I dabbled in Christianity in my young adulthood, belonging to Girls Troop for numerous vivacity, until I found boys and as a consequence Grassy Farmers LOL! Next I righteous floated for a in the same way as with no real beliefs as such. I in the same way naked Terry Pratchett and the Discworld books some vivacity ago - these all fuelled my love of witches!
Next about 11 or 12 vivacity ago I picked up a book in a economy store entitled 'The illustrated guide to Wtichcraft', I bought it....and following reading it realized that I had come home. No matter which through initiative, everything slash participating in place.
I did ample of observe on the internet, purchased all the White Ravenwolf books, as a consequence the Rae Beth books, as a consequence the Elen Hawke ones.
I found an online witchcraft scholastic and signed up, I carry out my initial even with them in righteous uninteresting a rendezvous. It was a scenic paradigm school. The course information was abundant enthralling but the homework/tests were of the combined openness format and so didn't pressure a lot of take pains. When I carry out the initial even I honest to signal for something very. I didn't dream to belong to a coven, I didn't dream to make the acquaintance of inhabitants and perform ritual. I didn't dream to have a lot to do with, I righteous desired a prepared format to learn from.
Because I found was Consecrated Mists (http://www.workingwitches.com). That was very nearly six vivacity ago. It took me eighteen months to pass my initial even, and a lot longer to pass glint even as ordinary life got in the way so much! Nevertheless I am lay out I took my time, it allowed me to abrupt and be familiar with the information, and knock numerous loom classes at the extraordinarily time. I am now studying my third even.
I in the same way initiated participating in the Consecrated Mists tradition in 2006 - the initiation ritual was one of the most hysterical and moving rituals I contain ever attended. When the glint even initiation is presented, I shall be dedicating in the absence of compunction.
Because I contain found with Consecrated Mists is a whole lot especially than I had ever imagined. I contain learnt - yes. But I contain in the same way found a sacred place, taking up, friends, love and delight and special inhabitants that contain had an horrible after effects on my life. I contain matured every one fervently and rationally on top of any of my expectations. Feathers with now equally in third even I contain written and teach a class on animal totems/spirit guides. I am the Assess Foyer Property owner. I help three boards within the forums. I co-host a newspaper online chat. I contain written and lead study halls and esbat rituals. I am a teacher to every one initial even students and a glint even apprentice. I belong to two committees. And adjacent month I lead my initial sabbat ritual.
Being part of Consecrated Mists in the same way allowed me to knock a Herbalist course which was unimaginable. I in the same way able in Reiki I and II which was impressive. And I am these days studying the Fresh Magick course run by Janet Farrar and Gavin Clean which is outrageously enthralling.
All of this has been so massively pleasant, tricky sometimes yes, but pleasant.
When I started on this path I was humiliated to demand personality that I was a witch, it felt giddy. I continuously cherished the floaty 'Stevie Nicks' outfits of course, behind with all the silver bangles and rings (I endlessly do!). I felt decelerate casting a circle or working a spell. I didn't know personality very on the extraordinarily path, I was on my own. But I had the love and taking up of my gorgeous companion and my familial even if they didn't really know what it was all about. My dad endlessly maintains that I do anything I can NOT to be indifferent... I am set to accord with him!
But that was a hanker in the same way as ago, and now? Now I am bragging to be a witch - it is what I am, it is who I am. It is not my fascinate or something I gather at - it is how I be situated my life.
Anyplace next? Because next? One of the gorgeous things about this path is that you are continuously learning. Donate is a lot of third even I endlessly contain to work point in the right direction, as a consequence to series what director path I wish to knock...
But for now I am effortless studying and learning especially in my opinion and guiding others previously I can.
My adjacent immediate implicate is date up with a group of Consecrated Mists witches (and a druid ;-)) in Glastonbury. I was asked if I would call up and lead a ritual. My imaginative irritation was one of straighten panic! But as a consequence I realized it was an honour and a implicate I required to knock on. I am effortless with the ritual I contain written, I am not so effortless that I endlessly haven't learnt it off by intention LOL! I contain speedy cards! But I am really looking early to the tang, truly in such a spiritual place as Glastonbury and with such special Consecrated Mists inhabitants.
Fantastic be!
(The picture I contain cast-off existing is depressed by Paul Kidby and shows centre Granny Weatherwax with Magrat to the left and Nanny Ogg to the capability, from the Terry Pratchett Discworld books)
Labels: computing, magick, metaphysics