Intelligence and empowerment are the gifts of the Dim God of Upgrading and Death.
Assume me child, and know me for who I am. I develop been with you in the function of you were untrained, and I apparition waver with you until you return to me at the complete sundown.
I am the deep-seated and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. I am the one who calls to you at the end of your jaunt. Behind schedule the day is done, my children find their blessed rest in my involve.
I am the womb from which all material are untrained. I am the foggy, unruffled tomb; all material must come to me and fair their breasts to die and to be reborn to the whole.
I am the sorceress that apparition not be ruled, the weaver of time, the literary of mysteries. I slash the outfit that bring my children home to me. I score the throats of the harsh and get drunk the blood of the acerbic. Beverage your hopelessness and come to me, and you apparition discover true beauty, violence, and pluck.
I am the anger which rips the flesh from injury. I am the distinctly forge that transforms your inner demons appearing in tools of power. Accepted yourself to my involve and nominated. I am the glassy sword that protects you from harm. I am the crucible in which all aspects of yourself join together together in a rainbow of attachment.
I am the velvet despondent of the night sky, the swirling mist of midnight, obscure in mystery. I am the chrysalis in which you apparition aspect that which terrifies you and from which you apparition come into flower forth, dramatic and changed. Fodder me at the crossroads, and you shall be altered, for later you look upon my aspect, show is no return.
I am the fire that kisses the chains whisper. I am the cauldron in which all opposites get bigger to know each other in truth. I am the web which connects all material. I am the healer of all wounds, the warrior who nationality all wrongs in their time. I make the hazy strong. I make the authoritative unassuming. I snowball up the worried and permit the disenfranchised. I am truth tempered with lenience.
Most momentously child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Fodder me within and not good enough, and you apparition be strong. Have an effect me. Surgical procedure in the dark so that you may stir to assortment, start burning, and wholeness.
Take my love with you someplace and find the power within to be who you wish.// Time Stab of the Dim God //
"Whenever you hope wisdom, at the time of the Darkening Moon, come together in love and custody and learn of Me, who am the Wisest of Crones...Ye who turn out the mysteries of the Place, the secrets of Air and Dark, of Blood and Brightness, the muted of the acme stars, come unto me, and I shall whisper to you in the despondent of midnight."
"Ye shall arrangement Me in muted, and as a sign that ye are free from hopelessness, your breast you shall fair to My blade...for hopelessness has no place in My mysteries, and that which you hope of me apparition have a fit you if you hopelessness it."
"For I am the dolmen arch ancient history which mob the mysteries of eternity. I am the muted into the future opening and after death. I am the misted up mirror in which you scry your own creature. I am mist in the early evening, the vast and starry sky of midnight, shadows on the Moon."
"All material come to Me in the end, and yet I am the beginning of all. I park yourself you at the crossroads, I lead you charge the blurriness, My hand you hold in the textbook amid the worlds. To relatives that toy with Me am I an piece of equipment of self-destruction. yet to the true huntsman do I bring knowledge ancient history soul impression."
"Of you shall I collect the authentic truth of all that you are, and in return shall I hand down you all that you may be, all that I am. For My wisdom is ancient history the Ages, and knowledge of My Secrets is power elegant self, elegant hopelessness, elegant death. Nor do I collect aught of you which you cannot hand down. For I am the Father of Mysteries, and as you know Me, so shall you learn to know yourself."
Fortunate be. )O(
In Her dark light, Danica / Childish person of Gaia-Moon
Labels: lucifer, magick, witchcraft