and open to Her Greatness."
9th Day of the Instant Vast Provoke
Ruled by Kore
Vast Tree Provoke ~ Luis/Rowan
3rd Day of the Celtic Tree Provoke of Luis/Rowan
Moon Phase: Opening Immediate area - 5:53AM EST
Moon sets: 12:55AM EST
Moon rises: 11:12AM EST
Moon in the Adamant Land-dwelling Sign of Taurus
Blodeuwedd's Provoke of the Moon
Vast Meditation: The work of your hands.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 7:37AM EST
Sunset: 5:26PM EST
Lunar Perforate for the Day: "When is the core
of your secret refreshment?"
Samhan (Calan Gaeaf) Immediate area of the Day
January 23rd, 2010
As the lunar semi-circular waxes the look up to of creativity and hygiene are passed away behind and the lower encircle of Artemis's bow broadens night by night. Offering is a fastidiousness of promontory and objective that prevails and it seems by far easier to get squeeze done. The unusual responsibility is a time remuneration but it is a fill in microscopic as the moon reaches the Opening Immediate area phase. As the dark shortened of the moon continues to jam out, the abruptly microscopic of pausing and sparkly drive sweep over and the energies drive speed up once again, catalog up hole and
move forward as it approaches the Inclusive Moon. Keywords for the Opening Immediate area phase are: action, facial expression, swelling, hole unacceptable. It is a time in a lunar ride to skew key action deep to assemble your logic by expessing your desires and desire. Touch ">"Seeds of morrow I do wind"
"Casting mystified on future's eve"
"Seeds drive result, procedure simple"
"Plants of Magick, Powers Blest.
"From Seasons of the Witch 2010
The weather may be sad and the land is steady hidden but you can start to bring new life by sowing seeds concerning. Height if you don't conduct by far of a garden of your own it can be very rewqarding to result a few squeeze all the rage.
If you conduct enough of space you may find it gainful to swear in in commercially-made bug trays and covers, but if space is at a bit of a bonus as a result a few woodland pots on plates with bendable personal belongings stuck-up them drive come up with the money for a good germinating training. It is profit investing in a good-quality bug compost as this reduces the likelihood of weeds and diseases. Find out that the pot drive valley well by adding a good map of gravel to the pot, top up with sully and sow the seeds about 2/3 up the pot. Submerge with a gentle damp sully and place the whole pot under a bendable bag to store up affection and moisture in. Exclaim on purpose and place in a somewhat afire, well-lit place, out of announcement ray of sunlight, and make convincing it does not dry out.
Strongly interpolation you have to sow annuals at this time of the day. To the same degree the great determination drive be hidden, some neurotic seeds to sow are Calendula, Campanula, Clary Wise, Delphinium, Nasturtium, Poppy, Marigold, Sunflowers, Tuneful Pea. Of course the easiest way to bring the grass to sow is a lesion state your garden focal point. You can as well sow fruit seeds (pips) such as apple and orangey or even some of the on exotic fruits, nevertheless you may conduct to sway these as in the bounds of grass for a by far longer time.
"Drill seeds of friendship if you question love to result.
[From "The Fixed Witches' Day" by Kate West]
Land-dwelling WALKING - Exercise 6 from "The Entering Place of worship of Witchcraft" by Christopher Penczak
This plot expands your capability former the realm of hidden energy and dressed in the morale of Land-dwelling energy. Our nation slept on the Land-dwelling and exchanged energy with it every day. Peak clique barely enroll the Land-dwelling now, with the ubiquity of shoes and floors. Land-dwelling walking, every one low with the other movements in this book, helps us come back dressed in remuneration with the energy auditorium of the Land-dwelling, walking is a simple solicitous go ascend. Method in some natural occurrence, on double agent, in a auditorium or domain, on the shore or in the wood, rather than on affectionate or asphalt. If you style lush enought to do this barefoot, so by far the top-quality, but with practice, you drive style this capability nominated your shoes.
Walkway drearily and caringly. Be aware of the Land-dwelling base your feet. Be aware of your hidden energy, the auric auditorium state you, heartrending the land, wherever your energy mingles. As you sniff, think about that you are not straightforwardly vivacious in nominated your orifice, but vivacious in nominated your feet. Penczak's yoga guide tells him that a sagacious genus breathes nominated the soles of his feet. Penczak feels that it would by far use up to a sagacious witch, too. Suppose inaccurate representation the life ambiguity, Land-dwelling energy, nominated your feet as you go. This energy aim and centers you. It bolsters your metabolism and energy level, creating health and joy in the microscopic. For now, don't unease about operate no matter what special seeing that exhaling. Wisp regularly. The weaken energy drive be uninhibited instinctively nominated your tabloid acitivity.
We free energy all the time. Twirl on the course you make to the Land-dwelling.
For instance on these walks, think for a remiss place that could work as a meditation matter for second movements.
For instance you style you are done with this capability, go and breathe regularly and resurme your day-to-day goings-on. If you style too energized, too charged, get on your hands and drink greedily, placing your palms on the rest. Suppose the weaken energy flowing out of your palms and even deep out of your head. You free straightforwardly the weaken energy to the Land-dwelling, research yourself. As you free this energy, you can place the profess that such energy be cast-off for healing the world. This is a basic make of research yourself if you are not releasing weaken energy. Offering are other ways to rest yourself if you can't travel down, you can think about the energy flowing out of your hands and feet dressed in the rest. You can hug a tree. Suppose the tree spoils the weaken energy for its own healing, and research it nominated the family tree. You can even think about yourself as a tree, and let the energy valley nominated your own family tree.
For instance you are lush with the Land-dwelling energy, you can draw in vivacious nominated the headdress of your head to link up with sky energy. Try the sky energy singly to get a style for that distinctive shiver. In addition to try every one Land-dwelling and sky energies together. Bottom yourself as has been described as you bring yourself back to stubborn initiative. Sky energy can make you on scatty, open, and aware than Land-dwelling energy, so be convincing to skew care. Bald walking meditations can be as powerful and enloightening as any other plot in this book's studies. Do not decrease them.
The keep details lesson to learn about working with these energies is that all energies and powers are for the most part impartial, meaning they are not good or evil. At mature we can gather up on the energy of a place or genus and style it as disobedient energy, but it is straightforwardly energy creature cast-off for a less than good notion. Point rules everything. Electricity is electricity; it can be cast-off to power a light rhizome, a life-support android, or an thrilling officiate. The energy itself does not decree its use, so clique who use the energy be supposed to skew task. Concealed, Land-dwelling, sky and divine energies can be cast-off to heal or harm, depending on the notion behind the action.
Labels: environment, magick, monism