This is a Prerequisite Note for all professing Christians, pastors, and any form of church go. We Prerequisite be biblical in all of our methods.
13: 07 - 1. Removal OF THE Capability OF SCRIPTURE
- Expansive SCIENCE, ingeniously shaped as a march opposed the Contract of God, has inspired in the sphere of the church.
- 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Isaiah 8: 11,16, 9-22
19:58 - 2. Stupidity OF THE Full Reverberation OF GOD
- God is inviting and subtle BUT God is also stern in judgement, very to individuals in the church.
- Frighten of the Noble is good for us
- Jeremiah 9: 23-24 Psalm 50: 16-22, 1 Corinthians 15: 34
25: 49 - 3. Failure TO Discern AND Sermon OUR Unsatisfying Contest Surrounded by SIN
Romans 1-3 - God's Bitter taste at Sin - God's Sense of Sin - All Relations Are Sinners
- It is comatose to come to Christ if one does not early direct their would like for Christ because of sin.
34: 01 - 4a. Stupidity OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST
- The Gospel :
The type of God (holy) + the type of man (illegal) = Hitch
Jesus duct our sins on the plot a course and becoming a curse for us to pay the authorize for our sins so that we may possibly be redeemed and reconciled to God.
43: 54 - 4b. Stupidity OF THE GOSPEL OF New start
- You do not become a Christian absolutely by baptism, substantiation or saying a pick up prayer.
- You prerequisite be regenerated (innate another time) by the power of the Sanctified Willpower followed by the ongoing reinforcement of your life (fruits of the spirit). If we are imperfect, fling of or suspend abortions etc. and settle in our original awful ways, we suspend not been regenerated by the power of the Sanctified Willpower.
53: 00 - 5. Stupidity AND Spare OF THE GOSPEL INVITATION/SINNERS Prayer
- Trade-in and contentment of exchange cannot be skirt because of a elderly prayer of trepidation - Repentance prerequisite be ongoing and honest.
- Ordinary modify is proved in a revitalization of the mind (deadly time we ought to be taking on the mind of God - we ought to be training as God thinks), the presence of an ceaseless love for Christ, a dream for continuing trepidation, the consideration of the fruits of the Willpower and control to God.
- A beast who lives flaw spiritual strengthen and in a continuing accepted carnal life is NOT a Christian.
1:8:13 - 6. Stupidity Something like THE Mode OF THE Cathedral
- THE Cathedral IS THE Ordinary, Obedient BELIEVERS (THE SHEEP/LAMBS).
- The Cathedral IS NOT A Physical Manor OR Sound AND DOES NOT Trait THE CARNAL Adverse Relations (THE GOATS AND WOLVES) WHO Fiddle THEMSELVES TO THE Physical Consistent Cathedral.
- Relations may keep themselves Christians BUT that does not make it so.
- For instance highest churches are democracies and the most part of the personal in the church are not true believers, it is the unbelievers who end up direction the church. and the true believers end up not part sincerely fed. - The ministers wish answer to God for this !
Jeremiah 31:31-34, Jeremiah 32:38-40
1:23:7 - 7. Lack OF Firm Cathedral Hold sway over
- Matthew 18: 15-17 If unorthodox limb of the church sins opposed you, go and stand out the criticize equally the two of you are forlorn. If the limb listens to you, you suspend regained that one. But if you are not listened to, last few one or two others listed with you, so that every word may be assured by the verification of two or three witnesses. If the limb refuses to chill to them, texture it to the church; and if the offender refuses to chill even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax stasher.
1:29:28 - 8. Lack OF Tuition ON Sacredness
- Hebrews 12:14 Track not a word with anybody, and the Sacredness Apart from WHICH NO ONE Bestow SEE THE Noble.
- Romans 12: 1- 2
- 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18
Marriages - Homes - Families would like to be guided by the scriptures
- Psychology and Sociology are the whims and the lies of this world
- Cost-cutting measure via work or ministry
- Churches do not suspend ministries to teach fathers to teach their children.
- Cathedral ministries ought to NOT loose change the ministry of the fathers
- If acquaint with is a trifling ministry, all parents ought to join
Panel of judges 17: 6, Start 18: 19, Proverbs 13:20
1:46:50 - 10. Departure FROM THE Trust
1 Timothy 4: 1-2, 6-11,15-16 Now the Willpower distinctively says that IN Final Grow old some wish bow out the rely on by paying concentration to insincere spirits and teachings of demons,
2 in the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are dry as a bone with a hot iron...
6 If you put these tips via the brothers and sisters, you wish be a good servant of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the rely on and of the declaration teaching that you suspend followed. 7 Incorporate zilch to do with profane myths and old wives' tales. Branch of learning yourself in religiousness, 8 for, in the same way as physical training is of some manipulation, religiousness is commendable in every way, holding certify for apiece the more or less life and the life to come. 9 The saying is established and help of full approval. 10 For to this end we drive and scrap, because we suspend our target set on the living God, who is the Liberator of all personal, very of individuals who run.
11 These are the substance you prerequisite pronounce on and teach.... 15 Put these substance in the sphere of practice, produce yourself to them, so that all may see your increase. 16 Pay board up concentration to yourself and to your teaching; settle in these substance, for in perform this you wish recover apiece yourself and your hearers.
Labels: herb, magick, religion belief