Sunday, November 30, 2014

Conversations With The Goddess

Conversations With The Goddess
Go to work ComplaintNow it's time for the God to group her call out of the story. To the same extent the journal of "Conversations with God", you may grasp felt the God deserved entire time to group Her call out of the story. "Conversations with the God" is a series of dialogues within which the God reveals radically brisk information about Herself, Her ancient matriarchal tradition and the emerge recovery of the female revere on Terra firma. Topics include: The prepared history of the matriarchy; Lucifer, the Goddess's son and ancient king of the world; Atlantis, the household of the patriarchy; The European mystery schools and secret societies, the hidden undergrowth of the matriarchy; Armageddon, the last clash between matriarchy and patriarchy; Hitler, pompous of the armed armed forces of the patriarchy; The Partner States, new home of the matriarchy. Formulate Pinkham gives us an replacement history of Lucifer, the ancient king of the world, and the matriarchal tradition he founded thousands of natural life ago. The name Lucifer avenue "light source," and he is the actual as the Greek god Prometheus but speckled from Satan, who was based on the Egyptian god Set. Achieve out how the undergrowth of the matriarchy, the secret societies and the mystery schools were formed and how they grasp been in receipt of base from the brotherhoods on Sirius and Venus to fee the world and oust the patriarchy. Go on about the recovery of the God tradition in the New Age and why the God requirements us all to unify with Her now! An specific book from an specific writer! Re THE NotateFormulate Pinkham lives in Tacoma, Washington. He is the designer of the esoteric book "Interchange of the Serpents of Deepness", which enjoys an copse cult scrutiny. He leads tours globular the world and appears on tardy night radio from time to time. BUY NOW