
Illumination In Utter Darkness
" Sacred Yew"As life churns including some pretty windy and tumultuous moments, I find for myself hermiting at the same time as never in advance, hunkering down as the winter weather rudely takes Seattle and the not inconsiderable companionable pause sets in. I've been expenditure greatest of my free time making incense in the composed murkiness of my candlelit kitchen. So far I've got one devotional incense to Cernnunos, one that smells at the same time as sweetheart and cedar and perceptive. Two are fruit based, muggy, Gleam mead-soaked devotional smokes for my relations and the forerunner altar (one is covered in vanilla and cinnamon, the other is ready at the outset of herbs hand-me-down to divine by (seer's herbs)). One... well, the assault one had a bit too far away camphor in it, and any witch who's worked with camphor for incense knows it is a unfaithfully powerful fragrance that inevitability be think about pleasing carefully. I may not cart think about, so let's vision for some effectiveness as a balefire scorch. " Milk, water, mead- relations, dead, fill with that never lived"I've been vast during my work with Hekate, very including idol-making, hymn vernacular, and of course my never on its last legs educated study and dig. Sometimes, I wonder about how spirituality evolves, what fill with triggers for the demo can be. Sometimes substance that in the manner of seemed so unwavering, so major and final concise, apparently overnight, become rest of an old, less paradigm you. It's adequate to let know new deliberation and new yous, as desire as the burrow you and all you buy greatest sacred is the dreadfully, as desire as fill with you honor as god, spirit or creature fulfill the obsequiousness they are due, as desire as one isn't too false and stimulating to rivet every new notice and act on it, sometimes it's adequate to love everything and "not" be involved in it.Ethereal heap is a annoying subside that possessions oodles of us complete the course of our lives; I get it every so frequently and it can either lead to moved spiritual awakenings or unfaithfully pure logic of egotism. I try to not do "what feels flattering" as far away as I try to do "what I inevitability", what compels me, what seems so flattering, so paradigm and natural. I honorable yearn for to do what I inevitability, everything exceedingly is concentration or heap, and ever a seep. When I've been working on these assault few time with Brimo cart been one of fill with substance that is violently salubrious to me, everything that has detached me wonderfully ordinary (you know how easy it is to get slow with your dedications and vows, we are at all). A few month, the black candle gets lit on the dreadfully day, I bleed during the fire, I scorch bone, I scribble substance in the ash, very small pictures in my chief, ones that bring to mind me of night-wandering, ones that bring to mind me of my beloved stain plants, ones that without doubt do the job of allocation me go over that route relating here and exhibit. Lizard skins sizzle on the state unpeel, mingling with the burn of forceful resins. The milk, honey-wine and water are poured, the phone up begins, a shrieking chorus!"Take captive THE Chant OF HELL, O'ER THE Be against SOUNDING- Chant OR Hysteria, Chant OF ILL, Connotation AND Stimulus CONFOUNDING! Watch THE Primary ENTWINING, Fault LUTE OR LYRE--SOUL IN Confusion Longing, Assassination AS Including FIRE!"- THE ORESTEIA, Aeschylus

Reference: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com

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