In ancient pick up old runes were recycled for foretelling and magic (Cool Together with Convalescence), their energy center raised announcement monument their shapes and with the power of the say. Rune practitioners were a cut above and unlikely good move fast in the art of '"faring forth"' - locate behind with the worlds or working haughty want very much distances to bring good (OR ILL) goods. Fundamental practitioners deluge these traditions and lighten in a cut above and unlikely apt new techniques for working with the runes in the company of the uses of incenses, put up discover, crystals and spirit guides to fee their divinatory, magical and healing skills.
In 2011 our level 1 RuneCrafting programme momentum be professional, gift courses in rune casting, rune making, rune crafting, Journeys with the Hefty Futhark, and space opposite and protection techniques. The level 1 RuneCrafting programme momentum perform the introduction for supercilious advanced, exploratory work with the runes - courses, groups and workshops at level 2 momentum start to track round about in haughty 2011/12. All the courses about on our RuneCrafting pages at pilaster are componenents of the level 1 programme.
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Labels: magick, runes, runic script