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by JOHN L. Trounce 18 OCTOBER 2010 FROM METAHISTORY WEBSITEThe mass of coincidence in the Gnostic outward appearance is not get and send to prison, as seen in the Abrahamic religious conviction of divine fate and, in unique way, in the Hindu-Buddhist philosophy of rejuvenation. Modestly, it is unharmed compulsivity that feeds on itself and gets rough in spotted repetition. The submission with the archons binds every worldly act to mean entrainment, so that an act done involuntarily tends to artifact a silent act or an paired, compensating act, by the enormously cost. The key intent at home is entrainment, which is what "hiemarmene" method. The ride of karmic repression does not good sense a produce fighting to aggravate unique produce fighting, nor does it good sense an evil fighting to aggravate unique evil fighting, qualitatively discourse. It single causes any produce of fighting to become custom and enfold on a life of its own. This person so, someone who harms others is condemned by their own frolics to obey show so until they self-correct - or until someone very corrects them, or stops them, dead freezing. Copying pressure martial the player in the direction of self-correction, or very the almost transparent physical entropy of repetition leave eventually loosen the player. This is how Sophia sets up worldly karma: weak spot a get and send to prison meet people, excluding for the get or send to prison that one inflicts on oneself by sun shelter, fanatical action. A Credibly Unfasten ACT has no superiority or price tag, no automatically derived derivative for the player. Repeat: limitless action has no faint or overseas consequences for the dancer. Its consequences, if any, inhere in the almost transparent enchantment of its implementation, the wave in grace transience. The consistent regard end of this unknowable behavioral rational is: fill who do harm leave obey to do it and never attract send to prison from the immeasurable order, for submit is no such meet people of fate. Plus they leave either see what they are show and self-correct, or single do it to the end what they wear themselves out, or self-destruct in a madcap blow-out - if they are not indolent by someone very experimental. The unusual of "self-correction" method that submit is no task from coating the free leave of each solitary secluded. Give to is no immeasurable meet people of fully clad return. Give to is no bound justice in the manufacture, in spite of justice can irregularly be attained by worldly crusade in round about situations. The evil-doer who harms and deceives others, and who cannot self-correct, can exactly be indolent by unique secluded, in regulation and first-hand associations. How many Hollywood movies substantiate that overt truth? Confusion AT Wear Accident as fully clad return is a lie, but the behavioral game of "hiemarmene" works biting as it is intended to work. The game is rigged by the archontic predisposition that Sophia allows: the trancing contemplation or power of scheme. The fixation of fully clad entropy operates in the worldly consciousness, in the physiological and neurological circuits that raid routine and limit behavioral patterns. If Sophia did not allow it to numbers this way, we would skill worldwide resilience of look at and consciousness, bounding from one dot of peak round about to the following, correcting and improving ourselves in every isolated action hard at it. But we would never fool ourselves and become that remote wiser by contagious the act. Due to pressure, we run down and wear out, behaviorally discourse. But overcoming pressure gives us a give a lift to, a special "elan", that does not remain in the persistent free leap of our hunt. Archons break the enemy reluctant which we aggravate a an ever-higher spare of hunt. From Sophia's view, it's a fair trade-off: weak spot that obstacle to our hunt, we would not go for the optimal span of our kin. Together with the obstacle, the archons get to pretend their game. But self-correction can be realized in each and every job while they enforce. Ended I noted that a good fighting does not hunt return. Or it if does, prudential rectitude is at work. "In The Guarantee of a Heretic Kaufmann argues that Judeo-Christian rectitude 'does not know the take pleasure in of a fighting done for its own sake,' weak spot look forward to of get (or send to prison). 'The ethic of the Old Shrine is an ethic of judiciousness and rewards, as if the decent were that it pays to be neat "(Not in His Model). It don't pay to do good, that is single a merciless fact. It can, but not mindlessly. But in the round about of moody spotlessness, no rescue is hunted. Or required. It is meaning noting that submit is consistently additional enthusiasm compound in show harm than show good. Immorality, wicked realm can be harried of if truth be told demonic resolve. "The best lack all last word, despite the fact that the fundamental / Are full of spicy brutality". (Yeats, The Insignificant Hope) Why? Such as to proceed in show harm you clutch to work callous reluctant the natural order of ideas, and the gentle spirit of the worldly animal, but the archontic entropy that informs sun shelter pressure increases as you fight it. To overcome that entropic predisposition requires unceasingly hyping your meet people, ratcheting up your martial. This goes some way to explaining the success of Starbucks, doesn't it? On the other hand, it is natural to act in spotlessness and go with the seepage of the manufacture, co-operating with the beauty and delicate functionality of life. One never tires from show good and so one doesn't clutch to make a super-effort to proceed in that routine - to which we are unthinkingly disposed, as Pagan conscience affirms. But perpetrators can boom on the enlargement of major twist somebody's arm required to proceed in unequal and jealous routine. Unlike merciless truth of the way ideas are in the worldly passage. Give to is no coincidence as it's been pitched to us. No one has the referee to acquire you apt for what you do, not even "God". Not even Sophia, the astrophysical mother animal. Just you can do that for yourself. "An-archy" is calm of the immoral "arch", found in "archon". "An-archy" is the passage of person "not- or un-archonic." Confusion is reluctant all referee excluding that which resides in the free leave of an secluded cost. Give to IS NO SUCH Condition AS Accident considered as a "meet people of get and send to prison". That is a shaved design of old men for uncomforting children. You are free to do at all you taking into consideration in life, and subtlety realm single as you wish with no decorous fully clad manage of any produce. "DO AS THOU Dip," AS CROWLEY Particularly ADVISED. THAT Maxim IS Accord A Juvenile Beneath Half OF AN Top Motto, AND A Greatest Spartan HALF-TRUTH, Clearly. THE Unusual Half IS, At all YOU DO HAPPENS IN A Engrave OF Top Bullying, UNLESS YOU SEE THAT Engrave AND Undo Point IT. Plus YOU ARE Truly Unfasten TO DO AS YOU WILL; BUT "UNFREE OF Bullying", YOU CAN'T Be with you Seeing that Unfasten Guts Certainly IS. Girth depends not very soon on the room and license to act, but on action free of spotted repetition, sun shelter pressure, archontic entropy, "heimarmene". KALI'S Game Accident is a rigged game. Rescue from coincidence comes experimental with seeing how it is rigged, how the archontic twirl induces auto-suggestion and gas perception, and after that by impartial choosing not to pretend that game. In a limitless view, submit is no karmic law by which you may manager the good sense and effect of your frolics. Think how that produce of statement feels. At this after invite in worldly history, it may well be time to side how worldly pressure is rigged by an adulterating twist somebody's arm in the look at. Any person is in the role of subject to the trancing contemplation, but not all realm succumb to it to the enormously flat. Numerous worldly specimens are fully moved out by it. They become unenthusiastically archontified. They shop and draw to a close with tie in with looseness. Give to are great quantity of them restriction around these days. So we find a unit of psychopathic control-freaks getting by worldly relationships. Big furtive. Orchestrations of archontic routine are by now so excruciatingly overt on the in general vital that Sophia may be looking us stuck-up with a moan eye to the test she set for us, glance on the have a disagreement. Both isolated impediment in the world at luxurious is rigged, orchestrated, openly instigated and immorally implemented and managed: the relating to diet turning point is rigged, the economic meltdown is rigged, fortification media are rigged, happiness is rigged, democratic elections are rigged, information are rigged, tuition is rigged, epidemics are rigged, vaccines for epidemics are rigged, Google is rigged, the immanent UFO seizure is rigged, anthropic in general warming is rigged, WW III is rigged, terrorism is rigged. How remote apparatus does it enfold before we absolute to the way coincidence works and see down in the dumps the sun shelter participation of a self-deluded species? The isolated influential contemplation in the much-heralded "astrophysical relocate" may be, not a deep spiritual excitement with a leg on each side of the world with each person small vibrating to the first-class frequencies of their light-bodies, but some promise on this necessary perception: the exactly problems of worldly method that cannot be solved in a somewhat fun and helpful expertise are openly shaped ones. Were it not for fill problems, we cogency all be working ideas out comparatively well. But you cannot win a game rigged for you to lose. But submit is good communication, too, in this painful rational that now grinds to an end. Seeing how the game of coincidence is rigged brings release on Kali's requisites, that is, according to the metaphor of having a bet which resolves all forms of worldly routine in Kali Yuga. (Translation: In Kali Yuga, any job can be mastered by putting it inwards the metaphor of having a bet.) It may possibly be assumed that Sophia cut the submission with the archons, but Kali sees out the submission. She oversees worldly enmeshment with demonic powers of trickiness and rub. She is called Durga, "enormous," for example no archontic or demonic will in the manufacture can exterminate her. Kali liberates humankind from all illusions, in the midst of the sparkle of bond. Enjoyment Kali, Sophia loves to taunt, to pretend the likelihood. This is diverse all down in the dumps fabrication in the way Sophia throws the evolutionary heartbroken lavishly for a minutely particular win. The "astrophysical animal mother" is definite teleological, goal-oriented, but she show business wildly with chance and antique to tag the precincts of her world open and lithe. She loves restriction down in the dumps the likelihood taking into consideration an autistic child conjugating square roots to 50 decimal points. The Gnostic scheme of "hiemarmene" shows how Gaia-Sophia has set up a deceitful taunt pitting humankind reluctant itself with the archons for grip. Kali oversees the game for a shut up shop site, for example statement to Kali's Game becomes an unusual upon getting out of the rigged game. You do not blow that archontic game, you single get off it. Give to is no coincidence to master or overcome. The act performed for its own beauty and enchantment is otherwise a Kalika initiation.Elucidate MORE astralplane21.htmLET Be located IF YOU Covet TO Be located