"Beloved Jesus, meet healer of God... "much loved Aine, meet healer of God... "much loved Angel Raphel, meet healer of God... much loved Angel Zadkiel, meet healer of God... much loved Saint Therese, meet healer of God. The love of God is now into of me. I am competently laden and healed with the love of God. Jesus... Aine... Raphel... Zadkiel... Therese... I am so grteful for the ministering, healing, and balm that you bring to me... thank you for near here and filling me competently. I am now competently well. I now hold rectify lofty, laden with the spirit of love in all ways. I am energized. I am up and doing. I am rested and invigorated. Thank you, God. Thank you Predict healers."
"Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Honor"