Eye of newt (of course - that is in all the good spells- right?)Addition of batGraveyard dustCoffin nailsDragon's bloodAnd a hair from a werewolf plucked at the impress of midnight on a full moon (that sounds unpolluted horrid to me!)
Now, contrasting common of my immature friends, I was not frightened of witches, I was intrigued. Was this real? Did these types of ingredients actually go in the field of a magical spell? Why? Seeing that did they do? Everywhere may perhaps I get a real dragon and how much blood was called for? Fortunately, I soon realized that Dragon's Blood didn't come from a real dragon - much to my relief!
During the cover 10 kick of my life we stimulated a lot, we were gypsies, moving at smallest amount in imitation of and sometimes multiply by two a time and the fatherland my mother partner in crime with were alarming. Show were all gypsies as well as artists, musicians and magical fatherland. It was during this time that I was cover introduced to magic, the Tarot, and herbalism, though I had no give flavor to what I was learning after that.
As I got towering I astute bigger about magic, witchcraft and my own gifts and I alike became bigger keen with some of the bigger quaint magical ingredients. This week I intended I would design about Dragon's Blood, one of the bigger romanticized ingredients in a witch's closet.
Gender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElementary Ruler: Fire
The Dragon's Blood we buy today is naturally a red resin from the "DAEMONOROPS DRACO" tree which is a type of palm tree state to Indonesian islands as well as from the "Dracaena Cinnabari tree state to Socotra. It is found in resin and powder forms as well as in incense and further to red ink to make Dragon's Blood ink.
One of the common uses ascribed to Dragon's Blood are: therapeutic diarrhea, lowering fevers, hand out to heal ulcers in the chin, gullet and intestines, as well as for treating eczema. It was even intended to personal astringent properties and used to tidbit wounds.
Magically, Dragon's Blood is used to disinfect a space of despair, for banishing spells, protection, to add a hardly visible other power to a spell, for love and time was sophisticated with red ink it can be used to set off magical seals and to ink talismans.
Dragon's Blood resin was used to set off a end that violin used to communicate their violins their signature color, and it is serene used in this way today.
In Scott Cunningham's Index of Magical Herbs he relates that a hold of Dragon's Blood tree positioned under the soften command bind impotency. A animal can blood blister Dragon's Blood resin although seated in an open sheet of glass to strain an defiant lover to return. He alike states that Dragon's Blood is a "powerful protectant time was carried, spread forcefully the land, or shouldered as incense."
I equally to have Dragon's Blood on hand, you never know time was you are going to urge to add a hardly visible other spark to a spell!
Close to is a vast recipe for a Dragon's Blood Witch's Ink that I found at www.mdidea.com: right about
4 oz. Clear Alcohol (vodka works well)
2 tsp. Dragons Blood (tackle resin)
1 tsp. Faithful Vanilla (color)
1 tsp. Indigo (color)
1 cinnamon hold
2 cloves (not compulsory)
Mix all together in a compactly unquestionable jar. Shake over until sophisticated well. Mail in dark cool sideboard. Stock out in imitation of a day and dodder up to move about for seven days. Tribulation the ink by placing your pen, needle or toothpick in the ink, after that test on paper. If color is dark enough for you it's set to use. If you would equally it even darker after that add bigger resin and restore the shaking. Tribulation every day until you personal the pleasing color hue.
Sources:http://suite101.com/article/magickal-herbs--the-uses-of-dragons-blood-a291227http://www.earthwitchery.com/herbsa-g.htmlhttp://www.mdidea.com/products/proper/proper02706.htmlhttp://voices.yahoo.com/a-guide-using-dragons-blood-magick-644329.htmlCunningham's Index of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunninghamhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Socotra dragon tree.JPG
Labels: devil, magick, necromancy