From The Black Photograph album of Satan III:
Surrounded by Sacrificial Suspect.
Mistress of Home - in white robes
Master of the Temple - in blcak robes
Priestess - in a red robe related with a white sash
Protection of the Temple - in a blcak robe, with a white face
Minister ('The Designate One'/Opfer) - in a white robe
Gather together - in red robes
The night before the ritual the Priestess bakes the blessed cakes ready from wheat, water, egg, love, animal fat and marijuana.
An hour before the ritual the Priestess nad the Protection lead the Minister to a place where he ritually bathes (if viable this want be a lake or a inundation if the ritual is undertaken outdoors) and changes stylish his robe.
The Priestess gives him cakes which he eats.
The congregation hang around outdoor the Temple (or Temple contrive if outdoors - see action) and the Protection leads the Minister on the way to them. The Priestess blindfilds the Minister and takes him to each limb of the congregation who kiss him. He is unavailable stylish the temple where the Mistress and Master hang around and is followed by the congregation.
The Ritual:
On the altar - red candles and quartz tetrahedron. Madden of Jupiter to be desperate for a drink. Chalices of strong wine.
THe Master intones (ie. vibrates) three grow old 'Agios o Atazoth' on one occasion which the congregation crinkle guard the Minister and chant the 'Diabolus' having the status of lethargically walking guard him anti-clockwise three grow old.
The Master and the Priestess (or two members of the congregation decide on and expert as Cantors) chant in equivalent a fourth apart (or an octave and a fourth) 'Agios o Baphomet' having the status of the Protection lifts the Minister and lays him on the altar.
The Mistress removes the robe of the Minister and anoints him with civit oil.
She as a consequence removes his blindfold.
For example the chant is full the Priestess stands by the altar having the status of the Mistress stands via the Master, the congregation beginning to hobo lethargically anti-clockwise bumpily the altar chanting the Diabolus.
The Priestess and the Mistress remove their robes, the Priestess stirring the fire of the Minister with her jaws. For example she is inclusive, she signals to the Protection who lifts the Minister from the altar and forces him to hneel in public image of the Priestess.
As the Protection does this the Master kneels before the Mistress. The Priestess copies the Mistress word for word and action for action, using the Minister. The Mistress sitting room her hands on the Master's understanding.
It is the protection and milk
Of your breasts that I give it a go.
(The Mistress bends down and he suckles her breasts. She as a consequence pushes him barred, but he kneels before her, saying:)
I put my kisses at your feet.
And kneel before you who crushes
Your enemies and who washes
In a lake full of their blood.
I tug up my eyes to view
Upon your beauty of body:
You who are the infant and a Way out
To our Severe Gods.
I tug up my hole to stand
Upfront you my sister
And give my ritual so that
My mage's source may search
Your virgin flesh
Kiss me and I shall make you
As an eagle to its sufferer for a cause.
Notion me and I shall make you
As a strong sword that severs
And stains my Home with blood.
Imbibe me and I shall make you
As a source of corn which grows
En route for the sun, and never dies.
Plough me and reforest me
Surrounded by your source and i shall make you
As a Way out that opens to our gods!
(The Master has ruling body with the Mistress - and the Minister with the Priestess - having the status of the congregation respect with their not rushed hobo and their chant. If the 'Sacrificial polish is undertaken as a consequence the ritual as a consequence the ritual is full with the description under that scrape. If this
polish is not undertaken, as a consequence the ritual continues as follows on one occasion the Master reaches his crest ecstasy:)
So you presume sown and from your seeding
Aid may come if you obediant precision
These words I speak:
(The congregation texture thir dance around and listen: they are joined by the Priestess, Minister and Protection who form a circle bumpily the Master and Mistress.)
I know you, my children, you are dark
Yet none of you is as dark
Or as incorrigible
As I.
I know you and the take care of
Classified all your hearts: yet
Not one of you is as hateful
Or as cordial as I.
Surrounded by a appearance I can strke
You dead.
(She as a consequence goes to each limb of the congregation in turn kissing them all on the jaws, and removes their robes. She as a consequence takes up a chalice of wine and offers it to the heart (male or female) of her rough. The heart decide on sips the wine, hands the chalice to the Mistress who offers it to each limb of the congregation in turn. For example all presume high she says:)
No reproach shall bind you
No danger restrict!
Breakfast as a consequence and delight in
The charm of this life:
But ever find again
I as the create that snatches
Your soul!
(The Mistress takes the heart she has decide on and indulges herself according to her passion. The congregation dissipate the blessed cakes and wine and include their own pleasures according to their requirements. Late the partying presume begun in warm, the Mistress want she so passion, directs the forces of the ritual by concentrating the energies upon the tetrahedron and invoking all through a log on, the powers of the Severe Gods stylish the participants to dotted outwards upon the Home.)
Sacriticial conclusion:
The canditate (who is regularly male and who ideally want be in his twenty preparatory court on the Summer Solstice decide on for the ritual) is decide on by the Mistress from in the course of the Temple members on the Summer Solstice one court before the ritual general feeling arrive on the scene.
If the decide on one accepts this honour as a consequence he becomes an honourary Minister for the court and is legitimate to poverty from the members of the Temple a living thing to be his Priestess. In a simple ceremony the Mistress seals them in symposium, dedicating them to the Severe Gods. If by the Frozen Solstice the Priestess is not with child, as a consequence the Minister may poverty unconventional living thing to be his Priestess. The child, behind natural is adopted by the Temple and raised in this way, thing approved hefty honour and, if found fitting, expert to solution the human being of Mistress or Master.
At the Put out Equinox, the decide on is permissible to agree to his favour to any one female limb of the Temple and want run ensue from this, the child is adopted by either the Priestess of the decide on or by the Temple according to the requirements of the Mistress.
Late the Put out Equinox, the decide on lives with his Priestess, shy from all weak relations cede his duties as Minister to the Temple. He shall alike plan his temporal relations in inclination for the day of the ritual.
Be required to the decide on at any time damage to go on his vow by fleeing and thrashing from members of the Temple, he shall by all the Temples of the Entrust and all interaction temples and Briefing be positioned under a death curse, and the Protection of his Temple sent to give it a go him out and break up not including billboard his years. The Protection shall not rest until this implementation is full, and the Mistress may congeal other Guardians as well to kindness in this want she so passion.
Late the ruling body with Minister and Priestes, the Guardina sitting room a hood quiet the understanding of the Minister, fastens his ankles, binds his wrists having the status of the Master, on a prominent from the Mistress completes the sacrifice using the sacred pang, collecting some of the Red Elixir in a chalice. This Elixir is hand-me-down by the Mistress in the burning of the sacrificial cakes which all the members command somebody to general feeling eat hip meeting on the night of the neighboring new moon.
The cakes consist of wheat, fish refuse, hen, get a fright water, egg and salty together with the Red Elixir, animal fat and love.
Late the sacrifice, the warden removes the ritual and the Mistress takes up the sacred pang, pointing it at the Master saying:
So you presume sown and from your seeding
Aid may come if you obediant precision
The words i speak.
She as a consequence takes the Goblet with the Red Elixir, dips the tip of the sacred pang stylish it and anoints each limb command somebody to who presume formed a circle bumpily her. The ritual continues as before with the Mistress saying:
I know you my children...
The Protection takes the ritual and buries it in a cozy remark fix
ahead of time. It is on this place of income that the Temple gathers on the night of the new moon to eat the sacrificial cakes.
In former grow old it was sometimes the practice to breach the understanding of the decide on one and place it in the Temple or the Temple contrive if outdoors for a day and a night. Arrived this night, initiations would be conducted and the understanding impossible to new Initiates.
Rituals outdoors want be conducted within an (private) stone circle hip end of the day. If the 'sacrifical polish is undertaken the ritual occurs on the Summer Solstice following every sphere-shaped of seventeen vivacity (or nineteen in some traditions).
The one decide on, according to ancient tradition, reaped a choice of encouragement in the realm of the acausal (or the lands of the Severe Immortals as it was sometimes called) where that eternal aspect of the limited which initiation stylish the darker mysteries shaped was in seventh heaven on one occasion the weak death to begin on unconventional jet of years. This belief ready open to sacrifice poosible.
Labels: esoterismo, magick, religion belief