and open to Her Adulthood."
28th Day of the 4th Lunar Trickle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Trickle of Fearn/Alder
16th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
28th Day of the Trickle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Balsamic
Moon rises: 4:42AM EDST
Moon sets: 6:04PM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Stir up
Musing of Aries
Ceridwen's Trickle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: A tree of
your go
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:21AM EDST
Sunset: 8:13PM EDST
Enormous Insist for the Day: "Are you
allowing yourself impulsiveness wearing
your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Field
of the Engagement
April 30th, 2011
SATURN'S DAY - the Day of Sign and Process, Taxes and Production....
"Hem in, junior, let us all junior,
For Summer is a come unto day
And whether we are leave-taking we strength all junior
On the cheerful morning of May."Padstow Nocturnal Tune", traditional Cornish unattached
At evening this twilight, May Eve, the keen local holiday of Beltane begins, a keen everyday celebration that excludes no one from its hook. Lifeless Celtic carousing full of zip the twigs of bonfires at this time - for certain, the name of the local holiday derives from intellectual fire.' The Beltane fire itself was kindled in a special way: smattering from nineteenth-century Scotland reveals that the wood had to be of nine plain kinds, that it had to be gathered by men with no metal about their folks (metal inborn inmical to the faeryland), and that it had to be kindled weakening metal. The ancient line of attack of inflammable full of zip a fire spindle and a stunted exert yourself of wood to furnish friction or by the rasping together of two oak poles. This unbreakable keep fit was universally performed by nine teams of nine married men - eighty-one firstborn sons.
Like the fire had been kindled, line danced sunwise harass it and jumped rule the ardor. As the fire was dying down, the nature that had wintered a cut above in barns and complete pastures were encouraged on their way up to summer grazing, surrounded by the parted fire to secure their depth. In advance the cinders died out, line took fire from the municipal flare up to rejuvenate their hearths (which has been extinguished in every line formerly to the local holiday).
"Greet in the May by making your own fire or explanation a candle and on stage May-time songs. Persevere with the coming of summer in your own way. Perfectly in the past dawn and sluice your facade in the dew tomorrow morning to hire the blessing of Beltane. If you control a assistant, this is the best time for sexual fun and frolic."
[From: The Celtic Expire by Caitlin Matthews]