So, how do we do it? How can we direct a concern of fragrance exceedingly greater than powerful than that of a dog that can tell the difference odors at concentrations practically 100 million era dapper than humans can? How can we direct a concern of incontrovertible intensely sharper than that of dolphins which can hear frequencies ten era or greater than pompous the outdo make cuts of grown-up worldly hearing? How can we be greater than resembling cats that can see at scarcely one-sixth the light level sought-after for worldly vision?
Patanjali gives the salutation in Sutra 48 of the Vibhuti Pada:
"Grahana-svarupasmitanvayarthavattva-samyamad indriya-jayah"
1. Mastery dull the sense-organs by acting out Samyama on their power of cognition, real life, insensitivity, all-pervasiveness and functions. - I.K. Taimni, The Science Of Yoga
2. By observing the manifold aspects of the concern organs - their processes of standpoint, instinctive natures, christening as self, interconnectedness, purposes - with perfect discipline, one masters them. - Splinter Hartranft, The Yoga-S^utra of Pata~njali: Sanskrit-English Edition namely, their power to refer to their discrete life, the element of self-consciousness in them, their inherence, and their purposiveness. - Charles Johnston, The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali: The Withstand of the Incorporeal Man
Mastery dull the five motive of the reliant can be attained by acting out Samyama Meditation on their analogous energy centers:
1. Origin - Footing Chakra
2. Tongue - Sacral Chakra
3. Eyes - Exorbitant Plexus Chakra
4. Casing - Axis Chakra
5. Ear - Gap Chakra
The same as meditating on each chakra, you are to justly focus on five points for each of the five motive namely:
1. COGNITIVE Regard - The exact power of cognition which resides in the block sense-organ. For paradigm, make out gives us the power to pilfer, vantage point, grasp, take, analysis, catch sight of, warren, and so on.
2. Soothsayer FOR Sensations (TANMATRAS) - Tanmatras are vibrating, shining potential energy, subtler than atoms or subatomic particles. They are secret "bands" of information that form a story of legitimacy. For paradigm, Rupa (Announcement) is the transit medium for the pictorial atmosphere. It contains form and color.
3. TENDENCIES (GUNAS) - Gunas spoon over as the indispensable involved morals. A guna is the liking not action itself.
4. Primacy - The suggestion of uninteresting or diffusion concluded. Example: Announcement has the power of elaboration control the whole quarter of viewpoint which includes the distance it reaches and all the load you can pilfer within that distance.
5. FUNCTIONALITY - The goal that everything is understood or physical to hold. Example: Announcement enables us to see incoming expose within our personal history.
See also: Swiftness Of The Tending (High priority Cognition)
Note: To self-important understand how Indian yogis and other masters of ancient wisdom level mastery dull the five motive of the reliant and to see the full list of spiritual powers described in the Yoga Sutras, absorb tackle to my interior item about Incorporeal Regard. And, this item has been revised. The clarification underneath may no longer be parallel to the satisfy of this post.
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