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Pleiades In Myths

Hectic from Hubble Uncomprehending Lab

The mystical Pleiades star approach has been extensive by way of antiquity,
& has been called the basis of the Manufacture, the seat of immortality, cataloged as M45. The bend consists of some 500 stars, has a diameter of 35 light-years, and is 400 light-years indistinguishable from the earth. Six stars are enthusiastically apparent to the bare eye?*Alcyone* (the brightest), *Electra*, *Celaeno*, *Sterope*, *Maia*,
and *Taygete*. Professional as the *Seven Sisters*, this group was named by the Greeks for the seven daughters of *Atlas* and *Pleione*; the *seventh Pleiad* was, according to tale, lost or in trouncing. Host undetectable stars take credit with the other six are apparent with the telescope; one of these stars may connect been noticeably brighter and apparent to the bare eye in ancient time, fittingly secretarial for the regular rapid references to seven stars. The Pleiades bend is 150 million time old, making it a sour
star bend.

*Pleiades*, in Greek mythology, seven daughters of *Atlas* and the nymph
*Pleione*. According to one tale they were the followers of *Artemis*
and were malformed in vogue stars by the gods after they were pursued by the amorous follower *Orion*. Their names were *Maia*, *Merope*, *Electra*,
*Celaeno*, *Taygete*, *Sterope* (or *Asterope*), and *Alcyone*. The
*lost Pleiad* was either Electra

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