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This is a ritual for the previous week of the Very In vogue Usefulness Challenge: A Usefulness Mystery Based on the Elements at my blog Get Off Your Broom. Plump if you are not participating in the go, I don't nasty you to miss this discriminating ritual. It as well goes with the Very Saturate series area. Although the ritual's leading do is to vigor self-love and appreciation concerning one's physical cadaver, it is as well a ritual that can be done to clean thoroughly, bless, and canonize oneself religiously. In other words, it is a ritual contrivance of spiritual cleansing.Consecrating the cadaver is a traditional ritual in Wicca and paganism. Offering are well-defined versions but the ceiling well highly praised is The Fivefold Kiss. For example done as a solitary, noticeably of a kiss one anoints themselves with oil. Different way is to canonize yourself using the elements impartial as you would a tool. This working includes apiece rituals. (I lug as well had keen have a spat combining them by operate The Fivefold Kiss using each element noticeably of anointing oil.) The ritual requirement be done skyclad. If you wear clothing, it defeats the ritual do. This ritual is best done stylish the full moon. It may be as simple or adorn as you further.Items wanted for this ritual:tub or delugesalver of salty to require the element earthsalver of water to require the element waterincense or smear bamboo of your prestigious to require aircandle, color of your prestigiousanointing oil of your prestigiouspoem or chant about self-love and appreciation or how thou art goddess (unrestricted)1. When go all the items in your ritual space, assume a ritual tub or deluge. Fashionable this bathing, get the drift all the quiet beliefs you lug about your cadaver and how you mug in the function of cleansed notwithstanding by the water. In its place, you are in the function of submersed in self-love and appreciation and the utter love of Idol.2. For example you are done bathing, go to your ritual space. (It's select to wear a robe or wry to get present-day but comfort remove these formerly you begin.) If you usually cast a circle or perform tricks Idol, do so now. Quick the candle and the incense if you haven't in advance done so.3. Series and obverse north. Steal a pinch of salty and ogle it thus say:Powers of the North,Guardians of the Earth,I canonize face-to-face with this saltyand charge my cadaver with your energies.I clean thoroughly my cadaver and make it sacred.(Note: If this feels too bristly or indifferent, comfort rehash it to dogfight your manner. You may definitely nasty to say whatever thing similar to I bless my cadaver with this salty. Do this for each element.)4. Series to the east and, holding the tool in the vapors of the incense, say: Powers of the East,Guardians of the Air,I canonize face-to-face with this incenseand charge my cadaver your energies."I clean thoroughly my cadaver and make it sacred."5. Series to the south and harvest up the candle with one hand while holding the other more the char-grill (impartial dynamism ample to talent the heat. Be finicky not to burn yourself.) and say: Powers of the South,Guardians of the Flare,I canonize face-to-face with this fireand charge my cadaver your energies."I clean thoroughly my cadaver and make it sacred."6. Series to the west and shower some of the water on your cadaver thus say: Powers of the West,Guardians of Wash,I canonize face-to-face with this waterand charge my cadaver with your energies.I clean thoroughly my cadaver and make it sacred.7. Pick up the oil. Dip the tip of your code name in the oil and anoint each cadaver part as you say:Blissful be thy feet, that lug brought thee in these waysBlissful be thy lap up, that shall bow at the sacred altarBlissful be thy womb, weak spot which we would not beBlissful be thy breasts, formed in beautyBlissful be thy talk, that shall utter the Consecrated Names.8. At this time declare the poem or chant if you lug one. If you talent moved to kick up your heels, sing, lift energy, or wonder do so. This is your ritual.9. Thank Idol, dynamism the ritual, or assume down the circle if wanted.From this memo on be inhabit that you are a blessed dummy of the Idol. Thou art Goddess! Your cadaver is a divine ship in which you can education and section healing, utter love, and gives you the means to perform your different events. All acts of love and marvel are Her rituals.Sources: The Association Consecrated by Dianne SylvanPaganism/Wicca about.comWikipedia