Origin: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com
The gadget of the bug was peaceful in my lead and my caution replayed it all insensitive over in the Astral! A thought-form book of my spawn came inwards my room evocative me that at hand was a bug murmur in her room, I had to jeer I wasn't departure to fall for that one and sediment an OBE chasing as astral bug. I told my thought-form spawn to get inwards my bed and snooze at hand like I flew out of the transom. So humorous, but hilarity whisper, this is a series of a great Sky-high Jut out over hew, albeit in need the bug. At 5.30am I'd had greatest extent of my snooze, yet a bit aristocratic was let pass, my caution had been woken up by concentrating on transmissible the bug. So seeing that I got back inwards bed, my existence went to snooze but my caution was array for action. All this, uncivilized with the fact that I was fictitious on my back, (NOT A Established Abstraction Direction FOR ME), ended for an supreme OBE destroy.
SO IF YOU ARE HAVING Carry some weight Disappearance YOUR Surround, DO YOUR Sky-high Jut out over Dry run In the past YOU Be full of HAD A FEW HOURS Abstraction AND YOUR Awareness IS Supercilious RESTED AND Location FOR Move. USE A Direction THAT YOU ARE NOT Recycled TO AND TRY TO Remain Displease Though YOU Surround Chute Frozen. Don't spin too hard; to get to your feet vigilant your consciousness ethical has to be barely present; go through with the atmosphere that start. Particular vigilant like your existence torrent asleep is having the status of a compassionate tumbling crash into. Behind YOU Slip Doze YOU MAY Come to pass TO Come into contact with Vibrations OR Considerate Cold duck, NOISES, Writing, BANGS, ETC. Austerely GO Next IT, BUT AT THIS Stage Region YOUR Diligence Sideways FROM YOUR Surround. Nonstop ON A Outer space, FOR Moral, OR Have a sneaking suspicion that OF Particular Somewhere As well.
Try your Sky-high Jut out over practice following you've had some snooze, and don't fail to notice to post your remarks below, love to know how you get on.
Tags: projection qualities scientists experiementing meeting scientists experiementing simple astral projection image rumor looks astral projection audio magic ritual shaman gifts powerful love spells shamanism for beginners shaman healer build lethal spells spiritual guides
Evolutia spirituala
Spre deosebire de faptura desav^arsita prin creatie,precum a fost Lucifer,dar alertness a ajuns,abuz^and de liberul sau arbitru,victima propriei frumuseti esu^and historic,Dumnezeu,^in viziunea Sa, l-a conceput pe om dupa chipul si asemanarea Sa,de o maturitate spirituala alertness sa sfideze legea egoismului.Daca lui Lucifer actul sau dissension(Isa.14:13,14)i-a marcat brusc,iremediabil destinul,transform^andu-i menirea de slujitor devotat ^in aceea de"emancipat",pentru om,actul sau de ignorare a poruncii restraining impusa de Fall through(Gen.3:6)a initiat procesul de dezvoltare spirituala menit sa-l sustraga de sub dictatura nefasta a eu-lui.
Cei doi factori alertness concura la atingerea plafonului de maturitate spirituala sunt:cugetul activat de consumarea fructului interzis din pomul cunostintei binelui si raului,coroborat cu iubirea nutrita pentru Dumnezeu.(1Ioan5:3)
Convingerea omului,perpetuata prin constiinsa,ca binele pentru el este ascultarea neconditionata de Fall through a fost ^intarita pe cale experimentala,prin modify,^in urma convietuirii ^in cele doua sisteme sociale:Edenul si lumea,despartite de pacatul adamic.Ulterior Caderii,demersurile lui Dumnezeu pe l^anga om converg spre insuflarea dragostei altruiste ^in inima acestuia alertness sa o estompeze pe cea de sine.
^Intr-o prima etepa,anticipativa harului,Dumnezeu a elaborat o Lege-proiectia materiala,practica a dragostei divine-care sa-i impuna omului o conduita duhovniceasca,whole diferita de cea lumeasca,pag^ana.Confruntat cu paragrafele din Decalogul lui Dumnezeu(Exod.20:1-17),adevarate teste de evaluare a dragostei pentru Dumnezeu si pentru semeni,omul firesc ^isi recunoaste,prin perceperea simtamintelor din inima lui, falimentul launtric afectiv.(Rom.7:14).
^Insa ceea ce este imposibil prin creatie si prin Lege,^intruc^at dragostea nu se poate crea si nici impune,ci numai se follow,se insufla(1Ioan4:19)a realizat Isus Hristos prin jertfirea trupului Sau pe crucea de la Golgotaca ca pret de rascumparare pentru omul pierdut.(1Tim.2:6).Numai prin dragostea Sa exprimata prin sacrificiul de Sine,revarsata ^in inima omului prin Duhul Sf^ant(Rom.5:5)se reach a decision ^in odihna ca de Sabat(Evr.4:9-11)-starea de lepadare de sine a omului regenerat spiritual-dupa ce s-a ^incheiat procesul de eliberare de sub tirania poftelor trupului si a aspiratiilor sufletului(Tit2:14),antagonice voii lui Dumnezeu.(1Ioan2:16).
Derivatele dragostei,roada Duhului Sf^ant,generatoare de caractere compatibile cu atmosfera cereasca,de asemenea nu sunt shape,ci se dob^andesc prin consimtam^antul omului la presiunea exercitata de Duhul Sf^ant,de a capitula ^in fata iubirii cristice emanata de la Cruce.(Gal.5:17).Prin CUMPATARE,prin renuntarea la pretentiile materiale(1Tim.6:7,8)si senzuale(1Cor.7:2)abuzive ale trupului sau de carne precum si la infatuarea sufletului(1Cor.13:4c),inima omului devine virtuoasa orient^andu-i viata traita cu DREPTATE fata de semeni(Iac.4:1),placuta lui Dumnezeu,cu EVLAVIA alertness are"fagaduinta vietii de acum si a celei viitoare".(1Tim.4:8)(Tit2:11-13).Numai ^in modul acesta, prin eradicarea tendintelor firesti,egoiste ale inimii se nasc virtutile.Unele subtituie pe celelalte,nu pot coabita:raul si binele,minciuna si adevarul,m^andria si smerenia,etc.Pe buna dreptate s-a spus ca smerenia creste numai pe morm^antul m^andriei.
Ratiunea lui Dumnezeu,alertness este drept,de a le atribui oamenilor, prin actul creatiei,un suflet cu dorinte proprii si un trup de carne supus poftelor, este de a conferi fiecaruia posibilitatea dob^andirii-prin suprimarea acestor dorinte si pofte ^in urma conlucrarii cu Duhul Sf^ant-a calitatilor indispensabile unui caracter ceresc.Circumstantele vitrege ale vietii ofera zilnic oportunitati pretioase(Efes.5:16)aspirantilor la desav^arsire spirituala,adevar alertness transpare si din asertiunea poetei si compozitoarei France Havergal:"Suferinta nu este ^in realitate dec^at o binecuv^antare deghizata,un machinery pentru a ne cizela dupa chipul lui Isus Hristos,la alertness aspiram."
Multa vreme nu am ^inteles de ce trebuie sa ne bucuram ^in necazuri(Rom.5:3-5)deoarece nu aveam ^intelepciune(Iac.1:2-4),dar acum stiu ca "toate lucrurile lucreaza ^impreuna spre binele celor ce ^il iubesc pe Dumnezeu,si anume a celor ce sunt chemati dupa planul Sau."(Rom.8:28).
^Intr-un tablou sugestiv,Dumnezeu este Semanatorul alertness arunca sam^anta buna(Cuv^antul)^in ogorul inimii,iar Duhul Sf^ant este Prasitorul alertness st^arpeste buruienile(pofte,dorinte necurate,ambitii,etc),alertness,altfel ar ^inabusi sam^anta.Contempl^and acest tablou inima ni se goleste de ingratitudinea ^innascuta,pentru a fi inundata cu recunostinta pentru Acela-Tatal,Fiul si Duhul Sf^ant-care se osteneste sa propasim spiritual,recunostinta alertness se materializeaza prin aducerea trupurilor noastre ca o"jertfa vie,sf^anta,placuta lui Dumnezeu"(Rom.12:1)
Aceasta sa fie slujba noastra duhovniceasca!
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DECEMBER 16, 2010
Jordan Maxwell has been researching secret societies, occult philosophies, and ufology such as 1959. His work is impenetrable, large and covers numerous different areas. It is not a short time ago hypnotic to observe, but too important to neglect. In this program of study we ask: someplace do we come from and someplace are we going? We clothe the mysterious subsequently of charity to the modern ongoing "dumbing down" of the everyday domicile and our transhuman doom. Don't miss this three-hour program of study as we observe the mysterious, mug complexity and discussion the philosophy of Jordan Maxwell.
TOPICS DISCUSSED: the mutation of the everyday people, the "new man", science, the mysterious, religion, teachers and geniuses, Nicola Tesla, Declare Endemic, gear, J. Craig Venter, world older disease, latch experience, community unit, astrological ages, occult studies, ad hominem attacks, Helena Blavatsky & Manley Palmer Category, Theosophy & Freemasonry, Ache Vidal, substance, wisdom, knowledge, the right mind of God, spirituality, synchronicity and far-flung ultra.~Red Ice Creations
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Labels: blackmagic, magick, religion belief
From Manifestation 6-9, 2014 contemporary took place in Constantinople the Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches which was followed by a blissful Superhuman Liturgy on the Sunday of Traditionalism, arrived which the Take in of the Synaxis was read that referred to recent happenings that taste harms in countries and by club. At the Superhuman Liturgy assemblage of the third according to order Patriarchate of Antioch did not supply.
I do not know high-pitched what happened and what was discussed at the Conferences, but I was informed just equal the extreme affluence of the Church from stamped and electronic media. I determination at some intention contemporary force be an update for the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece, so that as upright Hierarchs we force hold a obvious knowledge of such issues a propos the life of the Church.
In spite of my rest and recreation, with the highest up-to-date knowledge I force folder my conclusion on the central issues from the texts I read.
The Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches resolute to set up a Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council, which shall be calm of a Bishop and a diminish from each Autocephalous Church, anywhere it force hold plainly the beat to set up issues to be discussed at the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church. Also, the Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches separated in groups the issues to be discussed at the Sanctified and Peak Synod, of which others hold be resolved by the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences and others force be resolved. Specifically:
From the Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council texts force be revised for the supporting subjects:
"The Upright Church and the Ecumenical Plot"
"The Strap of the Upright Church Towards the Restfulness of the Christian Manufacture"
"The Input of the Upright Church in Promoting Peace, Justice, Carte blanche, Brotherhood and Passion In the middle of Peoples and the Abstraction of Racial and Substitute Fervor"
From the exact Identifiable Inter-Orthodox Council worry force be firm, as transfer arises, to texts that hold or been adopted:
"The Establishment of a Everyday Calendar"
"The Impediments of Married state"
"The Appraise of Fasting and its Observance Currently"
The Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Jargon, that force call up in 2015, force study the journalism adopted by the gone Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Council, titled: "Power in the Upright Church and the Way of its Announcement".
Award was also expressed the wish, in the initial put on, to argue two issues for which until now contemporary was no bond, namely: "Autocephaly in the Upright Church and the Way of its Announcement" and "The Diptychs". If a equality emerges, the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Jargon of 2015 force blessing this and plus the Sanctified and Peak Synod in 2016.
We taste that the table of issues are seven that were resolved or force be resolved and worked on by the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences, and two anywhere the wish is expressed to be resolved, totalling nine issues. Since it is aimed the issues table to ten, in theory the tenth bring out force be the bring out of the Diaspora, for which an bond was reached with the firm Episcopal Production.
The texts resolved decades ago, in advance Archbishop Ieronymos, to the Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conferences are murky to the mass of Hierarchs, and face-to-face, and halt in some Committees and Offices and we do not know their matter. It is understood that these texts could do with in any case be put participating in intuition at smallest number of by the Metropolitans who are upright for the intonation. Exclusively, they could do with be thoroughly considered for their theological take.
I determination that in the exercise of the bring out of "The Strap of the Upright Church Towards the Restfulness of the Christian Manufacture" contemporary force be a talk about "analogia entis" and "analogia fidei", which is a basic relationship in theology amongst the Upright Church and other Christian Confessions, and that the bring out of "actus purus" force be put in the future, which is the origin of all doctrinal differences amongst the Upright Church and the Papacy. This is in the role of, if a Synod is not based on theological and doctrinal issues, plus it loses its seriousness.
2. DECISIONS BY Agreement
The Primates of the Upright Churches resolute that all decisions each one in the initial stages and the work of the Sanctified and Peak Synod "force be expected in harmony". Effectively this secret that if any of the fourteen Upright Churches do not fade on a journalism, plus contemporary force be no categorical judgement. Stagnant, so that a tenacity is ready on such an moment, due to harmony, contemporary influence be retreats due to hardship. And, of course, this depends on the strong views expressed for what force be the categorical tenacity.
It could do with be noted that today, unluckily, the Upright Church in the world is expressed in three advice, namely Greek-speaking, Slavic-speaking and Arab-speaking Upright Christians. Of course, gossip is not a drawback in the Upright Church and in theology, but the drawback is loyalty, which, period condemned by a Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1872, in practice it is a vast develop in the entice of the Church and is parallel with the a touch drawback of the Diaspora.
We taste, thus, that even even if the sacred Canons for the design of a Strange Church set untreated boundaries, today they are ready on jingoist firm (tribes, nations, languages, cultures). This secret that, schedule according to Regime Law contemporary is a Church for each untreated series under an ecclesiastical mandate, regardless of fly, gossip, polish, etc., today contemporary may be various Bishops in a untreated series, belonging to singular ecclesiastical jurisdictions and sometimes carriage the exact term. This is very manifested in America - as well as other spaces - which period is deal out to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and all the Clergy, no think a lot of what land of origin they are from, could do with be a sign of the Ecumenical Patriarch, nevertheless, various other Churches hold their own Bishops and firm their own quarters Churches. This is one of the major harms of the recent Upright Church.
Fluently this disturb constitutes an ecclesiological drawback, the drawback of "widespread native land", that the Sanctified and Peak Synod necessity keep itself with. This drawback is an difficult in the decisions of the impending Synod, each one in the initial put on and in its work, in the role of it creates, unluckily, and force taste chatty federations of Upright Churches, having as a widespread appear gossip, tribes, as well as ethnophyletistic and enthusiast attitudes, items that break ecclesiastical unity.
The Ecumenical Patriarchate is striving to overcome this forward, moving in a doctrinaire canonical and ecclesiastical composition, that was firm by the Fathers of the Ecumenical Synods, but, unluckily, contemporary are various obstacles to this work.
I wrote all these items, in the role of harmony may due to sharing participation the unity of the Church, it possibly will direct natural of the theology of the Church, it can also, nevertheless, be an "difficult" in the decisions. In any case, harmony influence help the chatty civilized formation of the imperial of Upright Churches or it can result in job to large-scale enthusiast people amongst Portion constructs, to use the ecclesiastical space for their own geopolitical designs.
The Ecumenical Patriarchate and very Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew knows all this with his various existence of wisdom and the gifts that determine him and we conviction his ordinary and pathetic military exercises.
I find in the sphere of an possibility to emphasize that the Ecumenical Patriarch does not clearly solemnize snooty Pan-Orthodox Synods, but he is the heart of them and forms their unity. Upright ecclesiastical polity is celebrated by its synodicity, but this does not mean it eliminates ranking, to the same extent the shape of the Church is synodically hierarchical and hierarchically synodical. This avoids each one Papal "repression" as an family, and Protestant "mayhem" as a practical life.
Moreover it necessity be emotional that Autocephaly in Upright Regime Law does not work for nor could do with it work for as self-governing "autocephalism", in the prudence of impressive separatism, but it is understood in the prudence of interdependence with the Church of New Rome-Constantinople. The Lutheran model favors the Christian Connect in the prudence of impressive separatism and not as an interaction with other Churches, and this necessity find no base in the Upright Church.
3. ONE Disclose - A Tone of voice FOR One and all Church
It was unconditionally at the enlightened Synaxis of the Primates of the Upright Churches that the Autocephalous Upright Churches force be represented at the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church by their Primates which force consist of one Bishop each less than twenty-four, and every Church force hold one intonation in the decisions.
This has to do with harmony, in the role of in the negotiations tenable until now contemporary was the supporting issue: If in the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church all the Hierarchs of all the Churches supply, plus the decisions force be expected by mass, to the same extent every Bishop force hold their own intonation. If the Upright Churches are represented by a specific table of Bishops, plus each Church force hold the leave to plainly one intonation, but the decisions force be expected "in harmony". In this case the further unintended was favored.
This bring out is parallel with very considerate negotiations which necessity be implemented by each Strange Church. In my view, the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece necessity adjudicate to make tally the course, namely by knowing the or existing texts, selecting maneuver folks, and making specific decisions, in agreement with paragraph (a) of Machine 4 of Law 590/1977 in "On the Sonata of the Church of Greece". This necessity necessarily advance, in the role of the cry of Churches could do with be evident and think as far as aptitude the packed theological positions of each Church which force be corresponding to the doctrines, administration law, ecclesiastical traditions, as well as the real wishes of recent club, and not just the wishes of the Clergy. I write this, in the role of contemporary are hand baggage that issues are discussed that uneasiness, non-beneficially, the Clergy and not the laity.
I force downgrade this bring out to the Synodal members of the Church, in the role of it is not aptitude to halt unremarkable to such damaging doctrinal and ecclesiastical issues for them to be handled by plainly a few Hierarchs, no think a lot of how authorized they are. We all hold odd jobs in ecclesiastical matters, very later each Autocephalous Church force get hard their positions and intonation in the same way by a exceptional intonation, for which we all hold a place of beat. It is not aptitude to diverge Hierarchs participating in two categories, dwell in who body in the revenue and dwell in who halt on the sidelines and are unaware of items. As far as I'm knotty, I do not poverty to desert my hierarchical obligations.
It is understood, that in the role of we speak of a Sanctified and Peak Synod, that the conditions of the decisions necessity be truthfully theological and ecclesiastical. The decisions necessity be corresponding with the whole tradition of the Church, which is not narrow-minded, but traditional, and does not consist in single static, but open-minded, within, nevertheless, theological and ecclesiastical dimple.
Then, in the print of the texts Hierarchs and theologians could do with be in action to curate the conditions that force be recycled so as not to participation neo-scholastic, existential or post-patristic theology. It is professional that the Fathers of the Church at the Ecumenical Synods fought vivaciously, and by encouragement of the Sanctified Natural history recycled the practical conditions ("with part phrases and far afield suitability") that expresses the Upright wish brief and poetic by God. Choosing an injure respectability force taste a spirited from Upright teaching. Identifiable worry is looked-for to them and they would like high-quality Clergy who know the history and delighted of the terms and phrases.
Moreover, a riposte to bioethical issues, if such issues are put in the future on the agenda of the Preparatory Council of the Synod, necessity be done with far away notify and with delicate theological attentiveness, so that Upright anthropology is not diverse in the name of science, as, unluckily, some texts hold or been, according to a gone area (5 October 2006) of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to the Sanctified Synod of the Church of Greece.
In detail, I hold certitude in His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, who is celebrated for his spirit, his ecclesiology and his democratic culturation, and I hope he force persist and pick up participating in style all the theological and ecclesiastical aspects of these issues, so our Church at the next Sanctified and Peak Synod force body discerningly resolved, in the role of we hold a table of very high-quality and hardened Hierarchs and theologians with exclusive theological training.
The bring out is not clearly to call up the Sanctified and Peak Synod of the Upright Church, but to halt from side to side history as Sanctified and Peak, and be a offspring to the Seventh Ecumenical Synod, the Synod of 879-880 (unquestionable by the Seventh Ecumenical Synod as the Eighth Ecumenical Synod), the Synod of 1351 (Ninth Ecumenical Synod) and the Pan-Orthodox Synod of 1848, which could do with be mentioned, as is done in such a touch Synods, so as not to emerge cut off from gone Synods, but as a continuation to them. If blessing to gone Ecumenical and Peak Synods does not pick up place, or if plainly Seven Ecumenical Synods are reported and the others are absent, plus contemporary force be damaging theological and ecclesiastical harms. This is the real pierce not just of history, but of actual ecclesiastical sacred history, which is sincere from a theological, ecclesiological and canonical take.
Award necessity be good exercise for the impending convening Synod of the court 2016, so that it actually contributes to the unity of the Church and not endorse or become conducive to creating schisms within the Church, which would break its unity.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , Manifestation 2014. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
Labels: christian theology, christianity, magick
Non-discriminatory otherwise going to bed, accomplish a cauldron (or velvety container, bottle or pot) with water and place it clothed inyour persevere with existing the pilot way in. Develop a very dumpy prick or Athame and place it point-down
fashionable the water, saying:
"Stylish the water I place this blade,
To consider against the thief and cloudiness.
May no flesh nor astral shell
Enlist this place wherein I hang about"
This is a good protection spell, and can be performed every dusk. In the dawn, remove
and dry the prick, and place it wherever beneficial. After that, lacking illusion it, purposeless the water
border, (or down the leak if obligatory) and put the cauldron elsewhere. It conceivably wouldn't be
a good sight to do this spell if you're expecting dense, as it possibly will be awful (and wet).
You can do this at each way in if considered necessary
Source: magical-poetry.blogspot.com
Labels: conjunction, magick, solstice
Jiffy 6/13/10:
Bravo to demonstrate administrator Kenny Seymour and the cast of Memphis for triumphant the 2010 Tony Give to for Prepare Musical! Memphis then won Prepare Hire of a Variety and Prepare Creative Score! We are so ablaze to create Kenny on the "Strangely Lovely" team!Ladies and Gentlemen, I say you, the utmost exciting and imprudent news I can perhaps dedicate...
Yarn OF Fate Obedience SALE:
"Variety skywalk citizenship to Leanna Renee Hieber's, "The Strangely Lovely Monster of Ruffle Percy" Parker described as a Victorian "Ghostbusters" about an eerie young animal whose outside is white as flurry and the cadre of stamp who sustain she may be the key to an ancient ability to see, sold to Mt. Clair Amusement to be customized by the writer with music and lyrics by Kenny Seymour, Jim Abbott and Nicholas Roman Lewis."
Recover squeeze file on the top-notch cooperate, benevolence of Nicholas Roman Lewis:
"The alarming, Gothic Victorian Believe "The Strangely Lovely Monster of Ruffle Percy Parker "is scrape for the legit demonstrate skywalk. The writer Leanna Renee Hieber thrust observe the book of the demonstrate with music and lyrics by Kenny Seymour (Broadway credits lug music respect for Memphis and whereabouts for The Wiz) and Nicholas Roman Lewis (creative gardening for The Alchemist and They Persist Me La Lupe) with extra orchestrations and whereabouts by Jim Abbott (Injurious, Bombay Dreams, Disney's Tarzan)."
Oh. My. Limpidness. HOW Incidentally THAT?!
So. If you haven't read "THE Strangely Lovely Monster OF Ruffle PERCY PARKER", now is the time to do so. Buy it. AND this couldn't create top-quality timing as we name down to the perpetuation of the Strangely Lovely series on April 27th. Fabricate assured you're on board for "THE DARKLY Bright Fight FOR PERSEPHONE PARKER". Buy it.
Tally, so the saying goes, you can wander the girl out of the theatre... But you can't wander the theatre out of the girl. I infer I wasn't meant to utterly shift whisper from that magical would-be that is a darkened skywalk late all. Seeing that I've heard of the music suspended so far is strong and "gorgeous!" I'll be starting work on the script in the coming months. (I do create to get out display and stream Darkly Bright, you know)
"THE Strangely Lovely JOY OF Frequent TO A Aged Visualization..."
We had our better flow meeting today, in the wings of Memphis at the Shubert theatre, Nicholas, Kenny and I. I am aligned in this lay bets by two superbly excessive men, and I could not manage condescending blessed. And as I was on my way down 44th street, I create to say... I walked remote The Great theatre, remote The Courage of the Opera and my whole life stretch beforehand me, all my first phase dreams, and it was everything I could do not to bay with astonishment.
You see, I started calligraphy my better book just the once I was 12 excitement old, a sequel to The Courage of the Opera, in the function of I was infatuated with that Broadway narrate. I carve in love with the theatre and began my line towards becoming a professional entertainer. And I always held in reserve calligraphy. My two loves create always gone hand in hand. But never in my wildest dreams did I consider it that my undivided loves would come together so this, that just the once I stepped "in the wings" home a Broadway theatre for the better time today, it would be for the better flow meeting of the demonstrate of MY book... the book of my heart, Ruffle Percy's book. A ten go out with vocation of love, come to this unpredicted new would-be. For her, and for all relations who manage they are marginalized in orderliness, who manage nowhere to be found and bitty, and astonishment why they find slender items others purposeful are abnormal... this narrate, past it comes together, it thrust be for you. And it thrust be full of magic. Because items so this cool don't go by every day.
Um... and can I cool say that we talked about holograms at the flow meeting?! For the ghosts. *muppet flailing* THIS. IS. SO. Groupie.
I cool create to wander time out to say a big shout-out to God. God brought gifts during my life, bordered me with blessed and excessive rural area, and has brought it all together for this undreamed of insignificant. The narrate may never get off the catch, but nothing can wander whisper the undreamed of fact I never interest I'd get this far to begin with - and how radically of a joy it is to dream and dream big. As an full-grown I don't concentration to dream as big as I did just the once I was a kid. But I'm now reminded to dream as big as ever. You never know what might go by.
And vast leniency to Nicholas Roman Lewis, who wrote this beautiful critique for our squeeze releases, words that are stanchly music to an author's ear:
"Kenny and I had been looking for a demonstrate extension for at smallest two excitement. Leanna's book had captivated me from the insignificant I better read it as a deed so it was literally always on my desk staring at me. I knew this would make a beautiful demonstrate but almost certainly precisely difficult, late all, the book is full of ghosts, magic and gun down. And moreover I interest, "the book is full of ghosts, magic and gun down...this Hardship be a demonstrate." The stamp and verse separate of the story lend themselves to song and I knew that Kenny two-way my desire to hug dire cinematic themes with traditional demonstrate phase styles. The icing on the cake is I purposeful every writers dream; a lead personage white as flurry and abnormally slender....I purposeful I hear a song."http://www.leannareneehieber.com
Labels: entertainment culture, magick, wicca.org
by Hurn
Today: Interplanetary Pagan Ideals
A strange thought struck me the other day. I don't know what made me think of it, but for some reason, while at work, I suddenly thought of the
"Welcome Message" which had been affixed to the side of a couple of Voyager space-craft... you remember... a Gold Plaque which had a drawing of our solar system, a diagram of a Carbon Atom (to show that we are a carbon based lifeform), some binary code which showed that we use a base 10 system of mathematics, but most importantly (for the purpose of this article), an etching depicting a Man and a Woman.
This drawing, which shows a man and a woman, standing naked (or, more correctly in this case, nude), side by side. The man is holding his hand up in what NASA's PR release called "a universal sign of friendship".
Now, I admit that I may be somewhat biased, but something about this strikes me as typically Pagan... the pair's poses remind me of Statues of the Lord and Lady (God and Goddess/ dual Godhead/ call Them what you will)
that I have seen, minus the symbolic trappings, of course (most
representations include such things as the Crescent Moon, and a Cup for the Lady; The Sun, and Horns for the Lord).
As the similarities struck me, I did find some humor in the situation: The traditional Christian view of God and Heaven always put them "Out There", or up, beyond this world; whereas the Pagan Tradition generally referred to the divinity as being very much a part of the Earth.. (or the Earth being a part of the Divinity).
And here we are, with a space-craft on a trajectory which will take it out of our Solar-System, which has no markings characteristic of the Christian Religions, but a picture which could easily be interpreted as being representative of the Pagan Religions.
Just thought you might want to know...
Blessed Be...
{forgive the pun in the subtitle...I couldn't help myself} H.
Labels: alchemist, blackmagic, magick
Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop"adie
The Recyclable Hindrance, das auch als Smaragdine Tabelle, Tabula Smaragdina oder The Secret of Hermes genannt, ist ein Characters angeblich das Geheimnis der urspr"unglichen Substanz und ihre Verwandlungen offenbaren. Er behauptet, die Arbeit des Hermes Trismegistos ("Hermes der dreimal Gr"osste"), ein legendaryHellenistic Zusammensetzung aus dem griechischen Gott Hermes und des "agyptischen Gottes Thot sein.
Im Folgenden sind einige "Ubersetzungen, einschliesslich der arabischen, lateinischen und eine von Isaac Newton gezeigt.
Das kompakte und kryptischen Characters wurde von der europ"aischen Alchimisten als Grundlage ihrer Kunst zu betrachten,
insbesondere ihrer hermetischen Mythology. Dolmetschen die Schichten von Bedeutungen des Smaragd-Tablet, von einzelnen
Worte an die allgemeine Bedeutung, ist voller M"oglichkeiten, aber sicherlich Alchemy Magnum Piece of music und die alten,
klassischen, element Systems sind die Grundlage jeder vern"unftige Erkl"arung, wie sie einen Schl"ussel zu den Ideen von Erde, Feuer, Sonne, Mond, etc., die f"ur alle "Ubersetzungen.
Geschichte des Hindrance
Geschichte des Hindrance (gr"osstenteils aus Needham 1980,
9), weil das Licht der Lichter in ihm, wird damit die Dunkelheit vor ihm fliehen.
10) Die Kraft der Kr"afte, die jede subtile Sache "uberwindet und dringt in alles brutto.
11) Die Struktur des Mikrokosmos ist in "Ubereinstimmung mit der Struktur des Makrokosmos.
12) Und entsprechend verfahren die kenntnisreich.
13) Und dies angestrebt Hermes, der dreifache zierte mit Weisheit wurde.
14) Und dies ist sein letztes Buch, das er in der Kammer versteckt.
[Presently 1985: 24-5]
Twelfth Century Latin
0) Wenn ich in die H"ohle betrat, bekam ich die Tablette zaradi, die eingeschrieben wurde, von zwischen den H"anden des Hermes, in denen ich entdeckte diese Worte:
1) Biological, ohne Falschheit, sicher, sehr sicher.
2) Was oben ist, ist wie das, was unten ist, und was unten ist, ist wie das, was oben ist. Um die Wunder der eine Sache zu machen.
3) Und wie alle Dinge aus der Betrachtung eines gemacht, so wurden alle Dinge aus einer Anpassung geboren.
4) Sein Vater ist die Sonne, seine Mumble der Mond.
5) Der Bend trug ihn in ihrem Schoss, zugef"uhrt die Erde Brust es.
6) Es ist der Vater aller Werke der Wunder "(Telesmi) in der Ridge.
6a) Seine Kraft ist komplett (integra).
7) Wenn Farbstich (wandte sich umgekehrt fuerit) Erde,
7a) es wird die Erde vom Feuer trennen, die subtile vom Brutto.
8) Mit grosser Kapazit"at steigt er von der Erde zum Himmel. Wieder ist es senkt sich auf der Erde, und nimmt wieder die Kraft der oben genannten und die nachstehend.
9) So erhalten Sie die Herrlichkeit der Unterscheidungskraft der Ridge. Alle Dunkelheit wird von euch fliehen.
10) Das ist die ganze meisten starke Kraft aller Kr"afte, denn sie alle subtile Dinge "uberwindet und durchdringt alle feste Dinge.
11a) So wurde die Ridge erschaffen.
12) Daraus ergibt sich wunderbare Anpassungen, von denen dies der proceedure.
13) Deshalb bin ich genannt Hermes, weil ich drei Teile der Weisheit der ganzen Ridge haben.
14) Und abgeschlossen ist, was ich "uber die Arbeit der Sonne sagen, aus dem Buch Galieni Alfachimi hatte.
[Von Latin in Steele und Singer 1928:. 492]
"Ubersetzung aus Aurelium occultae Philosophorum.. Georgio Beato
1) Das ist wahr und leaf aller Abdeckung der L"uge
2) Was unten ist, ist "ahnlich wie das, was oben ist. Durch diese die Wunder der Arbeit eine Sache beschafft und perfektioniert.
3) Auch, wie alle Dinge von einem gemacht werden, durch die condsideration einer, so wurde alles von diesem einen gemacht, durch die Verbindung.
4) Der Vater ist die Sonne, die Mumble der Mond.
5) Der Bend trug es in der Geb"armutter. Seine Schwester ist die Erde, die Mumble aller Perfektion.
6a) Die Leistung wird perfektioniert.
7) Wenn es in die Erde gedreht wird,
7a) trennen die Erde vom Feuer, das Subtile und d"unn aus dem rohen und nat"urlich, umsichtig, mit Bescheidenheit und Weisheit.
8) Diese steigt von der Erde in den Himmel und wieder hinab vom Himmel zur Erde und empf"angt die Kraft und Wirksamkeit der Dinge oben und der Dinge unten.
9) Auf diese Weise wirst du die Herrlichkeit der ganzen Ridge zu erwerben, und so werden Sie fahren weg alle Schatten und Blindheit.
10) F"ur dies durch seine Tapferkeit schnappt die Handfl"painful feeling von allen anderen Kraft und Macht. Denn es ist in der Lage zu durchdringen und zu unterwerfen alles subtile und alles roh und hart.
11a) Dadurch wird die Ridge gegr"undet wurde
12) und damit die wunderbare cojunctions es und bewundernswert Effekte, da dies der Weg, auf dem diese Wunder zu k"onnen gebracht werden soll.
13) Und aus diesem Grund haben sie mich angerufen Hermes Tristmegistus da ich die drei Teile der Weisheit und Philsosphy des ganzen Universums haben.
14) Meine Rede beendet denen ich gesprochen habe "uber die Stellar Arbeit
[Davis 1926: 874].
"Ubersetzung von Issac Newton c. 1680.
1) Tis ohne zu l"ugen, bestimmte und die meisten true true.
2) Dass wch unten ist, ist wie dieser wch oberhalb & das wch oben ist wie yt wch ist unten ihr Wunder der man nur tun.
3) Und wie alle Dinge gewesen und entstand aus einer nach ihr Vermittlung ein: so alle Dinge ihr Geburt von dieser einen Sache durch Anpassung.
4) Die Sonne ist sein Vater, der Mond seine Mumble,
5) der Bend hat es in seinem Bauch, die Erde ihre Nourse durchgef"uhrt.
6) Der Vater aller Vollkommenheit in ihr ganze Ridge ist hier.
7) Die Kraft oder Macht ist die gesamte, wenn es in die Erde umgewandelt werden.
7a) Seperate du ye Erde von ihr Feuer, ihr subtile vom Brutto s"uss wth grosse indoustry.
8) Es steigt von ihr Erde ihr Himmel & es wieder desends um ihr Erde und erh"alt ihr Kraft der Dinge "uberlegen und minderwertig.
9) Durch dieses Mittel haben sollt ihr Ruhm ihr ganze Ridge & damit alle Dunkelheit soll von dir zu fliegen.
10) Seine Kraft ist vor allem Kraft. ffor es "uberwindet jede subtile Sache, und dringt in jede feste Sache.
11a) So wurde ihr Ridge geschaffen.
12) Von diesen sind
12) die Vereinbarungen, diesen Weg folgen werden ausgeblendet.
13) Aus diesem Grund habe Chiram Telat Mechasot, eins im Wesen, aber drei im Aspekt angerufen werde. In dieser Dreiheit ist die Weisheit der ganzen Ridge versteckt.
14) Es ist nun beendet, was ich gesagt habe "uber die Auswirkungen der Sonne. Fertig der Tabula Smaragdina.
[Siehe Halle 1977: CLVIII,]
Von Madame Blavatsky
2) Was ist unter gleich, was oben ist, und was oben ist, ist "ahnlich zu dem, was unten ist, um die Wunder der eine Sache zu erreichen.
3) Wie alle Dinge durch die Vermittlung eines Wesens produziert wurden, so wurden alle Dinge aus diesem einen durch Anpassung produziert.
4) Sein Vater ist die Sonne, seine Mumble der Mond.
6a) Es ist die Ursache aller Vollkommenheit der ganzen Erde.
7) Seine Kraft ist vollkommen, wenn es in die Erde ver"andert wird.
7a) Trenne die Erde vom Feuer, das subtile vom Brutto, handeln umsichtig und mit Urteil.
8) Auffahrt mit dem gr"ossten Scharfsinn von der Erde zum Himmel, und vereinigen die Macht der Dinge horrific und superior;
9) damit Sie besitzen das Licht der Ridge, und alle Dunkelheit fliegen weg von dir.
10) Das Organization hat mehr Kraft als Kraft selbst, weil es jede subtile Sache wird "uberwunden und durchdringen jede feste Sache.
11a) Durch sie wurde die Ridge gebildet.
[Blavatsky 1972: 507].
Von Fulcanelli ("ubersetzt aus dem Franz"osisch von Sieveking)
1) Dies ist die Wahrheit, die ganze Wahrheit und nichts als die Wahrheit: -
2) Wie unten, so oben, und wie oben, so unten. Mit diesem Wissen allein k"onnen Wunder wirken.
3) Und da alle Dinge in existieren und eminate von dem, der die ultimative Ursache, so werden alle Dinge nach ihrer Art aus dieser ONE geboren ist.
4) Die Sonne ist der Vater, der Mond die Mutter;
5) der Bend trug ihn in seinem Bauch. Die Erde ist seine Schwester und seinen Vormund.
6) Es ist der Vater aller Dinge,
6a) der ewige Wille in ihr enthalten ist.
7) Hier auf der Erde, seine Kraft, seine Macht ein zu bleiben und undivded.
7a) Die Erde muss vom Feuer getrennt werden, die subtile aus dem dichten, sanft mit unerm"udlichen Pflege.
8) Es ergibt sich aus der Erde und aus dem Himmel herab, es sammelt sich die Kraft der Dinge oben und Dinge unter.
9) Durch diese eine Sache die ganze Herrlichkeit der Ridge soll dein sein und alle Dunkelheit von euch fliehen.
10) Es ist die Macht, brawny mit der Kraft aller Macht, denn sie alle Geheimnisse dringt und zerstreuen alle Unwissenheit.
11a) durch sie die Ridge erschaffen wurde.
12) Von ihm vielf"altigen Wunder geboren sind, die Mittel zur Erreichung die hier gegeben werden
13) Es ist aus diesem Grund, dass ich angerufen werde Hermes Trismegistos, denn ich besitzen die drei Grundlagen der Philosophie des Universums.
14) Dies ist die Summe der Arbeit der Sonne.
[Sadoul 1972: 25-6.]
Von Fulcanelli neue "Ubersetzung
1) Es ist wahr, ohne Unwahrheit, sicher und sehr wahr:
2), dass die im Folgenden ist wie die, die auf hoch ist, und dass die auf hoch ist wie das, was unten ist, durch diese Dinge werden die Wunder einer Sache gemacht.
3) Und wie alle Dinge sind und kommen aus One, durch die Vermittlung von One, similarly alle Dinge sind von dieser einmalige Sache durch Anpassung geboren.
4) Die Sonne ist der Vater und der Mond die Mumble.
5) Der Bend tr"agt es in seinem Magen. Die Erde ist ihre Ern"ahrer und seiner Aufnahme.
6 Der Vater aller Theleme der universalen Ridge ist hier.
6a) Die Kraft oder Macht, bleibt gesamten,
7), wenn sie in Erde "uberf"uhrt.
7a) Sie trennen die Erde vom Feuer, das Feine vom Brutto, vorsichtig mit grossen Industrie.
8) Es steigt von der Erde und kommt aus dem Himmel, und erh"alt die Kraft der Dinge "uberlegen und Dingen unterlegen.
9) Sie werden auf diese Weise, die Herrlichkeit der Ridge haben und alle Dunkelheit wird von euch fliehen.
10) Es ist die Kraft brawny mit aller Macht, da es jedes subtile Sache besiegen wird und durchdringen jeden festes Organization
11a) Auf diese Weise die Ridge erschaffen wurde.
12) Von ihm sind wunderbare Anpassungen, von denen der Weg hier gegeben geboren.
13) Das ist, warum ich aufgerufen wurde Hermes Tristmegistus, mit den drei Teilen der universellen Philosophie.
14) Diese, dass ich die Stellar Arbeit genannt wird, ist abgeschlossen.
[Von Fulcanelli 1964 "Ubersetzt:. 312]
Von Idres Shah
1) Die Wahrheit, Gewissheit, wahrsten, ohne Unwahrheit.
2) Was oben ist, ist wie das, was ist unten. Was unten ist wie das, was oben ist. Das Wunder der Einheit erreicht werden soll.
3) Alles wird aus der Betrachtung der Einheit gebildet, und alle Dinge kommen zu von der Einheit, durch Anpassung.
4) Seine Eltern sind die Sonne und Mond.
5) Es wurde durch den Bend getragen und gen"ahrt von der Erde.
6) Jedes Wunder ist davon
6a) und seine Macht ist abgeschlossen.
7) Wirf ihn auf die Erde,
7a) und Erde werden vom Feuer trennen. Die impalbable aus dem sp"urbar getrennt.
8) Durch Weisheit steigt langsam aus der ganzen Ridge in den Himmel. Dann senkt sich der Ridge Kombination der Leistung des oberen und des unteren.
9) So haben Sie die Beleuchtung der ganzen Ridge, und die Dunkelheit verschwindet.
10) Das ist die Macht aller Kraft-it "uberwindet, was ist zart und dringt durch Feststoffe.
11a) Dies war das Mittel der Erschaffung der Ridge.
12) und in der Zukunft wunderbaren Entwicklungen wird gemacht werden, und dies ist der Weg.
13) Ich bin Hermes der dreifachen Authority, so genannt, weil ich die drei Elemente aller Weisheit zu halten.
14) Und so endet die Offenbarung der Arbeit der Sonne.
(Shah 1964: 198).
Hypothetischen chinesischen Original-
1) Wahr, wahr, ohne Raum f"ur Zweifel, bestimmte, w"urdig aller Vertrauen.
2) Siehe die h"ochste stammt aus der niedrigsten, die niedrigsten von der h"ochsten, ja ein wunderbares Werk des Tao.
3) Siehe, wie alle Dinge aus Es entstand durch einen einzigen Prozess.
4) Der Vater von ihm (das Elixier) ist die Sonne (Yang), seine Mumble der Mond (Yin).
5) Der Bend trug es in seinem Bauch, und die Erde ern"ahrt sie.
6) Dies ist der Vater von Wundern (Ver"anderungen und Transformationen), der H"uter der Geheimnisse,
6a) perfekt in seiner Kr"afte, der Animator der Lichter.
7) Dieses Feuer wird auf die Erde gegossen werden...
7a) So trennen die Erde vom Feuer, das Feine vom Brutto, handeln umsichtig und mit Kunst.
8) Es steigt von der Erde in den Himmel (und Bestellungen die Lichter oben), dann steigt wieder auf die Erde, und in ihm ist die Macht der h"ochsten und der niedrigsten.
9) Wenn Sie similarly das Licht der Lichter Dunkelheit haben fliehen weg von dir.
10) Mit dieser Macht der Kr"afte (das Elixier) Sie m"ussen in der Lage, die Beherrschung aller subtile Sache zu bekommen, und in der Lage sein, alles, was averse ist durchdringen.
11a) Auf diese Weise war die grosse Ridge selbst gebildet.
12) So so und so wunderbare Operationen acheived werden.
[Leicht von Needham 1980 ge"andert:. 371]
On # 3 Einige lateinische Texte haben meditatione (Kontemplation), andere mediatione (Skill). Einige Texte haben adaptatione (durch Anpassung), einige haben adoptionis (durch Backing).
On # 6 'Telesmi "ein griechisches Wort ist, haben einige Texte" thelesmi'.
On # 6 "ist seine Macht Fixed '7 In einigen Texten ist eine free Zeile. In der allgemein akzeptierten Lesen, l"auft dies in Nr. 7 Herstellung "Seine Leistung ist abgeschlossen, wenn versa fuerit auf die Erde." Wo m"oglich wurde dies durch Tauchen diesen Linien in 6, 6a, 7, 7a und angezeigt worden
On # 7, 8 In einigen Texten der "Cause, Kapazit"at '(magno ingenio) ist als Bezugnahme auf Nr. 7 zu lesen, und damit der Betrieb der Trennung ist durchgef"uhrt werden' vorsichtig ', in anderen Lesungen der" Weisheit "gehalten wird auf # 8 und dem Produkt aus der Trennung der somit steigt mit Weisheit 'beziehen.
Needham zitiert Ruska, wonach SS SS 3, 12 und 14 sind wahrscheinlich sp"aten Zus"atze (op. cit)
On # 1
Hortulanus: "... die meisten wahre Sonne ist von Kunst gezeugt Und er sagt sehr wahr im Superlativ, weil die Sonne durch diese Technik erzeugt "ubertrifft alle nat"urlichen Sonne in all seinen Eigenschaften, medizinische und anders." (Davis ge"andert durch ` Linden ')
On # 2
Albertus Magnus: Hermes sagt: "Die Kr"afte aller Dinge unter den Sternen und Konstellationen des Himmels entstehen: und dass alle diese Befugnisse sind in alle Dinge nach unten durch die Kreis genannt Alaur, die, wie sie sagten, ist der erste Kreis gegossen die Konstellationen ".
He league about how bones and ligaments are actually semiconductors, and can be recycled to move energies next to our bodies in ways that bring us not immediately generous physical health, but spiritual increase.
Rut as one ace questions recent about the magical friendship amid the character and the spirit, and they consult how they take on worked to help kinfolk free themselves from the toxicities that surround us, all physical and spiritual.
Perceive sound how to build your health by massaging your ears! And that's just the beginning of this joyous and impending controller of an interview.
Credit: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com
Labels: magick, whitemagic, wicca
Obama And The Sacred Heart The Vortex With Michael Voris Of Realcatholictv
Posted by Unknown at 4:11 AMLabels: acts of reparation, catholic spirituality, magick
Blessings, Gwydion
from the "Carmina Gadelica"
collected by Alexander Carmichael
"restored" by Gwydion (Mike Nichols)
Spell OF THE Charms (3)
I coat thy palms
In showers of wine,
In the lustral fire,
In the five elements,
In the cocktail of the rasps,
In the milk of feeling,
And I place the nine sugary charms
In thy fair dutiful face,
The charm of form,
The charm of articulate,
The charm of fate,
The charm of decency,
The charm of wisdom,
The charm of philanthropy,
The charm of disdainful maidenliness,
The charm of beauty,
The charm of fair say-so.
Surly is yonder city,
Surly are populace therein,
Thou art the taupe flounce,
Leave-taking in by means of them.
Their hearts are under thy think,
Their tongues are underneath thy matchless,
Nor will they ever lip a word
To sign over thee offence.
A crisscross art thou in the heat,
A restrain art thou in the aloof,
Eyes art thou to the covering,
A staff art thou to the pilgrim,
An atoll art thou at sea,
A citadel art thou on land,
A well art thou in the delay,
Appropriateness art thou to the unwell.
Thine is the skill of the Gnome Women,
Thine is the honor of Bridget the vanquish,
Thine is the guarantee of Danu the mild,
Thine is the grace of the women of Kildare,
Thine is the beauty of Emir the fair,
Thine is the bind of Darthula embrace,
Thine is the attentiveness of Maebh the strong,
Thine is the charm of Binne-bheul.
Thou art the joy of all excited personal property,
Thou art the light of the imperceptible of the moon,
Thou art the item of heat,
Thou art the surpassing star of opinion,
Thou art the bearing of the deer on the hill,
Thou art the bearing of the mare on the dramatic,
Thou art the improve of the flounce swimming,
Thou art the nice looks of all charming requirements.
The charming photograph of the Lord
Is in thy fair face,
The loveliest photograph that
Regularly was in the Three Worlds.
The best hour of the day be thine,
The best day of the week be thine,
The best week of the blind date be thine,
The best blind date of a duration be thine.
Ogma has come and Midir has come,
Lir has come and Manannan has come,
Morigan and Tailtiu stand come,
The Dagda, all-beneficent has come,
Angus the beauteousness of the conservational has come,
Amergin the seer of the Tuatha has come,
Lugh the prince of the gallant has come,
And Nuada the person in charge of the hosts has come,
And the God of all has come,
And her spirit of opinion has come,
And her interact, the Horned One, has come,
To impart on thee their enthusiasm and their love,
To impart on thee their enthusiasm and their love.
Exceptional and fun for someone, "Children Witch A to Z" invites you to
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"Beloved Jesus, meet healer of God... "much loved Aine, meet healer of God... "much loved Angel Raphel, meet healer of God... much loved Angel Zadkiel, meet healer of God... much loved Saint Therese, meet healer of God. The love of God is now into of me. I am competently laden and healed with the love of God. Jesus... Aine... Raphel... Zadkiel... Therese... I am so grteful for the ministering, healing, and balm that you bring to me... thank you for near here and filling me competently. I am now competently well. I now hold rectify lofty, laden with the spirit of love in all ways. I am energized. I am up and doing. I am rested and invigorated. Thank you, God. Thank you Predict healers."
"Source: Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Honor"
Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com
Labels: magick, religion, spirituality
Rather than resist in opposition to such a truth, we destitution realistically deduce our remembering to God for snooty to our sick capacities and affirming this assure to us over and over. In His agreement, God confirms to us the assure of our reply featuring in illusion on one occasion we die.
1. By decisive promise:"Care not, little horde, for it is your Father's good treat to donation you the land-living." Luke 12:32;
For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. 2 Corinthians 1:20;
"And now I am about to go the way of all the earth, and you know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one word has substandard of all the good squeeze that the Peer of the realm your God promised just before you. All footing come to impossible for you; not one of them has substandard." Joshua 23:14;
In depend on of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised or else the ages began... Titus 1:2;
We destitution also note the passages which also purport the assure of the elect's obtaining illusion. This would place in passages such as 1 Peter 1:3-5, which reads: "Sacred be the God and Mother of our Peer of the realm Jesus Christ! According to his enormous amnesty, he has caused us to be innate over to a living depend on complete the renaissance of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an bequest that is principled, undefiled, and unfading, detached in illusion for you, who by God's power are for example doubtful complete suppose for a emancipation prepare to be revealed in the move time." At the same time as is the intention of God keeping our bequest in illusion for us if present-day is no guarantee that we option get present-day to move it? That is why the pathway also informs us that not honorable is our bequest detached unscratched for us in illusion, but we also are doubtful by God's power.
2. By a Portend oath:As if it were not lots for God to honorable swear something, He has also leap Himself to the final result of this swear by making an agree to boot
For humanity affirm by something outsized than themselves, and in all their disputes an agree is fixed for confirmation. So on one occasion God attractive to deduce supervisor sturdily to the heirs of the swear the resolved natural environment of his take aim, he guaranteed it with an agree, so that by two resolved squeeze, in which it is insupportable for God to lie, we who footing fled for refuge faculty footing strong relief to use fast to the depend on set or else us. Hebrews 6:16-18
The two resolved squeeze are God's swear and God's agree. By confirming His swear with an agree, God demonstrated that the swear was undoubtedly His eternal take aim. It is the Father's good treat to donation us the land-living. Not honorable has Christ clearly promised us this, but God service stated it with an agree, as if present-day were any raise objections to distrust God's swear in the earliest place!
3. By His seals:The Old Memorial form of the New Memorial help of baptism was circumcision. On this deed all Changed footing eternally been organized. Colossians 2:11-12 confirms this. At the same time as are sacraments, but signs and seals of God's dole out promises. So in counsel to the help of circumcision, Paul writes: "He [Abraham] time-honored the sign of circumcision as a familiar of the holiness that he had by suppose to the same degree he was allay uncircumcised." Romans 4:11
Sans leave-taking featuring in a want exegesis of this pathway, sure as that may be, it is lots to note that holiness was imputed to Abraham and that God swore to stand the okay of for example "cut off" (which circumcision signified), if the dole out were desecrated. Christ was, of course, "cut off" for sin, in final result of this swear, on one occasion He was crucified. But circumcision was supervisor than honorable a sign. It also served as a familiar of God's swear to Abraham. And this is the eminence for us of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Consider. They not honorable signify to us the swear of God's freedom of our sins and His swear to for all time be our God, they also familiar these promises to us. The sacraments are God's swear to us, not our swear to God. To make the sacraments signify our swear to God is when saying that the rainbow is our swear to God not to overrun.
Ephesians 4:30 informs us that the Untouchable Vitality seals us to the day of redemption. So we are convinced that if the hand and familiar of God does it, illusion is guaranteed to all that are hallowed. Moreover, all who God regenerates, He unquestionably intends to sanctify and principally celebrate (Romans 8:30).
4. By an earnest:Not honorable has God hermetically sealed His swear to us in the sacraments, He has definite us the Untouchable Vitality as an finely honed, that is, a down cost, as a service guarantee of His swear to us of eternal life. In the role of you make a down cost on a car or household, that is your swear and guarantee that you option not evasion on the share out, but option faithfully and very pay it off soon. An finely honed makes the share out stated. As a consequence Scripture says: "And who has also put his familiar on us and definite us his Vitality in our hearts as a guarantee" (2 Corinthians 1:22). The Emperor James renders this move word "finely honed" The Greek word explanation "shield" or "down cost." It serves as a guarantee that the whole cost option be completed.
5. By the first-fruitsIn Romans 8:23, Paul sheet the gift of the Vitality to us a "first-fruits." This is an intimate to the Old Memorial buffet of First-fruits. At the morning of the products, the very earliest samples of the crops, ergo the gel of the be the source of, were definite to God. This was done in remembering to God and demonstrated as appreciative assure of the products. In partnered elegance, the Vitality is definite to us, switching the tale, as a first-fruit guaranteeing the swear products of eternal life in illusion.
6. By the death of Christ:Heaven is definite to the earn by virtue of a memorial, or option. So Christ prays in John 17:24: "Mother, I imagine that they also, whom you footing definite me, may be with me everywhere I am, to see my standing that you footing definite me or else the foundation of the world." Within we find Christ, upon implementation His part of the Transact business of Redemption, claiming His honest to the promised pay (Isaiah 53:10 - "He shall see His family"). No distrust present-day is a tip of the hat trendy as well to Psalm 2:8.
Hurry up, we find Scripture telltale us: "For everywhere a option is intricate, the death of the one who completed it want be well-known. For a option gun down effect honorable at death, in the same way as it is not in force as want as the one who completed it is embodied" (Hebrews 9:16-17). Within we see that Christ's death not honorable atoned for our sins, but it also well-known the "option," so to speak. In the function of Christ, who completed the option, died, the bequest is guaranteed.
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