~ Willow: A Druid sacred tree; one of the seven sacred grass of the Irish. The willow is a Moon tree sacred to the Holy being. Its grooves were not rushed so magical that priests, priestesses and artisans sat involving the grass to pull fluency, image, skills, and prophecies.
~ St. John's Worth: A Druid sacred herb. The Celts conceded it through the fog of the summer solstice fire, and also wore it within movement for invincibility. The kith and kin of Scotland wore it as a charm versus Faery sculpt.
~ Mint: A Druid sacred herb. Heated mint cleanses the prot?g.
~ Juniper: A druid sacred tree. Its berries were used with parsley in incenses.
~ Thyme: A Druid sacred herb. Repels distrust and forlorn.
~ Elder: A Druid sacred tree. Devout to the Celtic Frozen Lady and the Summer Solstice. The Druids used it both to bless and curse. Bulky wands combat out evil and distrust. Faith under and high-class tree at Midsummer, to the same extent standing in a ring of Faery Mushrooms, behest help you see the Follow up State.
Compiled by Barbara Morris
image of Brigid found here
Reference: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
Labels: amulet, magick, religion belief