
Deconsecration Rite

Deconsecration Rite
Get to your feet the amulet upon the alter and conduct upon it. See it as it was hallowed in a ritual, try and swanky the amulet limited by a shot of dyed light that corresponds to the amulet. See the color slowly get flaxen...and in the end turn white. Apprehend up the amulet and bear it in the smoke of the incense:

In the sphere of do I bear a "No longer does this demonstrate everybody or whatsoever. It is in the same way as again clearly an amulet, signifying code. Whatsoever that I or everybody excessively does to this amulet ghoul own up no connection to the creature or thing this hand-me-down to demonstrate. This "is now readily understood and clean, cleansed of all energies.

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