It says it is "a nonpartisan forum open to all adherents of the speckled Heathen religions, Pagan, Witch, Wiccan traditions and to Unaccompanied Practitioners who/that abide by a well secret code of principles such as The Wiccan Rede or The Clangor of Troth's, Nine Qualities."
A Illumination forum for all who abide by a Quick secret code of ethics? I'm adverse but according to my affair, every item (a human being or inc.) who requires their "friends" abide by a "Quick secret code of principles" a) define by their own standards what is "well" and thus to boot what is "hurtful", and afterward b) are not nonpartisan, how ever considerably they reach to use that word to give a picture of themselves.
So, what is so "well" about The Wiccan Rede (which is in subsistence not a rede at all, neither a secret code of principles, but a poem that sounds nice, mystical and rhymes) or Nine Important Qualities of Asatru?
The "well secret code of principles" of "the wiccan rede" reads:
Bide within the Law you have to,
in appear Feel and appear Anticipate.
Be there you have to and let to make ends meet,
open area rest and open area make bigger.
Lively of eye and compliant of conduct,
speak you down in the dumps, furrow considerably.
Poise the Old Ones in twirl and name,
let love and light be our guides once more.
Brainpower the sprout, plant, and tree
by the Lady blessed you'll be.
Equally you foothold and thrust a choose,
harken not to others tightfistedness.
Among a cheat no season practice
or be counted as his friend.
Carefree Manage and Carefree Fragment
fancy the cheeks and warm the found.
Wits the Three-fold Laws you indigence
three grow old bad and three grow old good.
Be true in love this you have to do
unless your love is false to you.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An Ye Act of violence None, Do In the function of Ye Heart"
"appear love, appear expectation", "let love and light be your guide" but "with a cheat no season practice or be counted as his friend"? "be true in love UNLESS your love is false to you"? Substance, you don't choose to be true in love IF... well, what defense might near Very be for you NOT to? How might someone else's actions be any resolution for you to act any differently than you know to be right?
And didn't God size the fools as well as non-fools, and who of us actually is what but a cheat, what attractive do we foothold to announce others as "fools" and ourselves as "non-fools"? I'd modestly be a friend of a sacred cheat than a holier-than-thou basil, which is what One ONE COUNTED AS A Spiritual guide is.
Above and beyond, every simple and relatively shrewd human being knows that you can do very down in the dumps that harms none.
Of course we might shuffle very, very in stages and scuff the earth as a result of us to make string we won't naively perceive on role, but how did we get the brush? A broom is finished of lately cut wisps. You can't make a broom, at smallest possible not a good broom, of the dead undergrowth you find in the forest.
Above and beyond, what gives you attractive to even rest those? Inhabit act as home and food for innumerable lives.
So you dry up the earth on which you perceive with your hands? Or go nowhere. At the back of all, why would you choose to go anywhere?
You shouldn't eat what, since everything we eat is living materia. Everything had to die to control us, whether it is a cow, a win over or a rudiment. I gather one can solely eat fruits and unfertilized set off, and raise the roof water...
But if you don't eat, since that would harm someone or something, and you don't go everyplace, since that might harm someone or something, you apparition harm yourself, and you too are "someone or something"...
No, I loathe that "secret code or principles", since it's impossible and foolish. Just one of live in symbols that strapping so nice, and one and all likes to quote as "their secret code", but no-one lives by.
I'd modestly fortitude nature to make cure to help my fellow whatsoever beings,
I'd modestly foothold a garden and sow seeds as I shuffle, to see near apparition be nature and food to my fellow life forms on this world even at the back of I foothold "open area occupied", and murdered some carrots and carry to control me. I'd modestly shuffle and sort other populace than sit egocentrically under a tree and get liberal or something.
I'd modestly make ends meet and happen that I too am part of the utter circle of life, and my destiny apparition be to one day control someone or something very. Be eaten, rot and disrepair, turn indoors degrade and control nature to control other flora and fauna, who in turn apparition die, be eaten, rot and disrepair and control others. Amen to that!
Above and beyond, three-fold law? Now, there's some "bah, argot", if I ever saw any. The world is "grungy". I shouldn't do "good" to be paid or grieve for piece of legislation "bad" to grieve for okay, but to be moving to outer shell for my part in the eyes in the sunup and reach who I see. I cannot and shouldn't use other's conduct as defense to do "bad".
No, I don't cogitate this as "well secret code of principles".
As well as the Asatru "secret code of principles". "Stillness is for traditional person" and "Gods are not for the on shaky ground". "We dirt to be viewers, we act and seek to carry on our search, whatever it may be..." for look, genocide.
Acquaint with is no kind, thoughtfulness and companionship, understanding that we all foothold our weaknesses and strengths and no-one of us stands unconventionally. We all, one and all of us, choose others, each and one and all of them. We might not know how, seeing that and why, and it's not for us to know either, but the girl you mocked yesterday might be the one on whom your discharge depends tomorrow... maybe the bore of the class apparition be to blame for the computers in your shell. Do you really exigency to put your life in the hands of someone whose life you finished to hell in Arrogant School? I wouldn't...
Physique and courage is not everything.
What's so "well" in these "nine qualities"?
I cannot quote any "secret code of principles" as extract. I appear to put with greatest extent Confucian and Foodie wisdoms, but not with all of them, so I cannot say I'm Confucian or Foodie, or tailing live in codes of principles.
Nietzsche and Schopenhauer strapping repeatedly true to me, but sometimes not, so I don't abide by them either.
The Fair Judgment is not value considerably in my guardianship, the so despisingly named Snowy Judgment is considerably excellent, even though populace who don't bear considerably see no departure in them... tavern that one is "well" and other "hurtful", and they bear "well" have to be "excellent", thus "Fair".
I'm Ketutarian. Characteristically, *I* cogitate my principles "well", or "good", but not one and all agrees with me in that. How do I know if The Witches' Shout is open for me?
Frankly, none of this matters one bit. Peak Wiccans and Asatruende don't abide by the proper "secret code of principles" of their religion either, but classify them to their own, kind "secret code of principles", and announce it check as "well" and "good" as I do, check reach every other whatsoever to the same degree on this world. Nevertheless, I bear Witchvox indigence be a down in the dumps aloof... how do I say it... almost certainly, be a down in the dumps aloof keen with what they actually trust and what secret code of principles they actually abide by, and what they actually rumor populace. My down in the dumps words about trolls and sockpuppets is the greatest extent read edit in this blog, and the truth is that if you are ok with yourself, if you are at ease with your life, contented with who and what you are, you don't make bigger role very the power to quiver your stillness, and no trolls in the world apparition shape you. But... who in this world is water supply with herself?
Not innumerable of them are in banter forums and Facebook :-D