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The Lausanne business group on postmodern and exceptional spiritualities of which I am a part has more its story for Lausanne on the information-gathering in Hong Kong. It is posted roundabouts to send on the information-gathering and the methodical activites of the deliberate with the approach authorization of the group's launch pad, Ole Skjerbaek Madsen. Forwards information on this Lausanne group can be found at Conference on Christian Fight with New SpiritualitiesTao Fong Shan Christian Centre, Hong KongSeptember 30th - October 7th 2006SUMMARY:The work Course Determined 16 from the Lausanne bring together in Thailand in 2004 continued their work with a spanking information-gathering in Hong Kong. Straight this time the new missional dreadful par to new religions and new spiritualities was discussed, as well as the work of the business group to the same extent 2004, and deliberate strategy took place. This includes a conference for 2008, and measures for the continued work separation featuring in the measures for the Lausanne bring together in method with the 2010 birthday of the Edinburgh time.The information-gathering was a project up on IG 16 of the Lausanne 2004 Federation in Thailand. The participants of IG 16 and the 2006 information-gathering character continue their work as a Lausanne network on Christian Respect to New Pious Aerobics (NRM) and New Spiritualities (NS).Straight our sessions we constructive the continuing increase of an budding new par for a Christian engagement with the adherents and practitioners of NRM and NS.This par begins with and builds upon the instinct of the 1980 Thailand story (LOP 11) that adherents of new saintly aerobics are unreached peoples. The increase of the NRM and NS affirms this instinct in light of the spiritual fidelity of the Western world which calls for expenses and Christian observer as a precedence of the Western Minster and Evangelical Christians. What's more the process of globalisation brings this increase to the Two-Thirds world, like a house on fire in the big cities.The same as NRM and NS drag unreached peoples, they could do with be encountered missionally as any other unreached residents group, i.e. the gospel could do with be contextually communicated to adherents and practitioners of new religions,This new par calls for an running away of the life-force of thing about in the unity with adherents of the NRM, of the preset demonization of their spiritual practices, and of the typecasting of them as spiritual enemies.The new par looks upon the adherents of NRM and practitioners of NS as residents whom God loves, potential disciples of Jesus Christ, and as neighbours for whom Christ died on the cross.This does not mean that the urbanity of spirits is missing in union to NRM and NS, but it funds that Christians could do with not be fearful of establishing friendships, of studying and understanding their beliefs, their practices, their hopes, their hurts, and their doubts, and we enhance in and amid ourselves the fantastically beliefs, hopes, and doubts civic in our bulk compassion and "imago Dei".In ministering amid the residents who take in the NRM and NS, we are corporate with a group of residents who several times have space for been well wound by Christians, and who have space for suffered from rebuke and scheme from Christians. In the fantastically group of residents we find several who have space for misunderstood Christian experience and practices, and who are unaccustomed of the publication and viability of Christianity in the post-modern world, but who calm in their tunnel for a spiritual climb up and meaning have space for found symbol of hope in new language of East Asian religions, in nature-based spiritualities such as Latest Paganism, Neo-Pagan aerobics, Wicca, and in a quantity of esoteric traditions.A new par includes learning from the NRM and NS, to the same extent their practice and beliefs may reflect the right and proper bills of the Minster (LOP 45, par H), or failures of the church in soft-hearted essential issues, and in so work, creating a spotless jam-packed by NRM and NS. This addition, as well as the interested of the points of draw near and the areas of potential agitate (LOP 45, par. G), may help the Minster to understand the questions of post-modern men and women, and this in turn may help Christians to reveal the gospel by time actual concerns quite of answering questions which may be of dealing to the Minster but which are on a regular basis not raised by the residents we dig to rent. The acclaim of these right and proper bills and points of draw near may help the Minster to find new language of its life and spiritual practice, which may contribute to an life-force and the consequence of a re-energized Christian community everyplace the spiritual huntsman and the new generate of Christ may clang outstanding at home in Minster and methodical in Christian fellowship. In late addition to these certain aspects, the new par with recognizes the fidelity of syncretism and like so attempts to exegete saintly and spiritual cultures, reproachfully reflects on saintly practices in light of historic Christianity, and develops culturally connected Christian practices.The information-gathering participants civic experiences and insights from American, Australian, and European settings and discussed saintly phenomenology and a missiological models for cultural engagement.The participants vital to continue as a network of missiologists, practitioners, and scholars from the 2004 IG as well as from this information-gathering, and from an invited group of participants a cut above the course of the convenient deliberate.GOALS AND CONFERENCES:The IG 16 reached its goals harden in the 2004 bring together in Thailand dressed in forming a network and establishing a web terrace, but the network character continue to work at reaching its secondary goals of producing means and working on imminent projects. These goals character be addressed in part at the conferences practice for 2008 and 2010.The network devices a conference in 2008 at Trinity Multinational Scholastic in Deerfield, Illinois, USA entitled "Post-Christendom Spiritualities: The New Unreached People Groups". The aim of this conference character be to continue to define and make longer the new par of Christian observer to NR and NS.In the time leading up to the conference a sort for papers from scholars and missional practitioners character go out that character pose suggestions for truth-seeker papers. A few not compulsory topics of praxis, theology, and missiology include:Lush a missiological case in point for engagement with NRImportant Minster in a post-modern worldA sociological investigation of NR and NS as the prime expenses sports ground in the Western hemisphere.The work of the Central point in expenses and New SpiritualitiesLatest spirituality in union to Christian tradition in cross cultural expenses and/or the study of world religionsMasterpiece and redemption in Christian theologyGoddess spirituality and the theology of GodInter-religious apologetics in post-modernityThe budding church and budding spiritualitiesScience and new religionsThe Christian and the artificeChristian approaches to choice or holistic conduct and energy healingCo-authoring character be moved, and fault-finding responses character be hunted to papers from experts in the impound fields.In the time leading up to the conference models and reason studies of Christian observer to and phantom amid NRM and NS character be civic and armed for workshops at the conference. The models and reason studies may deal with subjects between to the topics of truth-seeker papers and subjects such as:Ethnicity in participating in neo-spiritual deedsAcquaint with aim as Christians in union to premonition and PredictionVigor healing par and Christian healingDefinite for discipling converts from NRM and NSThe use of saintly chat in NS settingsService and ritual for Christians working in the NS backgroundTempting with pluralist understandings of Jesus in NSThe conference is envisaged as plunder place from a Thursday afternoon registration nominated Sunday the middle of the day. The methodical abstracts character be cast-off to glint a pamphlet for the conference with target of attracting participants from a immense spectrum of academics and practitioners in the sports ground.The business group character be yet to be and overdue the conference to certification the pure from the conference is full brash to fuel series in both learning and practice in this area.One of the outcomes of the quiet of the conference character be a book and other possessions that character be shaped as a adhesive tape and reserve of means from the cutting-edge of theology and praxis in this area.2010 LAUSANNE FORUM:Regarding the 2010 conference the Lausanne network on Christian Respect to NR and NS delusion these issues:The emergency to recognise that the NR and NS are powerful unreached residents groups that contain the gravel, if not step by step the powerful unreached residents groups in the full-grown nations of the Better part Earth everyplace they on a regular basis drag predictable spiritualities that on a regular basis alter or supplant traditional religions (by way of Christianity).The new missiological income tax stemming from the take forward and modification of such spiritualities as part of globalisation in lush nations.The nearby devotion of the New Spiritualities to the spiritual tunnel of women and young adults and its opinion to this area of expenses amongst these groups.We like so understand that the opinion of this business requires figure in the vital plenary sessions for Lausanne as part of the programme for the 2010 conference, and this business group offers to work with the conference organisers to maintain this to perform.The participants of the information-gathering be as tall as their respect to Areopagos for transfer allow give your backing to for the audience and responsibility of compound members of the network at this information-gathering.The network shares its insights in a federation forum harden as a Yahoo! Determined of which link is by incite solely.