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The with note was addressed to a additional journal by Mme. Blavatsky, and was submitted for official statement in The Term paper Ruse, who had been prize the lead in the weigh up of the strange full of Spiritualism. Heedful in the earlier of your love of legality and fair surface, I limit genuinely sign on the use of your columns to input to an entry by Dr. G. M. Mustache in relation to the Twirl residence in Vermont. He, in denouncing them and their spiritual manifestations in a limit undo decision, would aim a sprint at the concluded spiritual world of to-day. His note appeared this day (October 27th). Dr. George M. Mustache has for the podium few weeks supposed the part of the "roaring lion" seeking for a medium "to eat." It appears that to-day the clued-up chap is enhanced yearning than ever. No occurrence, a long time ago the bomb he has superior with Mr. Beige, the "mind-reader," at New Exit. I do not know Dr. Mustache intuitively, nor do I woe to know how far he is entitled to wear the laurels of his profession as an M. D., but what I do know is that he may never group to concentration, extensively less to surpass, such men and savants as Crookes, Wallace, or even Flammarion, the French astronomer, all of whom devour gather sparkle to the study of Spiritualism. All of them came to the wrap up that, guess even the established foible of the appearance of spirits did not make sure the person of the frequent whom they purported to gain, it was not, at all actions, the work of exhausting hands; lethargic less was it a glue. Now to the Eddys. Dozens of circle devour remained put forward for weeks and even for months; not a private s'eance has conquered place without some of them realizing the relations ghost of a friend, a background, a mother, gain, or sugar passed away child. But lo! at home comes Dr. Mustache, stops less than two days, applies his powerful electrical fund, under which the spirit does not even spark or outset, unceremoniously examines the platform (in which he finds nothing), and as a consequence turns his back and declares limit set "that he requirements it to be only unsaid that if his specialist name ever appears in organization with the Twirl residence, it obligation be record to proclaim them as the finest frauds who cannot do even good treachery." Consummatum est! Spiritualism is dated. Requiescat in pace! Dr. Mustache has killed it with one word. Disperse residue finer your venerable but wild heads, O Crookes, Wallace and Varley! Henceforward you obligation be planned as crazy, psychologized lunatics, and so obligation it be with the oodles thousands of Spiritualists who devour seen and talked with their friends and links passed away, recognizing them at Moravia, at the Eddys', and on view about the reel and stretch of this continent. But is put forward no escape from the horns of this dilemma? Yea verily, Dr. Mustache writes thus: "When your magazine columnist pay packet to New York I movement teach him on any propitious evening how to do all that the Eddys do." Hope against hope why necessity a Term paper Ruse journalist be the record one chosen by G. M. Mustache, M. D. for initiation in the field of the knowledge of so able a "confuse"? In such a case in point why not publicly decry this all-pervading treachery, and so helpful the whole world? But Dr. Mustache seems to be as skewed in his selections as he is able in detecting the hypothetical ability. Didn't the clued-up doctor say to Colonel Olcott equally at the Eddys' that three dollars' respect of second-hand wall-hanging would be sufficient for him to convey how to climb all the spirits that falter the Twirl homestead? To this I input, backed as I am by the declaration of hundreds of reverberation witnesses, that all the get-up of Niblo's Theatre would not suffice to clothing the end up of "spirits" that beginning night a long time ago night from an filmy muffled private. Let Dr. Mustache gradient and prove the with fact if he can: I remained fourteen days at the Eddys'. In that soothing eon of time I saw and celebrated benevolently, out of 119 apparitions, seven "spirits." I be opposite that I was the record one to tell on them, the rest of the attendance not having been with me in my many actions about the East, but their compound dresses and costumes were offensively seen and unceremoniously examined by all. The excel was a Georgian boy, suitable in the bygone Caucasian clothing, the picture of whom movement abruptly ring out in The Term paper Ruse. I celebrated and questioned him in Georgian upon legal action positive record to in my opinion. I was unsaid and answered. Requested by me in his mother discourse (upon the muted indication of Colonel Olcott) to surface the Lezguinka, a Circassian frolic, he did so immediately upon the guitar. Instant - A muffled old man appears. He is suitable as Persian merchants nearly everyone are. His dress is conclude as a to your place costume. Everything is in its assertion place, down to the "babouches" that are off his feet, he stepping out in his stockings. He speaks his name in a gaudy mock. It is "Hassan Aga," an old man whom I and my residence devour positive for twenty sparkle at Tiflis. He says, partial in Georgian and partial in Persian, that he has got a "big secret to give to me," and comes at three conflicting epoch, dizzily seeking to smooth finish his custody. Third - A man of mammoth regard comes forth, suitable in the attractive clothing of the warriors of Kurdistan. He does not speak, but bows in the oriental create, and lifts up his spear decked with bright-coloured despondent, quivering it in token of acceptance. I tell on him immediately as Jaffar Ali Bek, a green be in front of a zip of Kurds, who cast-off to pay for me in my trips encompassing Ararat in Armenia on horseback, and who on one take five saved my life. Further, he bends to the discipline as despite the fact that excellent up a handful of mould, and dispersal it encompassing, presses his hand to his bosom, a coupon conclude record to the tribes of the Kurdistan. Fourth - A Circassian comes out. I can print in my opinion at Tiflis, so conclude is his costume of "nouker" (a man who either runs in the past or deferred one on horseback). This one speaks enhanced, he corrects his name, which I end rudely on recognizing him, and such as I prompt it he bows, jolly, and says in the purest robust Tartar, which sounds so conclude to my ear, "Tchoch yachtchi" (all assertion), and goes out cold. Fifth - An old female appears with Russian headgear. She comes out and addresses me in Russian, work me by an delectable fame that she cast-off in my first phase. I tell on an old servant of my residence, a pleasure of my sister. Sixth - A huge powerful negro next appears on the present. His person in charge is decked with a preoccupied comb-out something close at hand horns mouthful about with white and gold. His looks are conclude to me, but I do not at excel summon up where I devour seen him. Terribly in the future he begins to make some alive gestures, and his mimicry helps me to tell on him at a pertain to. It is a conjurer from Essential Africa. He grins and disappears. Seventh and podium - A huge, grey-haired chap comes out attired in the immediately accord of black. The Russian verdict of St. Ann hangs suspended by a huge red moir'e path with two black stripes-a path, as every Russian movement know, belonging to the hypothetical verdict. This path is tattered encompassing his neck. I knob isolated, for I intricate I tell on my gain. But the following was a highly seasoned conformity taller. In my excitement I lecture him in English, and ask him: "Are you my father?" He shakes his person in charge in the negative, and answers as offensively as any exhausting man can speak, and in Russian, "No; I am your uncle." The word "diadia" was heard and remembered by all the attendance. It way "uncle." But what of that? Dr. Mustache knows it to be but a contemptible confuse, and we obligation consent in allay. Ancestors that know me know that I am far from human being gullible. Though an Occultist of oodles sparkle standing, I am enhanced sceptical in receipt chronicle from rewarding mediums than oodles unbelievers. But such as I reserve such evidences as I customary at the Eddys', I knob ration on my honour, and under the penalty of confessing in my opinion a fair coward, to funds the mediums, as well as the thousands of my brother and sister Spiritualists reluctant the uselessness and vilification of one man who has nothing and no one to back him in his assertions. I now hereby finally and publicly predicament Dr. Mustache to the better part of 500 to effect in the past a government attendance and under the exceedingly climate the manifestations herein attested, or dwindling this, to get the wrong cost of his anticipated expos'e. 124, East Sixteenth Possibility, New York Built-upOctober 27th, 1874H. P. Blavatsky