Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Raymond Buckland Complete Book Of Witchcraft

Raymond Buckland Complete Book Of Witchcraft
Here is the most complete self-study course in modern Wicca available, written by the person who first went public with "The Old Religion" in the United States. For group or solitary use, it includes rituals; exercises for developing psychic talents; information on all major "sects" of the Craft; sections on tools, beliefs, dreams, meditations, divination, herbal lore, healing, ritual clothing; and much, much more. Even those who have practiced Wicca for years find useful information in Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, and many covens are using it as their textbook. Profusely illustrated and full of music and chants. CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION LESSON ONE - The History and Philosophy of Witchcraft History and Development. Persecutions. Re-emergence. The Philosophy of Witchcraft. Principles of Wiccan Belief. The Power Within. Spells and Charms. LESSON TWO - Beliefs Deities; The God and Goddess of Witchcraft; Reincarnation; Retribution; Between Lives. Your Temple. Your Altar and its Furniture. Magick-an Introduction. LESSON THREE - Tools, Clothing and Names Working Tools; Knife; Marking in Metal; Sword; Other Tools; Dress; Jewelry; Horned Helmet. Inscriptions. Your Witch Name. LESSON FOUR - Getting Started Rites of Passage. Circles. Self-Dedication. Coven Initiation. LESSON FIVE - Covens and Rituals Covens and Degrees. Hierarchy and Priesthood. Covensteads and Covendoms. The Book of Rituals. Consecration of Tools. RITUALS-Erecting the Temple; Clearing the Temple; Esbat Rite; Full Moon Rite; New/Dark Moon Rite; Cakes and Ale. LESSON SIX - Sabbats Samhain; Beltane; Imbolc; Lughnasadh. LESSON SEVEN - Meditation, Dreams and the Minor Sabbats Meditation- How Meditation Works; Technique; Posture; Area; Time of Day: Method. Dreams-The Source; Dream Interpretation and Symbology; Remembering Dreams; Personal Symbols; The Repetitive Dream; Group Dreams; Dreams vs Out-of-Body Experiences. Rituals-Spring Equinox; Summer Solstice; Autumnal Equinox; Winter Solstice. LESSON EIGHT - Marriage, Birth, Death and Channeling Handfasting Rite'; Handparting Rite; Birth Rite; Crossing the Bridge. The Intuitive Process-Categories of Channeling; Clearing the Channel; External Focal Points; Interpreting Channeled Information. The Aura. Sensory Deprivation. The Witches' Cradle. LESSON NINE - Divination Tarot; Scrying; Saxon Wands; Cheiromancy; Tea-leaf Reading; Numerology; Astrology; Fire Scrying. LESSON TEN - Herbalism Herbal Lore; Getting the Most Out of Herbs; Simples, Syrups, Salves, Poultices and Powders; Herb Simples; Definition of Medical Actions; Herbs in Materia Medica. Botanicals-Alteratives, Anthel-mintics, Astringents, Bitter Tonics, Calmatives, Carminatives and Aromatics, Cathartics, Demulcents, Diaphoretics, Diuretics, Emollients, Expectorants, Nervines, Nerve Stimulants, Refrigerants, Sedatives, Stimulants. Vitamins in Herbs. The Art of Prescribing Medicine. Some Simple Treatments- Medicinal Drinks, Syrups, Decoctions, Teas, Mixtures, Ointments. Witches' Pharmacopoeia. Sources. LESSON ELEVEN - Magick Physical Body. Circle. Cone of Power. Dancing and Chanting. Feeling. Drawing Down Power. Releasing the Power. Timing. Cord Magick. Candle Magick. Love Magick. Sex Magick. Binding Spell. Protection. Form of Ritual. LESSON TWELVE - The Power of the Written Word Runes. Ogham Bethluisnion. Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Theban. Passing the River. Angelic. Malachim. Pictish. Talismans and Amulets. Power Raising Dance. General Dancing. Music and Song. Sabbat Games. Wine and Ale. Bread and Cakes. 261 pages, 4.16 MB, PDF. Scan. hcraft.pdf