
Practical Theology

Practical Theology
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The theme for this year is "Growing Together in God's Love". This is derived from our emphasis on the fourth discipleship value (Discipleship in Community) we want to deepen in WRPF disciples this year.

In JANUARY, we talked about how Old Testament champions dealt with obstacles to growth. In FEBRUARY, we did a series on Holy Communion. We wanted to understand more deeply how as a community we are rooted in God's love and draw nourishment from the soil of His finished work, whenever we partake of the body and blood of Christ. We have increased the number of times we have communion together to twice a month from March onwards, and monthly in the cell meetings. We want to grow together in God's love, not just theoretically, but in practice too.

In MARCH we will do a series on spiritual growth called "One Degree Makes A Difference". It challenges us to do little adjustments in habits, in attitudes, and in ministry. Little things that will result in big growth over the long haul. We will also challenge people to help non-believers "grow" spiritually by inviting them to the Alpha courses; and for members to attend the Discipleship 1 (D1) course that will be re-run with an emphasis on the mentoring element.

In APRIL, we will use Holy Week (2 -8 April) for contemplative prayer. Revival of first love can come by an inrushing of the Holy Spirit into a community or it can come by an inbreathing of the Holy Spirit in quiet contemplative prayer. I have experienced both and they are both transformative and desirable. During Holy week we will ask for the grace of an "inbreathing" experience of the Holy Spirit during the nightly contemplative prayer from Monday to Thursday (2-5 April) and the Good Friday Service. More details on this later.

For March, use the brochure and invite friends you know would benefit from a challenge to grow spiritually. Let us all grow together in God's love.



Credit: 33witches.blogspot.com

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