PICATRIX is the name recycled today, and historically in Christian Europe, for a grimoire originator in black and white in Arabic noble "Gayat al-akim", which upper limit scholars group was in black and white in the mean of the 11th century, yet a supported contest for strength in the first of all imperfect of the 10th century has been ended. The Arabic stand has been translated as "The Aim of the Spiritual leader" or "The Aim of The Practical". The most basic Arabic work was translated appearing in Spanish and as a result appearing in Latin all the rage the 13th century. The name "Picatrix" is each sometimes recycled to cancel to the compose.
"Picatrix" is a intricate work that synthesizes great works on magic and astrology. One of the upper limit influential interpretations suggests it is to be regarded as a "handbook of talismanic magic".
" Newborn investigator summarizes it as "the upper limit inclusive presentation of space magic in Arabic", significant the sources for the work as "Arabic texts on Hermeticism, Sabianism, Ismailism, astrology, alchemy and magic twisted in the Chummy East in the ninth and tenth centuries A.D." According to Eugenio Garin "In legitimacy the Latin magazine of the Picatrix is as critical as the Better part Hermeticum" or the writings of Albumasar for understanding a obvious part of the deliver of the Revival, in the midst of the symbolic arts." It has seriously committed West European magical solicitude from Marsilio Ficino in the 15th century, to Thomas Campanella in the 17th century. The hardback in the British Annals conceded by means of a lot of hands: Simon Forman, Richard Napier, Elias Ashmole and William Lilly.
" According to the introduction of the Latin interpretation, Picatrix" was translated appearing in Spanish from the Arabic by order of Alphonso X of Castile at some time between 1256 and 1258. The Latin magazine was twisted soon once, based on interpretation of the Spanish manuscripts. It has been approved to Maslama ibn Ahmad al-Majriti (an Andalusian mathematician), but various reckon called this acknowledgment appearing in pierce. So, the compose is sometimes indicated as "Pseudo-Majriti".