
Magickal Properties Of Coloured Stones

The All-important Properties of Red :

Red gemstones are projective and unbolt.

Red is the color of Flicker - Onset - Death

In India, red is the color of the upper chakra of the seven energy centers that control the heart and spiritual making of man.

Red stones are #1 on the hierarchy of stones as they represent the emotions and life itself.

The root is red, as is the blood it pumps, it nourishes every weakness in the heart.

Ruby is the #1 selling colored stone in the world and utter stretch rubies are capably splendid.

Red gemstones facilitate valor and are recycled to lend energy to the concern and heart. They can be recycled as a be present at stone to send psychic messages to others.

In olden mature, they were recycled to start the fires of mission in a friend or buddy (sexual fire).

Red gemstones were anyway windswept to involve in opposition to the loss of blood in war and to protect one from fire and lightning. Obsolete healing practices recycled red stones to speak with blood disorders - remedial such sweat as bloody, rashes, inflammations, miscarriages, violence, wounds, and sexual dysfunctions.

Accurate red gemstone are: burgundy, rubelite, spinel, red tourmaline, blood stone, and bleak tourmaline.

The All-important Properties of Pink:

Atypical gemstones are the love stones, and are affiliated with the natter and sexual organs. They are kind, unruffled, and peaceful stones-Both in concern and heart.

Atypical gemstones are recycled to attract and strengthen love. They can be windswept to increase love for one's self or others.

Atypical gemstones hang on all the attributes of the red stone, but in a gentler over calming and idyllic way.

Atypical stones fabricate genuineness in ourselves and others.

They are windswept to and for idealist settings and to increase the detriment of still sexual ambiance.

Atypical shows others we hang on the fire, but it's a loving fire, full of life unity.

Accurate bleak gemstones are: bleak downcast, bleak tourmaline, bleak quartz, bleak diamonds, bleak spinel, bleak crimson, kunzite, and bleak cubic zirconia.

The All-important Properties of Orange:

The color yellow is a projective color, as all art and creative situation is for the joy and indulgence of others.

Orangey gemstones are faraway rarer than the other colors.

The color yellow stands for inventiveness.

In India, yellow stands for the minute energy chakra.

The yellow stone has a disclose of the power of red stones, but is over a creative still fire. They are recycled to facilitate creative agile. They are related to your be the owner of creative powers.

Happening one of these yellow stones give loveliness your legerdemain to tap in and top your creative powers.

All yellow stones are unusual and loud to come by. Give are over top stretch artists in the world than yellow gemstones (real gemstones, not simulation).

Accurate yellow gemstones are: yellow downcast, yellow crimson, yellow quartz, yellow tourmaline, yellow amber, and yellow calcite.

The All-important Properties of Yellow:

Ocher gemstones are projective, ruled by the globe Mercury.

In India, it is the color of the 3rd energy chakra.

The color yellow stands for intellect and is ruled by the sun and air elements.

Ocher stones can be recycled to increase understanding and increase intellect.

They are recycled in magical or mystical meditations to increase apparition powers and astral-projective powers.

Mystically inclined speakers and spellbinders use yellow stones mounted in gold to bind their audiences minds to their words and planned allusions.

Ocher stones hang on the power of confrontation come up, the lessening of the exchange of concept and opinion in the company of recruits.

The at home of yellow stones is said to increase psychic and astral-travel abilities.

Many recruits consider that at home yellow gems increases their instinctive powers and, in this way, are anyway protective.

Accurate yellow gemstones are: yellow downcast (said to be the supreme powerful), citrine, yellow four-sided figure, yellow crimson, yellow tourmaline, amber and tigereye

The All-important Properties of Green:

Artless gemstones hang on ever been the color of earth's minute situation (cultivate life) the color of making, of affluence, of life rewarding vegetable spirits.

Artless has hope been of interest to red... the green life of birds and the blood red life of nature. Christmas shows this as green and red symbols (Santa is red-the tree is green) the call of man and cultivate. Moreover color connections hang on hope been recycled in mystical and magical performances and rituals.

Artless stones are unbolt and are windswept by profuse from days of old to dream of the tree and cultivate energies to themselves.

Artless gems are said to strengthen the eyes, control kidney and bladder functions, control digestion sweat and relief headaches.

Many consider that at home a green gemstone give facilitate world.

It is expected that The Divinity Isis wore a utter green jade on her circlet, and all that looked on this jade would be polite to cook up. (Isis was the earth mother goddess of the Egyptians).

In India the color green is the 4th energy Chakra (the root). So, in our root lays the 2nd situation of making.

Artless is the color of wisdom.

Artless stones windswept, are expected to facilitate reaction to the wisdom of making.

A green stone on a gold necklace windswept roughly the root is the come up open out of plug in scratch with your be the owner of spirit and earth making spirits. Their family with the elements of earth, anyway lead to their use in meditations and spells between money, prosperity, riches, and luck.

Many unhealthy women wear utter emeralds bounded by diamonds on gold manacles roughly their hearts..

Artless gemstones are support stones, energy harmonizing gemstones which can be windswept to regulate one with the earth and the cultivate making spirits.

The All-important Properties of Blue:

Depleted gemstones are the color of the Heap that finish 70% of the earth, the color of mystical nap and of central dusk.

They are ruled by the element water and the globe Neptune and the god Neptune (who is the symbol of the central subjective view in man, the engineer of our nightly dreams).

In India, it is the 5th energy Chakra (the throat Chakra).

Depleted gems are unbolt and facilitate rank and understanding.

The color earthy denotes reality to ones scaling-down, friends, and loved ones. To manufacture a earthy gemstone to a animal symbolically device that you are giving rank, good give, and friendship.

Many recruits who lack a relaxing and a calming night nap give put a earthy downcast pendant on ahead of time going to bed at night, or wear one here the day to accommodate a calming root.

Holding a earthy gemstone or gazing at one in placid candle light for 10 or 15 report give laid-back peevish emotions.

Happening one to bed at night is expected to decline intermittent nightmares and bad dreams.

In the ancient days, earthy sapphires or aquamarines were rubbed on wounds to decline the bloody or ache and were anyway rubbed on the heart to let fall itch.

In mystical or magical rituals, or the casting of spells, earthy sapphires are recycled to filter and clean the heart and concern ahead of time starting the ritual.

When bathing or showering, they can be recycled to remove any unasked for emotions or irritate.

Depleted gems can anyway be recycled for harmonizing the energies in one's self or others.

Accurate earthy gems are: earthy sapphires, tanzanite, earthy spinel, earthy opal, earthy tourmaline, earthy quartz, chrysacola, earthy topaz (all earthy topaz is radiated by tiny particles to turn it earthy and necessity not be recycled as it is not natural and releases unasked for energies in the heart).

The All-important Properties of Purple:

Lilac gemstones and purple-indigo-colored gems are the colors of sovereigns and psychism.

They are the magical stones recycled to open the third eye.

They hang on been hope recycled by mystics and to foster psychic powers.

In India, pale purple is the symbol of the 6th Chakra. The mediocre of the summit is colored with indigo-purple to represent this energy mediocre. Reflection on this mediocre moves energies from the halt (1st chakra) to the cover chakra (pineal gland) called the four-sided figure mediocre or spirit escape mediocre (at the top of the head).

Happening pale purple gemstones (other than a birthstone) shows fill who are unconventional in the use of gemstone powers, that you to anyway command the understanding.

The quartz amethyst is the best pale purple gemstone to wear for central meditation, psychic extend beyond (renowned as astral travel) or here any be the owner of ritual said to piece of paper the excellent conscious, or the overmind (in biblical terminology, this 6th pale purple energy mediocre is the upper go on Jacob's Stepladder whose 12 steps slope you indoors your own excellent spiritual angel concern

The All-important Properties of White:

Pallid gemstones are unbolt and ruled by the moon. They are linked to the night, nap, protection from forward dreams, walking at night comrade, and psychism.

Pallid chalcedony (moonstones) were linked to the moon goddess and recycled for purifying of the spirit. It was expected that priestess and nuns wore them for maintaining chastity and for healing the dubious here the dark ages.

In America, moonstones are calculated to be lucky stones and are windswept to bring good luck to the wearer.

The ancients wrote that rubbing white chalcedony (moonstones) on the temples took on sale headaches and cleared ones locate. Furthermore, rubbing white chalcedony on the breast of mothers who were having misfortune lactating heaps milk for their little and was expected to help the throw of milk.

Accurate white gemstones are: moonstones, white chalcedony, white opal, white downcast, and white quartz

The All-important Properties of Black:

Black stones are unbolt, ruled by the globe Saturn. Saturn is the globe of bowdlerization. They represent the Homeland and are scenic of subdued power, aplomb and cheerfulness. They can be recycled as tools for support to Homeland energies.

Mystically, black is the color of night, outside space, or symbolically that the animal understands and accepts their dark block and is adapted at home the symbol outwardly. In other words, they understand they hang on a dark block and know they hang on gained control of it.

Black star sapphires (6 sided star) or black star diopsite (4 sided star) are windswept by Shamans or practitioners who wish the power of light to come forth plus their gloom or subconscious, past working with relations who are internee in their dark block or black evil moods, black gemstones, faithful to black candles, past they hang on been lit, their light shines forth plus their gloom.

Starstone's moving star is expected to be the eye of the spirit inhabiting the stone, all stones are expected to hang on their own spirit, average approach recruits. Whim the genie in the magic kerosene lamp, you hang on to straight and want the spirit in your birthstone to do your long for.

Accurate black crystals are: black quartz, black sapphires, black onyx, black diopsite, black star crimson and black opal.

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