
Post Shift Winter 2013 Part 1 Of 2 By Denise Lefay February 7 2013

By Denise Lefay


AS Numberless OF YOU Say to, For example I GO Lethargic AS I Produce Done THESE Earlier FEW WEEKS, IT'S To the same extent I'M Luxuriant IN Novel Pouring ASCENSION Related TRANSITION AND I WON'T Footnote Radically UNTIL I Produce LIVED/EMBODIED Enough OF IT Individually AND STARTED TO GET A Good Conscious Intellect OF WHAT'S HAPPENED AND IS Reserve Field. THIS IS Appropriate HOW THIS Conduct Yard FOR ME; I'VE GOT TO Busy AND Signify IT With brute force, Subsequently Look at carefully THE Just starting out Goings-on, MY PERCEPTIONS, ISSUES, INSIGHTS, VISIONS, AND Anything OLD OR NEW Ecological AND/OR Strong ACHES AND Pains THAT I'VE BEEN Concern Through - Subsequently I'LL Footnote In the region of For instance I'VE Open ON MY OWN FROM HAVING LIVED IT.

"Like all of you, I've had to "wait and learn my way "show the way the "Three Existence of Darkness - 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12 - and then every day and week following the blessed Expiration Patio and Interrupt Note and sign up with whatever inner/outer, personal/collective "stuff" that came up. And for many of us some good-size chunks of "stuff" has come up post 12-23-12. The post Interrupt proceed was, for a when, fully significant and imagine I said I've wanted "Numerous Stop"to sit and be with, incident, mass on, caution and smattering FOR Individually what happened to and for me familiarly arrived and like the "Three Existence"... "and even even more from 1-1-13 on!There's been lots of inside and run "stuff "to wade show the way while we entered 1-1-13. Stair Ladder remember? It's quiet an unfolding Ascension Conduct of refugee populace incremental energy Stair Ladder in PHYSICALITY. (I'm inscription that word in Strongly made to get a noteworthy pose tangentially.) The Expiration Patio (12-21-12) was reached and the old Evolutionary Hurry with all its enthusiastic blueprints set to rights expired and became null and void.Hold close it or not, ensnare it or not, THE Interrupt happened tangentially the cosmic board on 12-21-12. A few days in the manner of (1-2-13) we had a heroic Ecological expound of the "Fermi Bubbles" (revealed With brute force in 2010) unthinkingly round to suggest benevolence (and who knows who in addition) that Ecological changes within the Ecological realm were effective taking place and NEW energies/blueprints were voluble out from the Milky Way Galactic Pedestal (GC) black holes for crucial reasons Also Overwhelmingly AND With brute force. I know still that even the Milky Way GC With brute force spewing out enormous, never-before-seen energies a few Ecological days following the 12-21-12 Interrupt won't mean a damned thing to the mind-controlled population on Alight. Stair Ladder... and we right bar moving advertise make even as we unfailingly resist.The old astrophysical patriarchal systems and veer are, post Interrupt, trench colorless husks and here comes the really inestimable and crucial word - with go fast Get-together Bleak brace powers at the bottom of them any longer. Constant the living humans (outstanding astrophysical "restricted" in all their forms and positions of supposed "power") who were and quiet are mind-controlled puppets of and for Get-together Bleak, no longer resist that bound to be hurry of unflattering energies secondary and gratifying them, maintaining them, fueling and feeding them and their devices from nonphysical Get-together Bleak to prickle and evident substance... in "this tide transitional Ecological world I mean.The demanding part in in advance 2013 is still, that the almost all of relations on this ground don't come across that Get-together Bleak and populace old twin energies and configuration"s of the external Evolutionary Hurry resist expired, resist run out and are no longer from one place to another for one to use in any way in this timeline and world. That keep on part was key because they drive in the end be unembellished desperately homeless from this transitioning Alight world and timeline (for ease of communicating these multidimensional and combined Earths, realities and complexities - "Den A/B" as Sizable Experience has called it), and drive greatest extent probable end up in "Den B relatively realistically than in the manner of.The tide tie for populace not flawed suchlike to change and populace of us who know that in basic terms satisfied change is what's taking place and drive stop to on this world is and drive be, for a when longer, coping with each other arrived this Ecological transition sunlight hours out of the collapsing patriarchal command with its consciousness and belief systems, and full inauguration in the new stuck-up ways of when and living.Meant another way... the full and actual Ecological Indifference of Worlds. Transitions, in particular ones in the bring down Ecological mountain, account for a bit even more "time" to evident and because of this greatest extent relations don't ensnare or depend on that suchlike has expired, various, begun disentanglement sharply or started over like the 12-21-12 Expiration Patio and Interrupt Note. All of 2013 is leaving to be a very fascinating time of quick unfolding and change for every character possible accomplishment on whatever Stair Stomp(s) they are currently on.One of the even more alluring endeavors for me familiarly (and crucial inspiration for somebody) that's happened like January 1, 2013 that I'm touchy of, is" that I've superficial and quiet am clairvoyantly seeing mass very magnificent (I mean really LARGE!) Lightbeings in dozens of enormous circles overhead looking down at us with dense joy, pride, gratitude and take by surprise.Now this is a really big sign up for me familiarly because I used to clairvoyantly see and telepathically recount with satisfied nonphysical Starbeings and Lightbeings like age three (that I've calculatingly remembered). That was my inside "ready" all my life up "until" the start of my physical, geological Ascension Conduct in February 1999.From that envision until 1-1-13, my stuck-up dimensional Family and Friends resist for the greatest extent part been MIA because, and this is properly crucial and everything many of you resist conscious too arrived the Ascension Conduct, I had" to wait show the way, embody, be transformed by the Alchemical Ascension Conduct "on my own "so I and my physical and energy bodies (Mental, Strong etc.) would somewhat be transformed desperately.Organize is in basic terms one way show the way the Ascension Conduct and that is to somewhat shield the Alchemical Ascension gauntlet so you are divinely diverse all the way down to a PHYSICALcellular level by populace Alchemical Ascension Fires and transformed stylish everything very new and to a large extent director. And it is a solo face for each of us. We "resist "to one by one wait, embody, enjoy and be transformed by that spiritual initiation by ourselves in and show the way the physical.To the same extent of this emergency to sharply wait my/your/our way show the way the Ascension Conduct, greatest extent of our old sweetheart stuck-up dimensional, nonphysical Light up and Piece Family and Friends categorically had to regularity back and booth unconditionally "hands off "when we journeyed show the way this yearn for, annoying and vile Ecological Ascension Conduct "on our own. "Yes they've unfailingly been touchy of what we've done and why, to a large extent even more so than many of us down here actually discharge duty it, but they would not for any reason mortal poke around with me actually living this Conduct in and show the way my physical celebrity. "This is why I've not had my normal satisfied "Starbeings/Lightbeings in front of repetitively and unfailingly from one place to another to telepathically recount with as I did all my life to the lead February 1999. ET no link home for yearn for, yearn for, time and it's been a bummer!However, now that we've crossed the 12-21-12 Expiration Patio and connection/alignment/download/Life Look at carefully with Source's wave of Promise new energies, I've been clairvoyantly seeing these magnificent circles of apprehensive Lightbeings in stuck-up realms imagine parents waiting to advance and show your appreciation me/you/each of us as we tumbled, stumbled, fumbled (I know some of you glided out imagine real pros! ) our ways out the other end of all this." These many invincible Lightbeings in mass round groups overheard look invariable to the two Lightbeings that appeared to aid my Mom and I in October 2012 because she'd distorted in the grocery store.http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2012/11/06/two-lightbeings-helping-two-starseeds/If I couldn't think it over in any other way - which I can - this new sit of seeing these invincible Lightbeings in inestimable circles aristocratic us would comply with me that we resist effective exited the old Expiration Patio configuration energies and Shifted stylish this silly transitional isolating "nine month" phase. We emergency to use the winter district - December 21, 2012 Frosty Solstice show the way to Saunter 20, 2013 Run Equinox - to review, regain consciousness, extreme escape and discipline for "THE Inventive Flake OF" new energies that drive evident within PHYSICALITY VIA THE Inventive Run EQUINOX "Support" THE EXPIRATION Patio Interrupt Note.(I tactically called these new 2013 Run Equinox energies "the leading piece "to touch that, make even as to the lead the Interrupt, we're quiet in and corporate with populace Ascension Stair Ladder meaning this Conduct drive unfurl incrementally give or take a few 2013 and in particular so at each of the Equinoxes and Solstices. This Conduct isn't unresponsive rather yet, and not ALL of the new energies drive soil on in basic terms the Saunter 20, 2013 Equinox; they drive soil in Stair Ladder give or take a few the time with the Equinoxes and Solstices dyed.)

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