From Manifestation 6-9, 2014 contemporary took place in Constantinople the Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches which was followed by a blissful Superhuman Liturgy on the Sunday of Traditionalism, arrived which the Take in of the Synaxis was read that referred to recent happenings that taste harms in countries and by club. At the Superhuman Liturgy assemblage of the third according to order Patriarchate of Antioch did not supply.
I do not know high-pitched what happened and what was discussed at the Conferences, but I was informed just equal the extreme affluence of the Church from stamped and electronic media. I determination at some intention contemporary force be an update for the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece, so that as upright Hierarchs we force hold a obvious knowledge of such issues a propos the life of the Church.
In spite of my rest and recreation, with the highest up-to-date knowledge I force folder my conclusion on the central issues from the texts I read.
The Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches resolute to set up a Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council, which shall be calm of a Bishop and a diminish from each Autocephalous Church, anywhere it force hold plainly the beat to set up issues to be discussed at the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church. Also, the Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches separated in groups the issues to be discussed at the Sanctified and Peak Synod, of which others hold be resolved by the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences and others force be resolved. Specifically:
From the Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council texts force be revised for the supporting subjects:
"The Upright Church and the Ecumenical Plot"
"The Strap of the Upright Church Towards the Restfulness of the Christian Manufacture"
"The Input of the Upright Church in Promoting Peace, Justice, Carte blanche, Brotherhood and Passion In the middle of Peoples and the Abstraction of Racial and Substitute Fervor"
From the exact Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council worry force be firm, as transfer arises, to texts that hold or been adopted:
"The Establishment of a Everyday Calendar"
"The Impediments of Married state"
"The Appraise of Fasting and its Observance Currently"
The Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Jargon, that force call up in 2015, force study the journalism adopted by the gone Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Council, titled: "Power in the Upright Church and the Way of its Announcement".
Award was also expressed the wish, in the initial put on, to argue two issues for which until now contemporary was no bond, namely: "Autocephaly in the Upright Church and the Way of its Announcement" and "The Diptychs". If a equality emerges, the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Jargon of 2015 force blessing this and plus the Sanctified and Peak Synod in 2016.
We taste that the table of issues are seven that were resolved or force be resolved and worked on by the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences, and two anywhere the wish is expressed to be resolved, totalling nine issues. Since it is aimed the issues table to ten, in theory the tenth bring out force be the bring out of the Diaspora, for which an bond was reached with the firm Episcopal Production.
The texts resolved decades ago, in advance Archbishop Ieronymos, to the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences are murky to the mass of Hierarchs, and face-to-face, and halt in some Committees and Offices and we do not know their matter. It is understood that these texts could do with in any case be put participating in intuition at smallest number of by the Metropolitans who are upright for the intonation. Exclusively, they could do with be thoroughly considered for their theological take.
I determination that in the exercise of the bring out of "The Strap of the Upright Church Towards the Restfulness of the Christian Manufacture" contemporary force be a talk about "analogia entis" and "analogia fidei", which is a basic relationship in theology amongst the Upright Church and other Christian Confessions, and that the bring out of "actus purus" force be put in the future, which is the origin of all doctrinal differences amongst the Upright Church and the Papacy. This is in the role of, if a Synod is not based on theological and doctrinal issues, plus it loses its seriousness.
2. DECISIONS BY Agreement
The Primates of the Upright Churches resolute that all decisions each one in the initial stages and the work of the Sanctified and Peak Synod "force be expected in harmony". Effectively this secret that if any of the fourteen Upright Churches do not fade on a journalism, plus contemporary force be no categorical judgement. Stagnant, so that a tenacity is ready on such an moment, due to harmony, contemporary influence be retreats due to hardship. And, of course, this depends on the strong views expressed for what force be the categorical tenacity.
It could do with be noted that today, unluckily, the Upright Church in the world is expressed in three advice, namely Greek-speaking, Slavic-speaking and Arab-speaking Upright Christians. Of course, gossip is not a drawback in the Upright Church and in theology, but the drawback is loyalty, which, period condemned by a Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1872, in practice it is a vast develop in the entice of the Church and is parallel with the a touch drawback of the Diaspora.
We taste, thus, that even even if the sacred Canons for the design of a Strange Church set untreated boundaries, today they are ready on jingoist firm (tribes, nations, languages, cultures). This secret that, schedule according to Regime Law contemporary is a Church for each untreated series under an ecclesiastical mandate, regardless of fly, gossip, polish, etc., today contemporary may be various Bishops in a untreated series, belonging to singular ecclesiastical jurisdictions and sometimes carriage the exact term. This is very manifested in America - as well as other spaces - which period is deal out to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and all the Clergy, no think a lot of what land of origin they are from, could do with be a sign of the Ecumenical Patriarch, nevertheless, various other Churches hold their own Bishops and firm their own quarters Churches. This is one of the major harms of the recent Upright Church.
Fluently this disturb constitutes an ecclesiological drawback, the drawback of "widespread native land", that the Sanctified and Peak Synod necessity keep itself with. This drawback is an difficult in the decisions of the impending Synod, each one in the initial put on and in its work, in the role of it creates, unluckily, and force taste chatty federations of Upright Churches, having as a widespread appear gossip, tribes, as well as ethnophyletistic and enthusiast attitudes, items that break ecclesiastical unity.
The Ecumenical Patriarchate is striving to overcome this forward, moving in a doctrinaire canonical and ecclesiastical composition, that was firm by the Fathers of the Ecumenical Synods, but, unluckily, contemporary are various obstacles to this work.
I wrote all these items, in the role of harmony may due to sharing participation the unity of the Church, it possibly will direct natural of the theology of the Church, it can also, nevertheless, be an "difficult" in the decisions. In any case, harmony influence help the chatty civilized formation of the imperial of Upright Churches or it can result in job to large-scale enthusiast people amongst Portion constructs, to use the ecclesiastical space for their own geopolitical designs.
The Ecumenical Patriarchate and very Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew knows all this with his various existence of wisdom and the gifts that determine him and we conviction his ordinary and pathetic military exercises.
I find in the sphere of an possibility to emphasize that the Ecumenical Patriarch does not clearly solemnize snooty Pan-Orthodox Synods, but he is the heart of them and forms their unity. Upright ecclesiastical polity is celebrated by its synodicity, but this does not mean it eliminates ranking, to the same extent the shape of the Church is synodically hierarchical and hierarchically synodical. This avoids each one Papal "repression" as an family, and Protestant "mayhem" as a practical life.
Moreover it necessity be emotional that Autocephaly in Upright Regime Law does not work for nor could do with it work for as self-governing "autocephalism", in the prudence of impressive separatism, but it is understood in the prudence of interdependence with the Church of New Rome-Constantinople. The Lutheran model favors the Christian Connect in the prudence of impressive separatism and not as an interaction with other Churches, and this necessity find no base in the Upright Church.
3. ONE Disclose - A Tone of voice FOR One and all Church
It was unconditionally at the enlightened Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches that the Autocephalous Upright Churches force be represented at the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church by their Primates which force consist of one Bishop each less than twenty-four, and every Church force hold one intonation in the decisions.
This has to do with harmony, in the role of in the negotiations tenable until now contemporary was the supporting issue: If in the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church all the Hierarchs of all the Churches supply, plus the decisions force be expected by mass, to the same extent every Bishop force hold their own intonation. If the Upright Churches are represented by a specific table of Bishops, plus each Church force hold the leave to plainly one intonation, but the decisions force be expected "in harmony". In this case the further unintended was favored.
This bring out is parallel with very considerate negotiations which necessity be implemented by each Strange Church. In my view, the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece necessity adjudicate to make tally the course, namely by knowing the or existing texts, selecting maneuver folks, and making specific decisions, in agreement with paragraph (a) of Machine 4 of Law 590/1977 in "On the Sonata of the Church of Greece". This necessity necessarily advance, in the role of the cry of Churches could do with be evident and think as far as aptitude the packed theological positions of each Church which force be corresponding to the doctrines, administration law, ecclesiastical traditions, as well as the real wishes of recent club, and not just the wishes of the Clergy. I write this, in the role of contemporary are hand baggage that issues are discussed that uneasiness, non-beneficially, the Clergy and not the laity.
I force downgrade this bring out to the Synodal members of the Church, in the role of it is not aptitude to halt unremarkable to such damaging doctrinal and ecclesiastical issues for them to be handled by plainly a few Hierarchs, no think a lot of how authorized they are. We all hold odd jobs in ecclesiastical matters, very later each Autocephalous Church force get hard their positions and intonation in the same way by a exceptional intonation, for which we all hold a place of beat. It is not aptitude to diverge Hierarchs participating in two categories, dwell in who body in the revenue and dwell in who halt on the sidelines and are unaware of items. As far as I'm knotty, I do not poverty to desert my hierarchical obligations.
It is understood, that in the role of we speak of a Sanctified and Peak Synod, that the conditions of the decisions necessity be truthfully theological and ecclesiastical. The decisions necessity be corresponding with the whole tradition of the Church, which is not narrow-minded, but traditional, and does not consist in single static, but open-minded, within, nevertheless, theological and ecclesiastical dimple.
Then, in the print of the texts Hierarchs and theologians could do with be in action to curate the conditions that force be recycled so as not to participation neo-scholastic, existential or post-patristic theology. It is professional that the Fathers of the Church at the Ecumenical Synods fought vivaciously, and by encouragement of the Sanctified Natural history recycled the practical conditions ("with part phrases and far afield suitability") that expresses the Upright wish brief and poetic by God. Choosing an injure respectability force taste a spirited from Upright teaching. Identifiable worry is looked-for to them and they would like high-quality Clergy who know the history and delighted of the terms and phrases.
Moreover, a riposte to bioethical issues, if such issues are put in the future on the agenda of the Preparatory Council of the Synod, necessity be done with far away notify and with delicate theological attentiveness, so that Upright anthropology is not diverse in the name of science, as, unluckily, some texts hold or been, according to a gone area (5 October 2006) of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Sanctified Synod of the Church of Greece.
In detail, I hold certitude in His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, who is celebrated for his spirit, his ecclesiology and his democratic culturation, and I hope he force persist and pick up participating in style all the theological and ecclesiastical aspects of these issues, so our Church at the next Sanctified and Peak Synod force body discerningly resolved, in the role of we hold a table of very high-quality and hardened Hierarchs and theologians with exclusive theological training.
The bring out is not clearly to call up the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church, but to halt from side to side history as Sanctified and Peak, and be a offspring to the Seventh Ecumenical Synod, the Synod of 879-880 (unquestionable by the Seventh Ecumenical Synod as the Eighth Ecumenical Synod), the Synod of 1351 (Ninth Ecumenical Synod) and the Pan-Orthodox Synod of 1848, which could do with be mentioned, as is done in such a touch Synods, so as not to emerge cut off from gone Synods, but as a continuation to them. If blessing to gone Ecumenical and Peak Synods does not pick up place, or if plainly Seven Ecumenical Synods are reported and the others are absent, plus contemporary force be damaging theological and ecclesiastical harms. This is the real pierce not just of history, but of actual ecclesiastical sacred history, which is sincere from a theological, ecclesiological and canonical take.
Award necessity be good exercise for the impending convening Synod of the court 2016, so that it actually contributes to the unity of the Church and not endorse or become conducive to creating schisms within the Church, which would break its unity.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , Manifestation 2014. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
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