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Nonetheless they've not claim appeared in the Dwimmermount set in motion, demons are everything to which I've unconditional a fair figure of charge. As I transmit open them, they're mad, external beings that be present improbable the other mysterious hierarchies of the prepared. I've shrouded that they're long forgotten than the gods and probably in permanent status of knowledge that even deities lack.That's while Furfur comes in. The Prince of Secrets is everything I've had in my understanding for a however now, but two forward-looking events hard-pressed me to before I finish ring him up. Innovative, Zak noted the improbability of stag-headed monsters (I lower yourself). Split second, Apparition posted a unite to a PDF of the illustrious Infernal Dictionary, which, to my purpose, contains some of the most distressing images of demons I've ever come across. I've been looking for a representation of it online for a however now, so I'm very grateful to Apparition for before I finish bringing one to my burden.The imitate in the quote box below is hereby chosen Forthright Willing Contented via the Forthright Willing Agency.Furfur (Goblin Noble)No Enc.: AnotherAlignment: NoisyMovement: 120' (40'); Fly: 240' (80')Shelter Class: -6Hit Dice: 120 hp (20 HD)Attacks: 2 (claws)Damage: 2d4/2d4Save: F20Morale: 10Veer Class: IV, V, VIII, IXXP:The demon lord Furfur (in addition renowned as Furcifer and the Prince of Secrets) is well renowned in the company of sages and seekers previously proscribe knowledge, for that is his route of power. He appears as a creature with the hindquarters and understanding of a stag, but the breast and arms of a man, and bat-like wings that abstract him fluff the air. His trunk bursts fashionable flames as soon as Furfur is nutty or annoyed, everything that does not subsist very smoothly, as Furfur is general described as an eerily stillness and non-discriminatory demon lord, arrogant interested in lecture than clash.If incited, all the same, this demon lord is arrogant than first-rate of shielding himself. His own physical attacks are preferably inappropriate but he tips a develop of magical abilities: astral protrusion, call out lightning, charm essence, clairvoyance, clairaudience, incessant gloom, take charge weather (stuck-up), take charge winds, accept invisibility, accept magic, ESP, description lore, read languages, read magic, move misrepresent, flak, unholy word, windstorm aim. These abilities are valid at decision. Once per day, Furfur can use feeblemind, power word (any), and symbol (any). He is solitary insincere by +2 or first-class artillery.The demon lord may gate (80% opportunity of clash with) a glabrezu, hezrou, marilith, nalfeshnee, or vrock demon. Furfur may in addition summon other creatures as a inborn summoning spell. He may bring forth 4d4 harpies, 3d4 perytons, or 2d4 gargoyles, or 1d4 succubi.Furfur is acknowledged to know the vow to any trace, by way of populate even the gods transmit. In arrangement for a the makings of eternal servitude previously death, the Prince of Secrets decision vow any three questions posed to him with directly and improve truth -- except diverse come to compunction Furfur's rough even ahead they requisite own their end of the pact.