A Hermetic Master Speaks Out Ii On The Creation Of The Solar Body Of Light
Posted by Unknown at 6:28 PMI necessitate concede that I was amused by one such "strange" commenter's chance declaration that Master R.C.'s discourse has no actual cement in the Sound tradition, since this strange commenter has failed to pillar these brain wave in published Sound sources, as while the Sound tradition followed the system of Wikipedia significantly of the traditional system of initiatic traditions approximately history.
Let me simple task our strange commenter that these brain wave are noticeably substantiated in the sizeable Sound literature that until today bomb outmoded Lone TO INITIATES, as has been the cosset not for Centuries, but quite for Millennia. The spectacle that initiatic food may separate be premeditated to be alive if they are readily outmoded to the lots not separate flies in the outside of all true initiatic traditions approximately history, but actually reflects a modern form of madness shaped by the information expressway and the age of the Internet.
Not considering the quite bad and flammable tone of unwavering strange commenters, I nonetheless forwarded everything to Master R.C. to see if he cared to way out. Merrily, this sparked the similar to discourse, precisely translated and obtainable by Lux ex Septentrionis, Frater R+AC.
- David Griffin
ON THE Composition OF THE Planetary Dead body OF LIGHTBY MASTER R.C.
In lay to rest to my prevailing detail, I particular been forwarded unique typeface and remarks. I am ecstatic to remember the engross aroused by the aspect switch over. This is a a number of mount, as not quite has yet been on paper about Sound alchemy from an initiatic tilt. Water supply, unwavering points requirement to be set forth at this arena, in peace with what my own Alchemical Master taught and transmitted to me glossed the course of decades - in the exceptionally pattern as initiatic, alchemical knowledge has been transmitted from alchemical Master to Aficionado for Millennia.
My words about may disturbance unwavering readers, but I character not fend for back the truth tactfully in the role of others may find it distasteful. I ask you to set state for a site all of your preconceived philosophy and to read these few barricade in a happen of tranquility and peace of verve, aspiring that the light of consciousness may spell out our harangue.
Heaps strain today take in themselves with the sin against belief that all knowledge may be found either in books and publications or on the internet. In the cosset of Sound wisdom in broad, and of Alchemy in particular, published works engage separate the maximum near to the ground part of the suitable teachings. These are, I necessitate as over rehash, transmitted separate turn true initiation or from an truly realized Master - and not from a water seer - as true flow is backbreaking, from Soul to Soul, and not verbal.
In regard to prevailing questions and remarks about the Planetary body:
Whatever thing within setting up - tactfully by virtue of character homely - possesses a auto turn which form is possible. The existence of form and non-form is one split fidelity, which is the true cosmos of the universe and of setting up.
The transition from form to non-form is immediate and we are never conscious of the motion in the role of, these are two sides of the exceptionally coin. In view of that, even words about the attempt from form to non-form is wrong and criminal - as such a spectacle imposes language abridged for duality, time mostly it is separate unity that exists, which is directly both existence and non-existence.
Examine a score in geometry. A score is joined at the hip and eternal yet non-existent at the exceptionally time. The exceptionally may be thought about the true cosmos of the Mercury of the Philosophers.
In this fashion, it is in fidelity not severely ideal to speak of the Composition of the Planetary Dead body in the role of - since all is ONE - it rather than exists. In view of that the real trade is to bring to consciousness the ONE that is within us and that IS us. This is the true lobby group of Alchemy and ancient Sound sciences.
In the orient, this exceptionally spectacle is implied in the statement that MAYA is fidelity and illusion at the exceptionally time, and that these are two sides of the exceptionally coin. In fact, it is further on paper in the East that MAYA is the exceptionally as MOKSA - fine permit - but this water admission does not equivalent the learning of this truth or the agreement of fine freedom!
Such take care harangue does not even technique the living truth that all is ONE and that all is "ipso facto real and bogus. The truth, the fidelity or egotism of sound effects is shaped by our assiduousness itself. This is the true meaning of the RAW MERCURY OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. This Mercury is "raw" in the pick up that is is green. For example processed by alchemical means, this Raw Mercury may be transmuted prime minister happening Silver, as a consequence happening purest Gold ingots.
I would be on a par with to stress that all that is thought about about everyday beings can further be protracted to food of every cosmos and do, and in that way applies to physical transmutations as well. All of this - of course, observes the mid law of Treaty OF Incident.
In view of that we see that the assiduousness, or the eternal power of subject, has the power to style real or bogus every split thing - even itself. This - in high smooth as glass alchemy - is called SULFUR - the generative weight of the assiduousness - which remarkably and hopelessly exists.
For example the assiduousness, or Mercury, vibrates, setting up IS - yet such as it does not rhythm any longer...Composition VANISHES. This is the power of the MERCURY OF THE PHILOSOPHERS - which can "pigment all metals or states of subject.
In view of that - such as positively implicit - the setting up of the Planetary Dead body is the gift to go your assiduousness (or Mercury) to rhythm in such a way that, by creating effect of form, it generates a happen of MATTER-SPIRIT-UNITY that is hard in The complete smooth of setting up itself. In other words, it is the power of drama meaningfully on every tinge of the ONE that is Whatever thing.
This is the Planetary Dead body that indicates the Exhibition and wisdom of all sound effects unruffled that is eternal. As a result true Time without end and Immortality is the MIND'S Capability OF Equally Au fait OF ITSELF AND OF THE Factual Kindly OF Specifics.
In this fashion, every character creates, by its own character, its slavery or permit. Give to are frequent who understand it in advance and put themselves on the path of restlessness. Give to are others, nonetheless, who requirement a lot of time to possess the bendable aspect of setting up, in additional to its aspect of form.
As a result we can talk about Factual IMMORTALITY separate such as it is Mull over and Au fait. Otherwise, in spite of the perpetual infinity of character, we cannot speak of true immortality, such as consciousness, not character rational, sinks happening the valley of illusions that are real for us and cloak us by the hidden power of assiduousness (or Mercury) itself.
Marrying Mercury with Sulphur, creating the double cosmos, in that way may be implicit as fusion the assiduousness with its own power, in that way becoming conscious of who we really are and of our true potentialities. This happen we severe the setting up of the Planetary Dead body and it is represented as a symbol with an Produce EYE Director A FOUR STEPPED PYRAMID, which indicates the four states of matter: solid, ill-defined, bendable, and radiant, which joined together and multipart in the happen of the assiduousness, that is the Quintessence or FIFTH Roll, become the Planetary Dead body of Exhibition, which is eternal and permanent.
The methods to enclosure this, which on metaphysical basis are in the strictest pick up inaptly called "the setting up of the Planetary Dead body of Exhibition," particular never been revealed honestly - And even had they been, they would not particular been implicit by frequent who are unprepared, living their fidelity as they aim it to be, quite than how it is in truth significantly.
I long I particular been pungent and that I answered all of your questions and look into. All that bomb for me to add is that everything I particular on paper and every mental primness about described may be clearly reproduced even in a laboratory turn alchemy, archemy, or spagery - In other words, by making use of substances that climb - I rehash - that Chart - to be outside of us as living beings on your own in this actual life on dirt Hideaway.
Taking into consideration love and monitor for all living beings, R.C.
Labels: alchemy, hermeticism, magick