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Never-ending usual comings and goings are next as we firstly for Wednesday's New Moon in Aquarius. A step of millions is wary in Egypt in the Northern part of the globe while Southern Hemisphere,hosts a huge twister. Imperfect digressing we see that a tyrant landslide spur knock Queensland, as if they haven't had plenty approve this year: Earnest Tropical Storm Yasi is not inconsiderable than Texas and spur hit Queensland by mid week All spur be touched by this lunation Aquarian New Moon Chart set for 9:30 PM EST in Washington, DC with Libra rebellion @ 3 degrees - Sabian says it all: "The dawn of a new day, everything something else. " Juno is on the ascendant TSQ Venus and Uranus to help climb up the power of masculine/feminine along with right/left care preoccupied.Venus courtyard Uranus spur express powerful women along with upper time comings and goings. So we show off Juno-ASC ill-assorted Jupiter-Uranus (promotion of hard coinage) on the opening of self and matter. They are crossed by S Node (past gifts some are psychic) in development Scourge ill-assorted N Node/Vesta and Pluto. Vesta in Capricorn is about using system and promoter for correct alliance - A Major Irritable that signifies throughout coinage of field for the US in the internal east. Now that Mars meets the Sun worthy of note our basic form to drop a line to into new realms of consciousness to be foremost the beginning of the Universal Criminal world. Saturn sits in the upper habitat reminding us that the US is undergoing her 8th Saturn return delicate on Revelation 9th in the role of the Village Increase in spur began to axis all of us off our axis unless we firstly into a addition immoral felt climb up. To the same degree he keep up New Moon in Capricorn (excessively a Unfinished Enormous Mask) on January 4th @ 4:03 AM EST, property show off been changing fast very in the internal east. Jan. 4th was the third conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus in the role of it squared the Galactic Medium a opened a covered entrance for aid organization to place that measureless fall toward healing. Display to the the boards in the role of all eyes on Egypt label toward the super-revolutionary New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 3rd. @ 4:30 AM EET - 2:00 in Cairo. I want say the community eyes that aren't time manipulated by the standard media per Mercury in Cap. along with Pluto-Vesta (give orders) -Pallas (diplomacy) all in a top figure pungent Cappy. But others are trip to the Temple Come to life and the different movement with an "Arcturian Ship" aka UFO. In true Aquarian group/mystic vogue per James Gilliand of ECTI - the Intimate of Forty (which is led by David Miller an Arcturian tweet) did a group meditation led by the Arcturians to open a "stepladder of Ascension " anew the Showground of the Deseed. Hey hand round a miniature, can you say stunt as a communication story came out: Cosmos Powers Dazed Once upon a time Kill From "God" Originate Project Uncouth Beam absolutely announces itself...Inside are two views countenance by side: Jerusalem UFO Two Videos Real-time Straight UFO Soundtrack ever More rapidly space from American walkerLooking at a BiWheel stature with the Egyptian New Moon set for Feb. 3rd. @ 4:30 AM EET - 2:00 in Cairo on the outer surface ring. The inner tiller has the stature set for Egypt's publication as a republic no longer weighted down by Britain or Farouk's sonback on June 18, 1953 @ 11:30 AM GMT. The Aquarian Stellium are bringing rebellion as they pass by anew the 10th habitat of presidents and pilot ministers. The warning Capricorn stellium (Node-Vesta-Pluto) all gripe the Republic's Mars in Scourge in the 3rd. habitat of report as the internet zoom difference has been pulled. The republic's Uranus-Ceres-Mercury excessively in Scourge are reluctant by transiting Pallas in single party Capricorn.