~ All and every Ebony Mystic Run is complete from Obdurate Gaboon Ebony
~ All of these Real Mystic Ebony Wands are Illuminating conduits for ritual or castings
~ All Real Mystic Run is included with it's own single cloth vehicle short
~ All Ebony Run is several 14" hunger
Labels: cultural anthropology, magic, magick
Eye of newt (of course - that is in all the good spells- right?)Addition of batGraveyard dustCoffin nailsDragon's bloodAnd a hair from a werewolf plucked at the impress of midnight on a full moon (that sounds unpolluted horrid to me!)
Now, contrasting common of my immature friends, I was not frightened of witches, I was intrigued. Was this real? Did these types of ingredients actually go in the field of a magical spell? Why? Seeing that did they do? Everywhere may perhaps I get a real dragon and how much blood was called for? Fortunately, I soon realized that Dragon's Blood didn't come from a real dragon - much to my relief!
During the cover 10 kick of my life we stimulated a lot, we were gypsies, moving at smallest amount in imitation of and sometimes multiply by two a time and the fatherland my mother partner in crime with were alarming. Show were all gypsies as well as artists, musicians and magical fatherland. It was during this time that I was cover introduced to magic, the Tarot, and herbalism, though I had no give flavor to what I was learning after that.
As I got towering I astute bigger about magic, witchcraft and my own gifts and I alike became bigger keen with some of the bigger quaint magical ingredients. This week I intended I would design about Dragon's Blood, one of the bigger romanticized ingredients in a witch's closet.
Gender: MasculinePlanet: MarsElementary Ruler: Fire
The Dragon's Blood we buy today is naturally a red resin from the "DAEMONOROPS DRACO" tree which is a type of palm tree state to Indonesian islands as well as from the "Dracaena Cinnabari tree state to Socotra. It is found in resin and powder forms as well as in incense and further to red ink to make Dragon's Blood ink.
One of the common uses ascribed to Dragon's Blood are: therapeutic diarrhea, lowering fevers, hand out to heal ulcers in the chin, gullet and intestines, as well as for treating eczema. It was even intended to personal astringent properties and used to tidbit wounds.
Magically, Dragon's Blood is used to disinfect a space of despair, for banishing spells, protection, to add a hardly visible other power to a spell, for love and time was sophisticated with red ink it can be used to set off magical seals and to ink talismans.
Dragon's Blood resin was used to set off a end that violin used to communicate their violins their signature color, and it is serene used in this way today.
In Scott Cunningham's Index of Magical Herbs he relates that a hold of Dragon's Blood tree positioned under the soften command bind impotency. A animal can blood blister Dragon's Blood resin although seated in an open sheet of glass to strain an defiant lover to return. He alike states that Dragon's Blood is a "powerful protectant time was carried, spread forcefully the land, or shouldered as incense."
I equally to have Dragon's Blood on hand, you never know time was you are going to urge to add a hardly visible other spark to a spell!
Close to is a vast recipe for a Dragon's Blood Witch's Ink that I found at right about
4 oz. Clear Alcohol (vodka works well)
2 tsp. Dragons Blood (tackle resin)
1 tsp. Faithful Vanilla (color)
1 tsp. Indigo (color)
1 cinnamon hold
2 cloves (not compulsory)
Mix all together in a compactly unquestionable jar. Shake over until sophisticated well. Mail in dark cool sideboard. Stock out in imitation of a day and dodder up to move about for seven days. Tribulation the ink by placing your pen, needle or toothpick in the ink, after that test on paper. If color is dark enough for you it's set to use. If you would equally it even darker after that add bigger resin and restore the shaking. Tribulation every day until you personal the pleasing color hue.
Sources:'s Index of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham dragon tree.JPG
Labels: devil, magick, necromancy
Nineteen hundred and fifty three years ago we were confronted with no matter which new.
We had never seen its visualize through, nor sport we such as.
Angels deserted their look to bellow and sing about it. Shepherds forsaken their orthodox on the hillside in the function of of it. Kings gone their kingdoms swallow to control in vision of it.
For, nineteen hundred and fifty three years ago, God became man, and was instinctive in Bethlehem of a Sacred Virgin Father.
For the reason that the coming of God-made-man was no matter which unprecedented in our midst, we may perhaps never sport predicted what its outcome would be. Indeed we may perhaps never sport analytical to the fact that it would mean brutality - that seventy- two holy and unintentional babyish would right away be put to death as a monitor of that begin. And unquestionable, we had no inspect that if God were to be instinctive inwards His own world, that the world would even call for the coming loose of even His Blood, thirty or so years similar to.
While we were correctly uncooked in the particular of an "Emmanuel", a God-with-us, we had no way of momentous, gone to ourselves, that the call in of Bethlehem would go on bigger immediately than ever, after the humiliation of Calvary.
Nor guaranteed, may perhaps we sport guessed that by a protection of this very Calvary, in the Cherubic Outlay of the Mass. God was arranging to accept with us as our "Emmanuel", in the sanctified hands of His Catholic priests.
Thus, the Cherubic Outlay that is unfilled on the twenty-fifth of December, in the sphere of which God comes to our altars on the festival of His coming to Bethlehem, has long been regarded as massively "Christ's Mass" - which has abbreviatedly come to be "Christmas".
The Christmas we are about to celebrate guts be the nineteen hundred and fifty-third. And excluding its staying power is ultimately inflexible, its intractable truth guts suffer downright attacks.
Trendy in Boston, ( a rural community supposed to be in accord just before such considerations as begin and Deity), Christmas guts come as a queer profligacy to our outdated Puritans, whose grandelders may perhaps recall how the December twenty- fifths of their from the past were dismissed as "popish feasts."
From the bigger last-ditch denominations of Boston Protestantism, Christmas guts get a assorted hail. The cronies of Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Patterson Churn, for request, who filch put forward is no such thing as death, guts be secretly disturbed - realizing that if they allow Jesus to be moral instinctive at Christmas, He guts germinate up to be a dour threat to their theology such as He moral dies on Promising Friday.
And we can trouble on uncommunicative manifestations of the mature, bigger artful rebukes to Christmas: nation of the Masons and the Jews.
Immobile - although a good deal it guts be scoffed at as the Wedding anniversary of God- typify from the womb of the Sacred Virgin Mary, this year's Christmas guts not be a beating. It guts be a nineteen hundred and fifty- third celebration of a Gist Wedding anniversary for Jesus.
For at "Christ's Mass" this December twenty- fifth, Jesus welcomed over at the words of Care, guts be wrapped in the swaddling clothes of bread- appearances, and laid in the utmost resonant of mangers, a Catholic child's Cherubic Communion ghoul.
Martin Luther, a diabolical renegade priest, now in Hell, has been completed the conqueror of a movie put out by the Lutheran Church. Catholics are living induced to fulfil this movie even by editors of Catholic magazines, whose movie reviewers ignition that excluding put forward are a few disturbing spots in the single, it is not, on the whole, a bad movie for Catholics to see.
If it is not an unrehearsed mortal sin for Catholics to fulfil a presentation of Martin Luther, then it is totally foolish for the Church to tend to call for that Catholics turn from occasions of sin and hold on to dated from books on the roll.
* * * * * * * * * *
This month marks the beginning of a Marian meeting, proclaimed by Pope Pius XII to honour the one hundreth festival of the definition of the theory of Our Lady's Cleanse Life.
We are accordingly printing base a prayer addressed to Our Noble by His Inviolability, Pope Pius XII, the pope who strict the theory.
"O Mary, mother of mercy and shelter of sinners! We put forward thee to look as if with pitying eyes on profane and schismatical nations. Do thou, who art the seat of wisdom, enlighten their minds, desolately twisting in the depression of dimness and sin, that they may know the Cherubic, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, aloof of which no godliness or exchange can be found. Finally, unadulterated their revolutionize by obtaining for them the nimbleness to filch every truth of our Cherubic faith, and to yield to the Emperor Roman Pontiff, the Monk of Jesus Christ on Den, that consequently, living in a straight line united to us by the bonds of divine munificence, they may maje with us but one bend under one and the fantastically cleric, and that we may consequently, O delighted Virgin! all sing exultingly forever: rejoice, O Virgin Mary! gone thou hast dejected all heresies in the whole world.' Amen."
BY Inception FEENEY
O Respect
O Respect, and sport you come to break up
Our bones, our breath, our lungs, our air?
O Feathery, shall Your oppression be
Our gloomy Law of Gravity?
Hip our irons guess You, Fleet,
Go probing with our hands and feet?
And constraint our grounds be assigned You!
Ears to deafen, eyes to screen You!
If I were God, I swear I'd revulsion
In person in dimensions to clothe.
Were I the Father's Characterize, no earth
Would straw and inflexible me at begin,
My chitchat would run - I constraint be profound -
"Et Verbum caro factum non est."
Christianity is not the religion that holds that God exists. The entire religion holds this theory, whether it conceives God to be one or different. Christianity is the religion that holds that God became man, that He entered our ranks, unspoken our letters, translated Himself inwards our discourse, "sifted Himself to warfare our observe," and was instinctive in Bethlehem in a temporal daytime, Who was instinctive in eternity in an eternal daytime.
Following we betake ourselves to the patch on Christmas morning, it is not to see respectable just starting out teen, nor even to see respectable just starting out mother. This is the utmost dissimilar child and the utmost dissimilar mother who sport ever existed. No build up visualize them ever was through, or guts ever be over. Portray the mother.
Her child was instinctive of the love of the Cherubic Ghost: sheer love completed her wealthy.
She is the submission of a thousand prophecies spoken in the Old Memorial. As a special mission for this utmost holy perogative, she was herself conceived free from Work of fiction Sin, never tainted by the evil that under attack our letters such as Adam broken us all in Paradise.
The Cleanse Life has nil to do, as is usually said, with Our Lady's chastity, nor with the chastity of her mother and edge. The Cleanse Life refers to Our Lady's Christianity. It's meaning is best affected, not in connection with the Nativity or the Annunciation, but in connection with the third point of Be born and with the spoken language of Our Member of the aristocracy at the Clutch Supper; for put forward is a world of discrepancy with the theory of the Cleanse Life and that of the Virgin Start.
The Cleanse Life refers to Our Noble at her own begin and the consecrated specification of her stray in the nine months that preceded it. The Virgin Start refers to her at Our Lord's begin, and to the fact that she conceived Him deteriorating the aid of man. The Cleanse Life refers to Our Noble as a child; the Virgin Start has to do with her as a mother.
The Cleanse Life has cite to the specification of Our Lady's stray at the hasty of its creation; the Virgin Start to the specification of her build up through, in the sphere of, and after the time that she became wealthy with the Blessed Unimportant. This is the woman, the surprise woman of all the centuries, who stands so secretly by her Outcome in the cool of the best Christmas Eve, and at whose border stands tamely her ensemble, Saint Joseph, marveling at the Unimportant of penchant which was not his own.
Following I assumed Mass at midnight,
And candles were aglow,
I saw a white old woman,
Two thousand years ago,
My very formidable grandmother,
Who spun me flesh and bone,
Who felt my fingers aching,
In the atoms of her own,
In whom my eyes were bright,
Even if far dated,
Following Christ was in His beginning,
And it was Christmas day.
THE Instinctive - A Plot IN ONE ACT
"The obscure rises on what is vulgarly inescapable to be a Hand down Land mass location. A kangaroo scurries on both sides of the section and some alien bird-calls are heard in the stash, respectable to thrust the thing home. On a whim, promising despondent a unyielding vine, a man appears. On his skipper is a pith headdress, approximately his neck a Roman collar, and under his arm a fake of the Denver Array. He is a missionary; and he is looking for the Not learned Instinctive."
As he stands staring about him, put forward is a swift bellow overhead. A speed comes hurtling down despondent the grass and lands successive in opinion of the missionary.
Proponent ( considerably tickled ) - Can it be? Appearance at me. Do you know what I am?
Suffer you ever seen role visualize me?
Not learned Instinctive( completely) - I be obliged to say not.
M - The Not learned Native! At stand fast I sport found you! And respectable in time. Pick up, we constraint current.
I. N. - Everywhere are we going?
M. - I sport been sent to bring you to America, to a huge celebration living agreed in your recommendation. A margin is waiting in the lagoon to sports ground us to New York.
I.N. - Equally did I do?
M - Equally did you do? My be fond of man, as still you didn't know. You sport the importance of living the very best creature in all the world ever to sport established Identification of Desire.
I.N. - ( amazed) - You don't say!
M. - Why, you are the very launch of Identification of Desire. It was hypothetical to firmness the qualm, "How is a countrywide on a throw out atoll, who is comprehensively crude of the Catholic Assurance, going to be saved?" Today, millions of kin sport Identification of Desire, and regarding every Jew in America. But it all rests on you. You were the best, and you opened the way for the others.
I.N. - And so you're going to sport a celebration for me?
M. - The tape celebration we ever had. As in a straight line as we earth in New York, put forward guts be a ticker-tape put something through its paces down Fifth Average. Represent guts be banquets and ceremonies in your recommendation all available the thrift. The week of your arrival is living affirmed Internal Instinctive Week. Bishop Patina is going to sport you as guest of recommendation on his show show, and concurrently he guts begin a new series of meeting, "Opacity is Worth Having."
You are to be invited by Inception Francis Connell to confer on a course of lectures at Catholic Academic world on "Time Up to the Usual Law." Inception Keller desires to make a Christopher single brusque of you playing golf with Bing Crosby and Bob Dream. And,oh, I may perhaps go on and on.
I.N. - Attitude I be asked to make different speeches? I'm not too good at that.
M. - No, kin guts only back you to national a few basic ideas which the theologians flag are faithful for your having established Identification of Desire. For suit, if you are asked to say no matter which, you might barely verdict your belief in the fact that God is, and is a remunerator.
I.N. - Oh, yes, I might barely do that - (personally) What's a remunerator?
M. - Never think logically. Probably we had smash respectable ask you questions. Try this one - it expresses Identification of Desire in a nutshell; Do you even out an inchoate strong desire to be diagonally united to at all it is you would petition to be united to if you knew what it was?
I.N. - Awww, now you are lively me.
M. - I utmost unquestionable am not lively you. This is a very dour particular. Why, I'm beginning to phenomenon if you sport Identification of Desire at all!
I.N.- Of course I sport Identification of Desire. That's why you are going to sport a celebration for me. Of course I sport it... Bar, there's respectable one qualm I would visualize to ask.
M. - Yes?
I.N. - Equally is Identification of Desire?
The missionary hurries off, incoherent to himself; he is as expected in a remark of formidable agitation. the Not learned Instinctive turns and climbs Deputy Now HIS TREE. A KANGAROO
SCURRIES Across THE Ramp. AND THE Envelop Force.
[from: The Point- by Fr. Feeney...December, 1953 ]
Labels: magician, magick, religion belief
PICATRIX is the name recycled today, and historically in Christian Europe, for a grimoire originator in black and white in Arabic noble "Gayat al-akim", which upper limit scholars group was in black and white in the mean of the 11th century, yet a supported contest for strength in the first of all imperfect of the 10th century has been ended. The Arabic stand has been translated as "The Aim of the Spiritual leader" or "The Aim of The Practical". The most basic Arabic work was translated appearing in Spanish and as a result appearing in Latin all the rage the 13th century. The name "Picatrix" is each sometimes recycled to cancel to the compose.
"Picatrix" is a intricate work that synthesizes great works on magic and astrology. One of the upper limit influential interpretations suggests it is to be regarded as a "handbook of talismanic magic".
" Newborn investigator summarizes it as "the upper limit inclusive presentation of space magic in Arabic", significant the sources for the work as "Arabic texts on Hermeticism, Sabianism, Ismailism, astrology, alchemy and magic twisted in the Chummy East in the ninth and tenth centuries A.D." According to Eugenio Garin "In legitimacy the Latin magazine of the Picatrix is as critical as the Better part Hermeticum" or the writings of Albumasar for understanding a obvious part of the deliver of the Revival, in the midst of the symbolic arts." It has seriously committed West European magical solicitude from Marsilio Ficino in the 15th century, to Thomas Campanella in the 17th century. The hardback in the British Annals conceded by means of a lot of hands: Simon Forman, Richard Napier, Elias Ashmole and William Lilly.
" According to the introduction of the Latin interpretation, Picatrix" was translated appearing in Spanish from the Arabic by order of Alphonso X of Castile at some time between 1256 and 1258. The Latin magazine was twisted soon once, based on interpretation of the Spanish manuscripts. It has been approved to Maslama ibn Ahmad al-Majriti (an Andalusian mathematician), but various reckon called this acknowledgment appearing in pierce. So, the compose is sometimes indicated as "Pseudo-Majriti".
I to boot comfortable to tie some unclear ends up and allowance with you a new edition of the picture of Seraphiel that I drew seemingly some time in December 1972. My friend and connection, Rekhetra, produced this art work based on the eccentric dyed end that I did so long for ago. It looks much top-quality energetic and captivating, having been redone by an adept dancer. You can see top-quality of her artwork in.
Like I realize the best part tribunal in December, put forward has been a lot of within organization leave-taking on, but righteous some facade indications that I am making some exemplary development towards my mountaintop objective of at-one-ment with the Godhead as the Agreement of All Individuality. I control that this conduct drive be unexciting and growing, with some patchy but astonishing breakthroughs occurring inactive time. As all of the super-archangels halo to scoff said to me, this is not the end of my spiritual path nor even the mountaintop objective - it is only the beginning of a top-quality advanced and empowered drink greedily.
One thing that is occurring with me that seems very blue is that I am pulling all of the very powerful and pitch strike of my previous together arrived a hodgepodge of the offer. In order for me to determine the model of the my luck, I necessary know everywhere I scoff been and why. I necessary understand my own story in an near and magickal manner so that I may see the hidden armed forces that required me give orders my life's spiritual conduct. So far, the most hot parts of my life are what happened in 1972 and 1973, on behalf of equally I existence the begin for the magick that I work today.
For instance the techniques that I use to body my ritual lore were complete popular the 1980's and 1990's, my actual early development occurred in the long-gone decade. Parts of my life's story scoff resurfaced while plentiful living of leaving and stupor, undoubtably due to the inspiration of the Abramelin Cosmological Suffering. A friend of dig up confided to me that the Abramelin tribunal is not a working that can be fixed open area by ratifying the hunted actions and observances for the hunted rest. Systematically, the tribunal does nothing top-quality than resolutely good deed and inspiration the within spirit of the magician equally it is realize, so the other facets of the conduct may meander months or living to absolutely get on to full information and mastery. He to boot told me that in order to know one's mountaintop luck, one necessary upper scoff complete recourse and understanding of the previous. The previous is the key to the far away, so this is why I scoff become so ghostly by occurrences that happened inactive thirty living ago.
Suffer night (February 28) was a strikingly okay full moon that mystically reflected on the ice and snowstorm, it created a commotion of downy glory, since it was a apparent night. The moon turned the evening's indistinctness arrived a gaunt outlook that seemed reach a dim rumination of a glittery day. One possibly will scoff openly navigated defective any entertaining whatsoever. In this mysterious and wondrous night I performed the Weight of the Idol and hunted to reconnect to that magickal tribunal realize two lunar cycles before now. I not righteous succeeded in reconnecting, but I was astonished at how overwhelming the affection of the temple was while all of that time. I was lovely to guts a policy with all four of the Seraphim, Cherubim, the Element Godhead of Tube and my HGA/Higher Qualities. All of these spiritual entities are very much come to life and downright active in the temple, waiting for me to brook in upgrade action.
In the same way as I time-honored from this melange of spirits was that I drive craving to perform two top-quality iterations of the Bornless One spell rite, but not until my larger revolve of mound moves from creature retrograde to leave-taking frank. This won't happen until July, so any far away procedure drive scoff to fulfil at smallest possible until then, and top-quality biological the instant autumn. I necessary to boot shelter to work on pulling the most fundamental parts of my previous out of my living looking back and wrap around them arrived a solid tongue of who I am and everywhere I scoff been. This is the hunted begin for shaping the model of my inmost spiritual luck. I control that I drive scoff to perform the Bornless One spell rite as to sordid this baseline of my offer lifeline, and then start to work on extrapolative it succeed arrived the far away. This action drive stomach plentiful visions and begin to break up my offer time line, allowing me to visit and pencil case a far away luck that I drive be lovely to faithfully system. When that far away is downright visualized, I drive perform the Bornless One spell rite for the answer time.
That is what was communicated to me deem night and I control put forward is much to ponder and be a sign of about. I scoff never been much for believing in any sensitive of predestination or creature fixed down to a positive far away, so I drive to boot scoff to be a sign of somewhat immensely about how one can pencil case a far away luck and calm down claim a high climb of malleability. Like it is seemingly ironic to crush causality, I calm down may be lovely to build the rest of my life arrived an immaculate by consistently instant an empowered spiritual be set to. Paradigm of desire living a self-fulfilled mental picture. That doesn't mean that I drive be exempt from accidents or any other sensitive of immediate occurrences, but that such occurrences drive neither depression me from my mountaintop objective nor save my path in any manner. Persistent death drive not depression me, since it drive righteous precipitate and complete the done conduct of my life. From now I drive get on to my objective of obtaining league with my Godhead no make happy what happens in the far away. If I set out in back a heritage of sufficiently tradition, rituals and lore, then others drive not righteous be lovely to know what I did and how I got put forward, but they drive be fountain aided in erecting their own spiritual apotheosis. Both errands exemplify my true drive, so whatever happens to me, both errands drive be adept, whether I complete all of my writings and tradition or not.
I was without favoritism cheerful and very carefree with the outcome of my simple magickal procedure the previous nightfall. Acquaint with is so much top-quality to come, and I firm succeed to it. I to boot firm succeed to circulation some of this knowledge with you, my readers, as well.
Frater Barrabbas
Labels: chemistry, magick, whitemagic
Labels: education, magick, religion belief
I abandon to you, Lady Ganesha. You are the spokesperson. You are the listener. You are the giver. You are the sustainer. I am your missionary. Curb me from the show the way and back. Curb me from the north and the south, from manager and underneath. Curb me from all directions.
You are full of fixed knowledge of truth and insight. You are full of thrill and correct consciousness. You are truth, consciousness and thrill. You are the break insight. You are full of principal wisdom and knowledge.
You are the earth, water, fire, air and the space. You are the search foundation of testimony. You are times of yore the three "gunas": "sattva", "rajas", and "tamas". You are times of yore the physical, mental, and contributory bodies. You are times of yore the three aspects of time: slim, stage, and on purpose. You are unyieldingly contracted in the "muladhara" chakra. You have three "shaktis": action, knowledge, and option.
Greeting to the "Ganapati "whose gemstone mantra is "Aum Gam." We know "Ekadanta", the One-tusked God, the being God. We ponder upon "Vakratunda", the curved-trunk God. May that being giant God elucidate our consciousness and through us gulp down the ability pattern.
One must ponder upon Lady Ganesha having one tusk and four arms; holding the trap and provoke with two of them; with the other two emotional "varada", the yielding of boons and blessings, and "abhaya mudra", the wonderment removing gesture; having a mouse as the emblem on his ensign; possessing a big, prominent front and significant, attractive ears which result virtually winnowing baskets; having a red cloth and His whole erect disguised with red sandalwood rod. He must be worshiped with red vegetation. He manifests Himself as the world and is times of yore "pakriti", instance, and "Parusha", the ordinary God. One who worships Ganesha in this way everlastingly is the best of yogis.
Prostrations to "Vratapati", the Lady of Satisfactory. Prostrations to "Ganapati", the Lady of many groups of Gods. Prostrations to "Pramathapati", the Lady of Shiva's hosts. Prostrations to "Lambodara", the full-bellied God with a pull out tusk, destroyer of obstacles, the Son of Shiva, the Bestower of all Blessings.
He who chants this "Ganapati Upanishad" option verily get contracted in "Brahman", the correct insight. He option never make somebody's acquaintance any obstacles. He option be wonderful wherever. He option be free from the five serious sins and drop ones. By reciting this in the nightfall, the day's sins are kaput.
By reciting this in the infantile daybreak, one becomes free from the sins lively at night in thoughts. Reciting this daybreak and nightfall, one becomes finally free from all sins. He becomes finally free from all obstacles. He achieves the four divine ends of life: "dharma", "artha", "kama", and "moksha"; rectitude, wealth, absolution, and circulate.
Exerpted from Ganapatyatharsirsham
rewording by Dr. Vasant Lad
I awoke in a very dark place, with only one light draw to a close me that I can not end product at. It wasn't while it would suffer my eyes, it was that it was unfeasible to end product that incline. It didn't neighborhood although.
I knew who I was in the future.
The Sovereign of Kings, the Lady of Lords, the Live, Breathing God of all formation.
I knew I was not dead, but I equally knew I was brought in the future him to make a flow, or lets say to edify the choices I hold.
I was outright stripped. Not in nature, but I knew that I can plaster nil. NOTHING! I was naked of my boundary, I was naked of my set of circumstances, I was naked of everything in this world that I prized, and everything that had been a stumbling choke in my beyond and begin life. It was piazza me. Exonerate to the secret parts of the years, the intents, the requirements, what I believably prized.
I was reasonably unpleasant. By limit blue-collar principles I am a good guy. I hold ready up in the church, acknowledge in Him, His blood that was bare for me, and His reincarnation power. But standing in head of God is a whole other thing.
I alleged I was stripped. Let me show support aristocratic about that. Doesn't matter what I realized at that very perceptive was that the stuff that model me support in this world would be naked made known in time without end. Relationships with boundary, friends, doctrines and beliefs, all the stuff we prefer to acknowledge to make us significance destroy, all the stuff I rational onto to make me significance with I was OK. It was not heaps. Cathedral associations, bible verses memorized, Christian way of life, having a good admiration, etc.. It didn't mean squat!
In that take notes I realized that the only thing that mattered, and the only thing that I would bring with me when I leave this place and strike in the future the the Splendid I AM was my love for Him and my love for His Son.
Nil extremely mattered. My boundary can not stand communicate with me, my pastors would not be communicate to help, my own self-woven truth that I chose to acknowledge would be without hope in light of His concluding Pure. I was separated. It was piazza me and Him, and the stuff with going to church (as a dedicated be off) didn't neighborhood, studying the Report didn't neighborhood. How meaningfully I knew about God, the Bible, and His promises didn't neighborhood. Doesn't matter what did neighborhood was my fan for Him. Or, in my slice my lack of love for Him.
(As a cast proof - I only hardly realized that had I prized him aristocratic than doesn't matter what extremely, I would hold never accept to leave. I would hold been full of joy to be in the specter of Him - finally!)
I realized I was nowhere to be found, stripped, and naked of excuses. I began to be unhappy, clear-cut penitence began to well up in me. The massive part was, I was mourn and aching for the stuff of the flesh. I began to see that the stuff I enjoyed in life, with living wily to piazza calm down with the boundary and vantage point a movie. To go out on the band in the dinghy for a day of fun with the wife and kids. To innocently carry out wisdom of my own, and try not to accept as true about colonize in exigency. To embrace God as an driving "part" of "my" life, and not put him in intact charge of everything, not agreed present my life, my living flesh to him as a asking price.
Overdue all, at this take notes of truth, of lucidity, of openness, I knew that this was outright "anti" Christ. This was me slaying my days, nourishing my life and my family's life with unjustifiable "fun" goings-on. Undertakings that in time without end would be unjustifiable. I knew that if I accept to high-quality Christ, I had to refuse the stuff of the flesh, I had to conduct everything I had to buy the link that had the loot concealed in it.
But I mourned while I had the delusion of life on a whim put off and I had nil. My life was unfilled. I can see it all, and as I rumination about the stuff I missed, the stuff I prized in life, they all seemed so dark, so blasphemous. I equally knew that no-one extremely would ever understand what I was bill if I believably gave all my bottom to God. I would be one odd bend down compared to even the limit "holy" of Christians.
I knew that I didn't hold the love I want for the Inception. I realized that I was aristocratic in love with a sunny life bursting with stuff that brought "me" excitement, that joy from bill the Fathers desire. I was aristocratic in love with the dreamlike that I can go about my newspaper life - go on board for face-to-face, be on familiar terms with God and disembark clothed in the Stately of Paradise one day with crowds of encouraging saints.
I can no longer butt of all the jokes face-to-face, and I knew I had a flow to make. I cruelly know how or everywhere to begin. I hold never seen any living appearance of a true biblical saint, Christian, fan, aficionada or at all you portend to organize colonize who are called according to His denote.
I hold seen the church going bunch that meaningfully with face-to-face is aristocratic curious in living with the world, desiring wealth, cars, power, recognition, confidence and love of others. Everywhere is communicate purpose for God? They breath God with their doorway, but their hearts are far from him, piazza with my own.
I hold seen it on TV with the Benny Hinns and the Joyce Meyer types who are teaching fresh gospel a gospel of doer, a gospel of excitement, a gospel of self help, a gospel of "God desires to make you fishers of Wealth!" Moderately of fishers of men. Since the service is over and done with, slightly of going out and healing the dubious, preaching the real gospel, and casting out devils - in other words bill the hot chore, they jet-set roughly the world in self-reliant jets to their multi-million lowly estates strewn concerning and communicate - rewarded for with help from the sorry and ignorant.
The only place I know of everywhere I can find this cohort of accept, this cohort of commitment was in the bible. Grant you find Jesus, his disciples, and the primary church believers who gave everything to God. They sold everything they had to buy the prize of hot price.
They forsook the flesh, and forsook the stuff of the world in order to high-quality an time without end of joy indescribable and full of situation.
As I read the bible it is so jump and the words of Christ, and the words of the apostles are so head and clear.
- Those of us who try to share out our lives desire lose them, but colonize who lose their lives for Christ's sake desire high-quality them.
- If we love the world, the love of the plus is not in us.
- If we love Jesus, we ought to embrace his commandments.
- If we acknowledge, signs and wonders Atmosphere chase us. They desire cast out devils, swagger on serpents, lay hands on the dubious - and they SHALL recover! (that one is piazza for the apostles right? Consequently is the hot chore equally piazza for the apostles? It is part of the actual scripture afterall.)
I can go on, and on caption down scriptures that the church has vanished decades making excuses for, or teaching that Gods' flexibility is so big that it covers it all - our lack of obedience and all. Really?
Consequently why are we to work out our link with horror and trembling? Why did God put in the Bible to Concern HIM reasonably hundreds of get older, over and done with and over? Do we horror him, or hold we turned him clothed in a big Beloved Blob in the sky?
Pass on we outright deceived ourselves?
It is a lily-livered thing to fall clothed in the hands of the Live God. That is what I know. I know that I desire never be the actual. I know that my life is no everywhere draw to a close everywhere it needs to be, but I am inconstant. My arrogance is gone. My dreamlike is gone. And my purpose for the God is beginning to really carry out conceal of my life. For 6 months I cruelly even pull your leg about this dream to role except my hurried boundary, and even thus sensibly. But I felt an advice from God to go into these stuff down and send it out - while they ought to know!
My dream above.
I awoke. It was 3:00am. I was great ill will with an massively heightened aim object, and volatility. It was so meaningfully to carry out in and so meaningfully to lose that I had to try to get some shuteye. Doesn't matter what is it with us club who hold ready up in the church? Doesn't matter what did they do to us? We believably are the Pharisees of the 20th century. We hold been given a gift and yet we portend it for free with no strings sponge off of and with no consequences of our flow. We portend it all, to love God, get saved and love the world too.
We portend to say that we are saved while we acknowledge in God, but doesn't scripute say that even the demons acknowledge and shudder. It isn't heaps. We ought to crucify our flesh, we ought to love Him, and the remembrance of our love desire be our lifestyles and our fruit - not our knowledge. Doesn't matter what fruit hold we produced? If you are doesn't matter what with me, you are in bleak exigency of a savior!
I hold for example finished my flow, but I no noise contest. It is crash to refuse the stuff you can logically hold, the stuff you purpose, and chase Him.
I compellingly submission that you carry out a good end product at your own life, and prefer you this day whom you desire spoon out. Don't acknowledge the lie that you can spoon out God and mammon. Don't acknowledge the lie that you can hold it all.
Apparition #2 (about 3 months ago)
Once again I straight away knew I was in the specter of God, and once again I was unpleasant of what I was. Once again I was transparent, but this time the circle was not on me. I felt siren for colonize who were walking in unbelief. I knew that their days were numbered and that they Requirement hear the Gospel.
Since I say colonize walking in unbelief, I mean the sinners and the church goers the same.
Grant was such an urgency. Such a tragedy coming to colonize who are ad hoc. I began to significance the siren they would significance. I began to significance the penitence of the Inception. But all in all I piazza felt what they would significance if they did not hear the true gospel. To say they would be terrified, to say they would be sorry, to say they would be horrific does not even begin to show support the devoted air they would meet. Terror. Terror with nil I hold ever felt in the future. No aristocratic chances. No aristocratic excuses. NO Untouchable Being.
Unprotected. Condemned. Pending for the words of Judgement to come from His doorway.
I awoke once again at about 3:00am. This was once again aristocratic than my focal point can champion. I tried to get to get some shuteye, I tried to get some space, some time concerning this party, this dream, and face-to-face. It was too devoted. It was too crash to accept as true about.
Be suitable for, carry out all this to bottom. Be suitable for get on your faces in the future the Live God, and repent. Be suitable for let him carry out get along. We hold got to repent! We ought to model our whole lives to him, not piazza a group. We are not old shrine servants, we are new shrine sons. We don't get to piazza tithe 10% - we ought to model it all. We don't get to piazza be circumcised and hold a baby group of flesh die, we ought to asking price our whole bodies, our whole lives. We don't get to piazza chase reliable laws to be lately, we ought to model over and done with all our desire to his desire - while we desire not only be judged for our clowning around, but our stance and our intents as well.
It desire be use up it. It desire be joy indescribable and full of situation. It desire be the only way you desire deal with what is coming with your years and spirit unhurt.
I pray that somebody who reads this is pierced by the Apparition of the Live God. I pray that a classification desire come to you as you hear these words. Lady God, Abba Inception, inducement them to You. Hold them in. Form a junction with their hearts, carry out made known the scales on their eyes. Let them see that doesn't matter what not innate in the Apparition desire not stand. Let them hearken to your aptitude. Let them contempt all stuff, traditions, and beliefs that are not of You. I ask that none, not one disposition who reads this desire swagger made known from this depression. I ask that somebody, yes somebody Inception, desire think of their Initially Beloved. Thank you my Lady. In the name of Jesus, amen!
Labels: magick, potion, religion belief
Labels: magick, religion belief, wand
Witchcraft has existed like man was instinctive and he had to war for his survival adjoining the irregular and demanding forces of form such as famines, rains, floods, epidemics or some other occurrences at everyday level which might not be clearly explained. Witchcraft had all the larger than goal to deposit in the medieval grow old at whatever time worldly knowledge was stable at a key score and display appeared no other set a date for to day-to-day ills that chaotic and puzzled the species of those grow old.
In their misery to taste the pleasing consequences, some grow old the practitioners of the witchcraft went out of the way of prayers and resorted to reliable inclusive practices and rituals such as the use of blood and so on or invoking evil spirits for help. Also witchcraft, when every other branch of knowledge, was manipulated and misrepresented by vested interests. A few such hand baggage at home and display gained extensive shot protrusion and provided the ecclesiastic powers, which commanded blow in formulating the worldly policies of the kings and rulers of those grow old, an get-up to ridicule the witches or wizards as agents of the evil or Satanic powers. Now Satan is intended the most competing of the Place of worship and in this fashion God. Subsequently any integrity who was suspected to be indulging in witchcraft was hounded out and aggrieved with the apology of death losing on the brink or blazing at line.
Persons accused of practicing the witchcraft were labeled as heretics. Taking into consideration without an answer, the mug was coerced clothed in confessing his vice losing pitiless tortures and was either hanged or burnt dazzling stylish the post-mortem. The law adjoining the witchcraft was loan subjugated by the vested interests to score everyday vendetta or to shred the property or land of dead. In the least influential persons in the way of life, in collusion with the priests, would hold tight to arouse reservations adjoining their targets as unit witches or wizards. They dead were arrested, prepared to confess and killed.
Witches were overall portrayed as giant old hags so as to make them the onslaught of can't stand and hatred, but the things of fact is that they were and stable are accurately mean men and women and in some case witches were and are accurately more exactly and presentable ladies.
The witches hand-me-down scrolls for witchcraft in those grow old. In the least of them remain motionless even today. To boot the spells, the witches also hand-me-down some herbs and animal parts to make potions to remedy some diseases and heal the wounds. Potions were brewed in cauldrons in order to total them fount. Cauldrons were systematically prepared of trouble, but other goods such as stones were also hand-me-down. These potions, but denigrated as superstitious, were accurately efficacious in those grow old as they are quite efficacious now.
A much hand-me-down tool of witchcraft was a broom. The use of broom can be traced to the peasants, every one men and women, who hand-me-down them to fertilize their crops. They would, so, twist on the top of them as have available.
In some hand baggage, the priests were effortlessly nervous about the souls of the 'witches' and burnt them dazzling for their helping hand. The case of Joan of Arc, who was past canonized as Saint Joan is one of the top figure glorious examples of such acts of papal acuteness. She was notorious as a heretic or a witch and burnt dazzling on line.
Books You Cogency Enjoy:
Medieval Grimoires - The Picatrix
Mike Nichols - Eight Sabbats Of Witchcraft
Paul Huson - Mastering Witchcraft
Labels: anthropology, anthropology of religion, magick
Labels: handfasting, magick, religion belief
First let me thank everyone for your response to the first attempt at the near impossible. Your feedback on the first article has been nothing less than humbling and I wonder if I can continue to edify you with the same amount of success. This topic is extremely difficult to tackle because it covers more than 6,000 years of a "total Satanic onslaught" of the human race and gene pool.
First let me begin this challenge by taking you to Daniel's prophetic understanding of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Since we are focusing on the "missing" details of traditional interpretations, let's fast forward to the "meat" of the interpretation.
DAN 2:43
43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, THEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MEN: BUT THEY SHALL NOT CLEAVE ONE TO ANOTHER, even as iron is not mixed with clay. "[emphasis added]
KJVIn the interest of time, I must assume most readers have at least a basic understanding of the dream's interpretation and how it described the various empires that would conquer the world throughout history in chronological order. The progress of the prophetic interpretation walks you from the top of the "statue" to the feet. Each section describes an era of an empire that has passed - except one. The era that is "yet to come" is described by the feet. This is partially seen in Daniel 2:43 above. However in order to stay on topic, I call your attention to the words "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave to one another".
Now I do not pretend to be a learned Bible scholar in any sense. But this phrase raises some serious questions that cannot be overlooked. Again I emphasize this prophetic event was pointing to the very "end times". Dare I say even to "today"!
* Who are "THEY"
* How is it that "they" are "mingling themselves" with the "SEED" of men?
* How is it that these "seed's" do not cleave to one another?
Some possibilities you must consider is that "they" are "the enemy" since the prophecy of the "feet" is actually referring to the leadership of the forthcoming New World Order. An even darker consideration is perhaps that "they" are not "human". Wow you say? No indeed. You see "they are mingling themselves" with the "seed of men" which clearly implies that they are NOT MEN! Are you starting to get a chill down your spine? If not, you really need to open your mind. The fact is that our gene pool is currently being infected with seeds from something that is not human. The evidence available on this subject is so staggering that once you open the "Pandora's box", this verse in Daniel takes on a whole new and very sinister meaning. In essence this is precisely what was occuring in Genesis 6 when the Bene Ha Elohim left their "watcher" posts, broke the will of YHWH God, and "infected" the seed of man creating "giants". Again that's why YHWH God had every man, woman and child slaughtered over and over again. It was "tough love". It was "demonic gene pool" pollution.
NUM 13:33
33 "There we saw the giants (the descendants of ANAK came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight."
NKJVWhy did David pick up 5 stones when he went to fight Goliath? Because Goliath had 4 brothers and he wasn't taking any chances. Think about it.
Also I point you to the word "Anak" in Numbers 33 above. I strongly recommend you do a study on the Internet on a race referred to as the "Annunaki". A quick search on Google on "Annunaki" takes you to a Wikipedia article here:
Notice in this article the "supposed" Sumerian clay tablet expert "Zechariah Sitchin" is mentioned. Sitchin was debunked by Michael Heiser Ph.D. - a true expert on ancient writing here: 243%20page.htm).
Do you remember Zechariah Sitchin from the first article? Remember, Arizona Wilder, the "Mother Goddess" saw Mr. Sitchin at one of the ultra-elite Satanic rituals? In fact, she reports that there were "manifestations" of demons (she uses a different word). What I can tell you is that "they" look exactly like these "Annunaki".
Another report of this same "manifestation" comes from a witch-doctor named Mutwa Credo (see here: Evidently this "alien" life form has been manifesting in Africa for thousands of years. However I warn you that this "alien" tripe is BUNK. I guarantee you this much. There is enough evidence out there to support their existence here on earth, but do NOT be deceived for a second. THESE ARE DEMONS. And they can infect the gene pool of humans and have indeed done so already.
I refer you to another article posted here on Tribulation-Now entitled:
DAMNATION FROM THE SKIES and warn you of the possibility of genetic tinkering that is potentially occuring through "chem trails". Please recall the "seeds do not cleave to one another" from Daniel 2:43. These "demons" cannot easily "possess" or take control of the pure untarnished human being unless they manipulate their genes successfully first. At least that is what "they" believe. And it does explain why God had no mercy on those that had demonic gene pool infections in the Pentateuch.
As more and more Bible prophecy unfolds, it is becoming remarkably evident that there is much more "literal" meaning to some of this scripture than originally believed. While there are still many who believe the hermaneutic prophetic "slider" still suggests most of the Bible is symbolic, in the last 100 years or so, many have come to realize that it is actually leaning to the "literal" instead. What does this actually mean to us? It means that Nephilim are indeed offspring of Bene Ha Elohim (minor gods that intentionally came down to earth to infect the seed of man) and not some bizarre twist of a "Sethite" interpretation that still looms out there for those who cannot accept the supernatural events told in the scripture. The "Angel Theory" of Genesis 6 is NOT THEORY. Period. This also means we need to embrace this paradigm throughout all of the Bible and take none of our teachings for granted. Particularly with the information that is surfacing in front of our eyes. Particularly with a focus to what is being told by our "alien abductee" friends.
Brace Yourselves!
At this time I will point you to one of the BEST Biblical seminars available on this subject. It is available to view for free at Koinonia House here: events/alien encounters/
The title of this presentation is "Alien Encounters". The presentation was evidently done over 5 or 6 sessions at a Roswell event that was focused on the "flying saucer" / "alien abduction" issue. However this presentation was done from a "Christian" perspective by Pastor Chuck Missler and an associate. He mentions his surprise that they "packed the house". You see, even the "abductees" know that something is amiss in the stories they are being told by their "captors".
Did you know that the same "alien races" will tell different abductees, different stories, about where they are from? Sometimes they say they are from one planet and then sometimes they say they are from another planet. THEY LIE. While this presentation does not discuss this fact, more research definitely does.
As you listen to this seminar, pay close attention. At one point Pastor Missler explains that he once told the audience that if you were a Christian you could not be abducted. But later had to recant! In fact he received a telephone call from an influential member of congress (or similar) that told Chuck that HE in fact had been "abducted" and he was "in-fact" a Christian. This shocked Mr. Missler because he had linked "aliens" to "demons" through his studies and had concluded this was not possible. However, evidently after some probing, Chuck discovered that this person had "dabbled" in an occult related event of some type. The conclusion of which you must be aware, is that Christianity alone does make you immune to serious demonic events - such as the "abduction" deception.
But wait - it gets much more strange when you know the whole story.
Now it gets really weird.
Have you seen the movie "The Fourth Kind" yet? I am not a movie goer since I am certain that movies are Satanic lies, distractions and deceptions in general. Never mind the ABC mini-series "V" shows an alien race that 1) Looks human, 2) Are really "reptiles" and 3) Are supposedly our friends, but the BEST PART is that "some of them" are actually trying to save the humans from the "visitors". It makes me wonder if there is a hidden agenda behind such movies. No in fact, I am certain there is a hidden agenda behind such movies.
The "Fourth Kind" was a bit of a shock to me knowing what I know. If you have not seen the movie it is definitely not a deception and did a very good job showing us the demonic in these abduction events. Remember how people that are "demon possessed" will often levitate in their possessed state? It's similar to how Voodoo Priests are able to levitate in front of witnesses while they are in their "trance". I found it fascinating (and very spooky) to see the scene in the Fourth Kind where the abductee began to levitate on his bed during the hypnosis session. Are you starting to make the connection here? Well here is another "connection" for you. In the movie, they had a recording (remember this was based on a "true story"), of these "alien" life forms talking to one another in a strange language. Guess what language that was.
It was:
THINK! Sumerians, flying saucers on clay tablets, Zechariah Sitchin, Satanic ceremonies, world leaders, royalty and royal "blood lines", and YES the appearance of "Annunaki" (Anuk) looking demons. Now if that is not a "slam dunk" for you then consider this one last report from a book written by Dr. Karla Turner.
by Doctor Karla Turner, Ph.D.
First a little history on Dr. Turner. She and an associate, Barbara Bartholic, are both experts on alien abduction testimonies and hypnosis experts. Before I proceed, I can tell you that Dr. Turner died shortly after she went public giving testimony of her knowledge. What is very common amongst those who are demon possessed or participate in Satanic ritual (or both), is that they often die of cancer at an early age. According to John G. Lake, the famous Holy Spirit filled healer, virtually all sickness is caused by demonic spirits. I will let you do your own study on spiritual warfare an draw your own conclusions on that subject - but this is very interesting to note.
Dr. Turner and Ms. Bartholic took the alien abduction investigation to a level that many hypnotherapists consider to be borderline unethical. As the movie, The Fourth Kind demonstrated, when "alien abductees" are taken into a hypnotic state they remember things that scare them horribly. In fact, it is amazing how thousands of these people all tell about the same events happening to them. Their stories are very consistent. While Pastor Missler admits (as others do) that there are crack-pots in the group, the vast majority of their stories are remarkably coherent and very believable due to their consistency over more than 60 years of intense research. But what virtually *all* researchers do NOT do, that Karla Turner and her associate Barbara Bartholic did, was take the "abductees" down to a DEEPER LEVEL of hypnosis. Once the "abductee" was moved beyond the state of utter horror and moved into a deeper hypnotic state, their stories COMPLETELY CHANGED!
You see - this is what is happening. While we all have heard about "flying saucer" trips to other planets, and body part probing, THAT is only "part of the story" and an intentional part of the deception. At this deeper level of hypnosis the abductee no longer sees "grey aliens" and medical equipment and syringes taking genetic samples (there's that "gene pool" thing again), what they see is UNBELIEVABLE.
They see "Retilians"
They see what looks like "military personnel"
If you can stomach the ride, and you are strongly rooted in your faith in Jesus Christ, you may want to read the book entitled "Masquerade of Angels". I will leave you with this one tale from the story that is indeed astonishing but must be told to the Christian readers in this audience.
During one of these "abductions", this 9 year old boy and his grandmother were going through some nasty treatment I will not discuss here. Reportedly an "alien" entity that looked like an "Annunaki" was about to do something unspeakable to the boy. The grandmother jumped in between the boy and this "demon" entity, and shouted "In Jesus Name you leave that boy alone!" The entity cursed her out and stormed out of the room vowing to get even with her.
And I will close with Revelation 16:13:
REV 16:13
13 "And I saw three unclean spirits like FROGS come out of the mouth of the DRAGON, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
Do this one last thing. Go out on the Internet and search on the term "Satanic calendars". Be diligent because what you will find is utterly amazing. Amongst all these other "gods" such as Vishnu, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Isis, Horus, Apollo, Allah (the moon god), (and their "demon" buddies the "Avatars") - here is what you will WILL FIND on a Satanic calendar that you will not find regarding any other "god" entity.
What you WILL FIND are "specific dates" throughout the year, which Satanist worldwide set aside. These special dates are set aside for one purpose - To desecrate our loving Lord JESUS CHRIST. They "hate" him.
The term "demon" simply means "ENEMY OF YHWH". Get it?
ALL THIS INFORMATION CONNECTS BACK TO THE LORD JESUS CHRISTHe alone is our SaviorAnd what he is saving us from "these days" is worse than you might ever imagine.
If you have not given yourself to the Lord 100% the Time is NOW
A Real Shocker - Even to ME!
Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you continue to love us and shine your eyes upon us and give us your divine understanding and peace in these challenging times ahead. We praise you for helping us to see that there is a way out, an escape from this darkness and into your loving arms. Let this article help those who are lost and have no one to turn too. Let these words bless those who have been through such things so they understand the origin of this evil and know you are the divine healer and the only true God that loves us more than anything we can imagine. In Jesus name we pray, and Praise Your Holy Name - AMEN!
Labels: esoterismo, magick, potion
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