State Sponsored Terrorism Western Journalists Embedded With Al Qaeda In Syria
Posted by Unknown at 7:07 AMSTATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM - WESTERN Compress Inbuilt Also 'AL-QAEDA' IN SYRIA
Aug 17, 2012 Joe Quinn
State-sponsored terrorism used to be a comparatively simple happening, where a territory would order its armed forces (or other furtive armed group) to bear out terrorist acts opposed to a inhabitant residents, private or extraordinary. Available the course of the continue 20 vivacity or so, however, territory sponsored terrorism as expert by Western 'democracies' has evolved voguish a far-flung bigger elaborate and testing spend.
Figure out 'al-qaeda' for pressing out. The best way to understand the true qualities of 'al-qaeda', is to experimental understand the qualities played by the Soviet Link and Marxism as popularised by Western governments, seeing that 'Islamic terrorism' has enthusiastically replaced the 'Communist threat.
The basic jump over with Communalism is that it never actually existed in the Soviet Link. The Soviet Link was a basic autocracy. But Communalism and the Soviets were promoted by Western governments as an precept and an critic opposed to which the West 'had to battle to shield the manufacturer autonomy secure state of the Conception. This was the right mind, the "causus belli", that was used to justify American interfering limit (land and spring grabs) influence the world. But tardy it all, was, as the saying goes, naked bloody imperialism.
Also the Soviet Link and Communalism gone, and the US and Western democracies having usually succeeded in their draft to militarily and hence money-wise crush as far-flung of the humanity as non-compulsory, a new critic was needed that may possibly be used to perseverance the person areas (or countries) of the world where the US and Western 'democracies' did not yet manage full control. This is where modern 'Islamic terrorism' and 'al-qaeda' came in, or comparatively, the perception at which modern 'Islamic terrorism' and 'al-qaeda' were shaped by the US power (according to Hilary Clinton) out of the refuse of the Soviet-US (use instead) war in Afghanistan.
'al-qaeda' was the name explicit to a group of Islamic fighters licensed and armed by the CIA to battle the soviets in Afghanistan in the last '70's and little '80's. Being they were no longer skillful in that qualities, and the Soviet Link misshapen, 'al-qaeda' were altered voguish an critic of the USA (and 'Western Nation just for good measuring stick) and blamed for the 9/11 attacks. When 9/11, 'al-qaeda' has been used by Western 'Democracies' as a dressing for CIA furtive operations (concern attacks) and to justify US armed forces or NATO invasions of or bombing campaigns opposed to any nation that has improbable signs of rebellion with the Western elite's want for widespread helpful control and control washed up the widespread residents.
The underestimation in all of this is that, in its most up-to-the-minute incarnation, 'al-qaeda' has come full circle, and is now having the status of used in the exceptionally way it was for yourself used in Afghanistan opposed to the Soviets - as 'our terrorists' contention for American and Western power and affair interests in Syria. '9/11 be-damned' is the spice, it seems.
But it gets worse.
The Western media, as an glove-puppet of Western governments, is readily ignoring these facts and singing from the formal funeral song manner that the Syrian 'rebels' are head through up of spontaneous Syrians contention opposed to their accurate power, and this repeat is having the status of constantly replayed to the Western everyday in order to allow formal fur of the autonomy fighters' by Western governments, which is righteous what US and European governments stand been work, and Israel too. It is, however, accomplishment a unfriendly unprovoked in the feeling that it is moreover having the status of legally recognised that 'al-qaeda' is contention amid the Syrian 'rebels'.
The unendorsed particulars, however, is that 'al-qaeda' is bigger or less ALL of the Syrian 'rebels' and show is no manhood spin opposed to Assad in Syria. Dowry never was. In a row the Ruling body on Unexpected Lineage implicit at this truth in a up-to-the-minute article entitled Al-Qaeda's Phantom in Syria, following they wrote:
"THE SYRIAN REBELS WOULD BE Inestimably WEAKER Today Flaw AL-QAEDA IN THEIR Defenses. By and commodious, Free Syrian Armed forces (FSA) battalions are belittle, on bad terms, frantic, and broken. Hunch by yourself by the West, offender armed forces are progressively demoralized as they award off with the Assad regime's chief armaments and professional navy. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help regain morale. The plague of jihadis brings sphere, priestly round, Competition Experience FROM IRAQ, espousal from Sunni sympathizers in the Deal out, and most very much, lethal outcome. In fleeting, the FSA requests al-Qaeda now." So who are these al-qaeda operatives leading the battle for autonomy in Syria? They're the exceptionally state who NATO used to wreck Gaddafi continue engagement in that amateur spin that resulted in the massacring of 40,000 Libyan civilians and the infringement of a fundamentalist Islamic power, and they're now led by some of the exceptionally thugs that the CIA recruited in Afghanistan 40 vivacity ago.
Two such relatives are Mahdi al-Harati, who now leads FSA brigades in Syria, and Abdul Hakim Belhaj, who visited the Turkish-Syrian margin pledging arms, cash, and fighters to FSA militants in November 2011. Also these men are leaders of the in name only 'Libyan Islamic War Alliance (LIFG), which, according to the US Army's West Maxim War Terrorism Core report entitled '"Al-Qa'ida's Unexpected Fighters in Iraq"', has boldly acknowledged its stanchness to 'al-qaeda' and was hang-up in contention US troops in Iraq.
Preceding this engagement, I wrote about these two men, and you may perhaps so to re-read the substance parts of that article to get an spice of what these two are all about.
As otherwise noted, the Western media has been playing a dynamic qualities in the slanting of facts and the peddling of clean lies about the Syrian congenial antagonism. That Western insist on, dreadfully from end to end antagonism direct, treaty in clean lies and fabrications is nothing new. But life on gravel earth at the end of the American Sophistication seems to stand shaped the circumstances where show is no restrict to the extent of usual media double-dealing or what they anticipate the everyday to nip.
Sum the similar to picture:
Impartiality? Sunday Become old" photo author Paul
Conroy buried with 'al-qaeda' terrorists in Syria.
The man in the focal point with the hat is the aforementioned LIFG precede and 'al-qaeda' skipper, Mahdi al-Harati. The man to his not here in the cover up tackle is the aforementioned LIFG precede and 'al-qaeda' skipper, Abdul Hakim Belhaj. The man in the brilliant criticism involve is none other than "Sunday Become old" photo-journalist Paul Conroy. The picture was hectic in little 2012, curtly prior Conroy was physically abused following the back-to-back he was in was as rumor has it shelled by Syrian power armed forces. Conroy is close to indeed an MI6 liaison. The allusion that Syrian power armed forces shelled the back-to-back he was in, is less guaranteed. Why?
In June 2012, Watercourse 4 Intelligence greatest corresponding Alex Thomson was in Syria television journalism on goings-on show following, he claims, a group from the Free Syrian Armed forces tried to lead him and his age group voguish a constituent so they would be killed by power armed forces, to dishonor the control of Rule Bashar al-Assad.
Thompson wrote:
straight away four men in a black car shout us to abide by. We move out tardy. We are led modern cord. Led in fact, appropriate voguish a free-fire district. Told by the Free Syrian Armed forces to abide by a main line that was slow off in the middle of no-man's land.
'At that perception show was the bash of a shot and one of the slower three-point turns I've sentient. We screamed off voguish the next-door side-street for dressing. Original dead-end. Dowry was no prospect but to energy back out on to the negative bottom and foot it back to the main line we'd been led in on.
inescapably the black car was show which had led us to the constituent. They roared off as sometime as we re-appeared.
'I'm to a certain extent frail the rebels by design set us up to be buckshot by the Syrian navy. Last-minute journos are bad for Damascus.' So, you get the spice of what this 'Syrian spin is all about and who is keep it and how. And you understand the extent of US power hubris following they unperturbedly income tax Iran of locate up pro-Assad throng in Syria. Can you understand why, in February this engagement, 'al-qaeda' precede Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Failure to assign the revolution opposed to Assad's "toxic, cancerous control." And can you swaddle your leader influence the propose tardy the US power influence bigger US and NATO help for the 'rebels' lest 'al-qaeda' relatives in a highly developed power vacuum? If you can, can you read it to me?
In the meantime, into are some skillful 'soft-ball' questions to ask friends and streak about the Syrian feature, assuming, of course, that your friends and streak are even inquiring in what is leave-taking on in the world influence them.
If the US and Western governments are really occupied about activist Islam and Islamic terrorism:
* Why are they attempting to shift a usually of time power that has enjoyed rationally good relations with them?
* Why are they bearing to demonise and oust Assad who comes from the Alawite calm, a form of Shi'a Islam that embraces elements resemblance to Christian theology?
* Why are they choosing to fur a group of hired thugs who necessary to shamble a activist Islamic caliphate washed up as far-flung of the Central East and North Africa as non-compulsory and who stand pledged their stanchness to 'al-qaeda'?
At any rate the fact that I've been bearing to story the lies and deceptions of big power for vivacity, I sluggish find it prestigious that so countless state can take in the formal antagonism on concern area whilst at the same time condoning the US (and European) governments' espousal and training of 'al-qaeda'. Behind schedule all, these are the ideological brethren of the 9/11 hijackers and the state opposed to whom the US power has been waging a war for the outside 11 vivacity. These are the terrorists that stand posed such a threat to Western society that countless congenial liberties in America and Europe stand been done up your sleeve with in order to pride us well brought-up. These are the state who stand, as mentioned by the CFR article, killed and reverse thousands of US troops in Iraq. After that once more, the testing mental gymnastics that state poverty perform in irrefutable themselves that the formal antagonism on concern area is true seems to search out some kindness of cognitive injury which, in turn, seems to belief in an alarming mandate to acknowledge progressively unconcealed absurdities as truth.
" An establish web-based critic and adorn author, Joe has been print confused editorials for for 8 vivacity and is the author of's The Sott Communiqu Videos. His articles stand appeared on countless departure news sites and he has been interviewed on around internet radio shows. His articles can moreover be found on his interior blog"
Labels: al-qaeda, islamic terrorism, magick