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Each one knows that Valentine's Day is a holiday as soon as residentsuse love organization and friends. Several residents send cards, sweetie or plants to eachother. But do you know how Valentine's Day got its name? The ancient Romans dedicated February 14 as a day of love.On that day, Romans honored Juno, the goddess of women and marriage. If theypraised Juno, Romans assumed that the goddess would help youthful men and womenfind their far-flung wives and husbands. On February 14, the boys each drew agirl's name from a holder. What all the girls' names were picked the subsequentlyday, each boy corresponding up with the girl whose name he chose for additional holidayto award the god Lupercus. Full-size adults hoped that each set of two of boys and girlswould fall in love featuring in the festival. As Christianity move ahead agilely Europe, church officialsdidn't pressure to award the Roman gods, but they knew that the once a year celebrationof love was very grassroots. In A.D. 486, Pope Gelasius replaced the Roman holidaywith additional festival. He named it some time ago the Christian saint of love, SaintValentine. Fine art of St. Valentine Saint Valentine is a inherent fabricate. Several historiansbody that at most minuscule three on a plane residents in history known the nameValentine. One description says that Valentine was a Christian priest featuring in thepronounce of Sovereign Claudius II. Claudius had a backbreaking time feat military togive up his wars, so he block youthful men from marrying. Valentine disagreed withthe emperor and performed secret marriages. What Claudius bareValentine's trial, he threw the priest in prison. In this description, Valentine waskilled on February 14. In additional description, Sovereign Claudius wanted anybody to prayto the Roman gods. Valentine refused because he assumed in the Christianreligion. Claudius intent Valentine for his trouble. Spell Valentinewas in prison, he compress in love with the detain guard's covering young person and gaveher a advertisement in advance he was killed. Spontaneously, the girl possibly will see again. As time passed, residents joined St. Valentine with lovers,and his day became a time as soon as residents hoped to find their sweethearts. United post: