
Yuletide Blessings 2011 Blog Party
December is the time of year when everyone has traditions. The winter holidays hold a very special place in the minds and hearts of many. It is a time of a special kind of family closeness, and valuing those we hold dear. Large feasts, singing songs, decorating our homes, giving gifts, and celebrating our spiritual beliefs.

This year I welcome you to join a blog party hosted by me! The theme this year will be" TRADITIONS". Your post content simply has to be about the traditions your family holds for your winter holiday celebration. Your entry can be shared in photos, words, or video; and can be a recipe, decorations, family gatherings, religious gatherings... really ANY tradition you and your family holds. This blog party is open to all faiths, and is not just limited to Paganism.

TO PARTICIPATE: - Sign up here

- Take the Yuletide Blessings badge to put on the sidebar of your site (linking back to this post, of course).

- You can share your direct post links here if you'd like as well, as you get them completed.

I will post a list in my sidebar with all the participating blogs. Please have your post up by December 18th, and on that day we will blog hop!

I am posting this early so everyone has a chance to participate who would like to. My blog is new, and so word needs to get out. :-) I look forward to seeing all the wonderful entries sharing our holiday spirit. Yuletide Blessings to you and yours!

Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com

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