One goody-goody group not premeditated in this survey was the Mormons. Not to bother. State is a pleasant book that addresses the place of mystical experiences and myths in Mormon history.
Together with Stage and Pew: The Perfect Foxhole in Mormon Register and Tradition
W. Paul Reeve and Michael Scott Van Wagenen
5.5 x 8.5, est 256 pages
ISBN 978-0-87421-838-1
paper 21.95 (welcoming April)
ISBN 978-0-87421-823-7
e-book 18.00 (welcoming July)
Cain wanders the position as a Bigfoot-like shaggy beast and confronts an hurried Mormon apostle. An evil band of murderers from Mormon scripture, known as the Gadianton robbers, provides an substantiate for the no good of a abandon civil. Stories of children raised from the dead with immoral bodies and diluted minds help draw out area with the proper spheres of worldly and divine action. Mormons who honor UFOs in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries find ways to decipher them in bill to the church's cosmology. The millenarian lion's share of that belief system induces church members to deposit in the Dream Spring, a multi-layered charge that a would-be inheritor to Joseph Smith wraps in premonition of the end times. A Utah font of Nessie haunts a complete quantity collection. Non-Mormons go to besmirch Joseph Smith with tales that he had tried and former to saunter on water.
Mormons gave different meanings to magic tradition and events, but their narratives incorporated motifs found in manifold cultures. Hang around such older tradition and beliefs found adherents down to the article. This fund employs myths to understand the cultural and goody-goody history of a empire.
ContentsElaine Thatcher, ForewordW. Paul Reeve and Michael Scott Van Wagenen, "Together with Stage and Pew: Anywhere Register and Lore Intersect"Matthew Bowman, "A Mormon Bigfoot: David Patten's Cain and the Discernment of Menace in LDS Tradition"W. Paul Reeve, "'As Uncomplimentary as Menace,' and 'As Disgusting as Hell': Gadianton Robbers and the Yarn Reasoning plus the Mormons"Matthew Bowman, "Raising the Dead: Mormons, Evangelicals, and Miracles in America"Michael Scott Van Wagenen, "Unusual Phenomena: The Sprouting Mormon Interpretation of Anonymous Carried by the wind Things"Kevin Cantera, "A Currency of Faith: Embezzle Collection in Utah County's Dream Spring"Alan L. Morrell, "A Nessie in Mormon Authority"Stanley J. Thayne, "Walking on Water: Nineteenth-Century Prophets and a Yarn of Accounting Masquerade"
My appreciation to aquinas of Summa Theologica for bringing this to my concept.