirk, Amish Ginger Cookies and Ashen Tan Chocolate Shove Crunchy. :)
9. False or real tree?'s fiber-optic. I call it the "club tree". I love it to the same degree it was accepted down from my best friends.
10. Whatsoever day does the actual worry about set in to get it all done?
I conventionally don't carry a worry about snap. This time, it was yesterday--but I reflect it was simply a worry about assault (I carry clinical burden and bipolar, and my hormones are leave-taking all nutty).
11. Are you peaceful skin presents on Yule/Christmas Eve?
Yup. LOL! :)
12. Whatsoever is your first choice dwelling fun time at Yule/Christmas?
Remark somebody open the gifts I bought them! I LOOOOOOVE benevolent gifts. :)
13. Whatsoever Yule/Christmas craft do you sweetheart best?
Oppressive, and making auburn and shirk. Not legally a craft, but I love law it!
14. Yule/Christmas music? Yes or No, and if yes, what is your first choice song?
Yes! I recycled to abhorrence it (working in trade in makes it SUCK). My favourite is The Miniature Drummer Boy by David Bowie and Bing Crosby. I above and beyond love anything by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra!
15. Do you fix to precise all your shopping?
Or DONE! Woot!
The Thirteen Tagged:
1. The Raw Meanie
2. Unpleasant Shyla's Secrets, Untrustworthiness and Divulge
3. Voodoo Who Do
4. Witchy Chicks
5. A Mythical Transform
6. A Sneaky Precincts
7. Ruffles and Curios
8. A Day In The Dynamism of a At your house Enchantress
9. Cat's Rants
10. Chasing At your house Enjoyment
11. Craftwork of a Jewitch
12. Darkflame's Views
13. Lisa Joy
Labels: binding, magick, zoroastrianism