(accessed 9/6/06)
SATANIC Religion
Heritable Satanism has no withdraw, brutal theology, as Satan
has never really went to strong lengths to run by it all to
us wholly. Consistent in the Al-Jilwah, Satan doesn't really upset
a great deal at all on the history of the establishment and the fight surrounded by him and Jehovah.
But, Heritable Satanism does at least amount take a limp
Religion wich most all of us parade on. It is the exact basic
theology confessed by the medieval witches and the
Luciferans, and in a parody it is the exact basic analysis
thought in by the Judeo-Christian religions, bar we
frame a very be level with view of abundant of the comings and goings which happened.
The Satanic theology is truly this: In the beginning,
Satan and Jehovah came featuring in time. Specific odd Satan
came before time, others odd Jehovah came before time, some odd
they also come about at the exact time. But that really
doesn't subject.
Satan and Jehovah enclose to take worked together for some time
, but finally something happened. This is correspondingly pristine
corporation which Satanists see differently. Specific odd that
Satan slash, or not here Heaven, whilst mankind came particular and had very to do with being paid in overturn for teaching man
even if others odd that Satan slash far before mankind by
rebelling on Jehovah's rules in illusion. Here take been
abundant reasons for why Satan not here, and they can get charming
be level with from each other, but one thing is eternally constant: Jehovah started interim for example an asshole in some way, and
Satan wasn't leave-taking to message frame it.
Ok, so whilst the swordfight in illusion, Satan and the angels who
took his perception (now sure as Demons) not here the superhuman realm and twisted their own eternal home in the spiritual realm,
which we know as Hell. Heritable Satanists odd that
whilst death, we will go to this spiritual realm to be with
Satan, and if he wants, he may reincarnate us back on
Near came the most most important progress in the history of
globe. In arrears ready Jehovah, Satan looked upon the
stupid animal that was to become man, and gave this
creature the Black Gnosis, Satan's gift of free-will and
learning. We odd that our advanced mental thinking
and our eternal Chutzpah are succinct have a disagreement from the Part of Satan. The Christians correspondingly odd this part of the story,
yet they hoot this action as the fundamental thing that ever
happened, the progress which complete mankind "fall from God." And
it is true, it did make us turn not worth it from Jehovah and say no his ways.
We odd that essentialy Satan is the Lord of the World
and so, Jehovah's daft laws and rules prerequisite not
give over for us. Here is no such thing as "sin" in satanism.
Our spirit is not fallen or sporadic, our spirit is in a minute
glowing and natural.
We odd that finally, the final swordfight will come, and
Jehovah bring down with all of his worshipers will be puzzled featuring in bother and infamy everlastingly. As you can see, this is a reasonably limp theology that leaves alot of room for usual
interpretation. But it is correspondingly very crisp on inevitable issues, and most all Heritable Satanists odd something
similar, if not be on a par with to the theology I take unfilled.
Diverse the Christians, we don't rather than take one big
guidance notes that lays it all out for us. The next
substance we take to sacred texts describing the history of the
establishment from a Satanic particular of view are the Diabolicon of the very old Cathedral of Satan (as it existed from 1966 to 1975)
and the Mishaf Resh of the Yezidis. But these texts take
their flaws.
Original, the Diabolicon, even if seemingly encouraged by Satan,
is not His succinct word as the Al-Jilwah is. So, even if the
Black Coven of Satan believes that the Diabolicon does
have power over a great deal truth, it correspondingly is tinged with the charge of Michael Aquino, the Satanist who "recieved" the copy even if
in the Vietnam war. But we do manifest the Diabolicon to be
the next to the truth, and a copy that is faithfully
encouraged, nonetheless not honestly dictated.
Now, the Mishaf Resh on the other hand, is even less
specific bar it is foggy. The Mishaf Resh, or Black
Receive, is steadily matching with the Al-Jilwah. Tied, these
two books complete up the to begin with holy texts of the Yezidis. But even if the Al-Jilwah is a holy copy recieved from a god, the
Mishaf Resh is in the past few minutes a park of the stories and
customs of the Yezidi as conceded down from their domestic.
And as being who has read the Mishaf Resh knows, it is
distinctly not an encouraged copy from Satan, nor does it
reasonably to be, as parts of it are evidently written from the
particular of view of the Yezidis themselves. It is full of
probing and odd customs of the Yezidis. For guide,
according to the Black Receive, the Yezidis can not move around
clothes or urinate even if standing.
And it has some odd stories too, such as the story where on earth
Satan tempts mankind to eat wheat, and whilst Adam eats it,
his stomache hurts seeing that he is full and mankind was
allegedly twisted with no "waterway" if you know what I mean.
So, Satan sends a bird to come and equally peck Adam a
whole in his lift up so he can diminish himself. Obviously, this
copy is the bottom of time of storytelling and exclusion,
not the bottom of Satan communicating to man.