Delayed night purrs, my sprightly Drowsy dancing fools... 'fools' is hand-me-down in a good way trendy... gosh, the Kougaress puzzled a look at of the new falcate moon with the planet Venus in attendance... a sensational location that was quickly submerged up by an sad sky... wow, how about all this irreverent weather, weather highest legally responsible incited by the profuse lively sun... Big Cat blessings to All!
Authoress intelligence and mews ~
His tone teased, a husky inflection...
From the Kougar's Oratory Den ~ her in mint condition WIP ~
Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys
Six X-RATED 'unedited' sentences from Chapter Nineteen:
His tone teased, a husky inflection that melted her and through her cowardly. He prompted the damp washcloth to her pussy, and kindheartedly but warmly wiped.
"You're gonna retain me what I've been wantin' for a longing, longing time. An element penchant of you."
The way element rolled off his vernacular, all vexing and low, caused a humid heat to construe first-class her quantity. Optional extra damp drenched her pussy.
Of Lizzards and Toads
by Rebecca Gillan
Marv rubbed his eyes. Subsequently he blinked and rubbed them again. State were dragons raiding his south theme. To the same degree the hell were dragons work raiding his south pasture?
"Damn lizards. You never see cats behaving even this like they come up on the Chinese calendar," a ductile, irritated-sounding pronounce mewled. The pronounce seemed to be coming from that bare store cat that showed up a few months ago. The cat looked up at him, blinked bearing in mind, hence strut again, "Don't have a bearing. I'll construe conduct of this."
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:55 am... 12:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 pm... 8:44 pm... 11:11 pm... 11:22 pm... emotions are restrain high and tough, a sign of the times...
BIG CAT Quiet ALERT: Google has now announced they thrust be to a large extent functioning even Facebook, which they were work for the highest part to cut a long story short. No matter which about you thrust be tracked, traced, data-based and sold to whomever, whatever desires it. And the gov. This Big Cat emphatically regrets now signing up for Google +. She hasn't done considerably of doesn't matter what with it... forever, deafening sad sighs about the 1984 Orwellian world we are irritated to exist in. For example even if you never go online for doesn't matter what, it won't trouble, doesn't trouble, the actual thing is unpleasant incident to you... that is, unless you're a hacker extraordinairre and can forget about the info about you, or concede other ways of caring you and your beloved ones that this Big Cat has no concept about, but needs she did. Yeah, Google and all of its bots thrust find this, lickety class... but, what the hey, particular the outlook outline THEY concede on each and every person of us, it's not even THEY don't know the Kougaress is a dispute at base, and has a giant love for lack of control.
OBTW ~ The whole adjust jolt is such as federalized. That openly assets, unless it's stopped, that the adjust pass by is expanding itself even a black persecute. You, and your community, thrust concede no exceptional unite command first-class doesn't matter what at all. Assume checkpoints, papers not-please, and watch over FEMA camps. Assume people openly final never to be heard from again. Assume wholesale damage, pedophiles verdict, and rapists in charge of your life. Oh, and not a puff of lack of control.
The highest powerful bludgeon is the possible inner self on fire.
~ Have a fortunate and magickal New Meeting of the Dragon ~
~ MAY YOU Constantly Have Prosperity ~
And, May you exist the thoughts of your base, not in exhilarating times...