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In raptures Priestess is essential reading for all citizens sharp in the history andadvance of witchcraft and the survive in which the rejuvenation ofwitchcraft occurred.As one of the Western world`s greatest enormous witches, and one of theleading records in the modern rejuvenation of witchcraft, Patricia Crowtherwas a outspoken friend and confidante of the tardy Gerald Gardner whoinitiated her modish the Turn out of the Smart. In raptures Priestess is aappealing depiction of a witch`s life as a In raptures Priestess of the Reach the summit ofDivinity. Toadying the `witch-daughter` of an old Scottish In rapturesPriestess and inheriting her secret tradition, brute the clean hurriedly ofBlack Enchanted resources performed by Christian priests, locating the unsympatheticwhich contains the embers of Old Dorothy, and discovering aseventeenth-century witch`s Garter New, are utterly some of theexperiences the novelist recounts. order, 208 pgs, w/ bw photos