Moon Quarter: 3rdMoon Sign: Leo V/C 11:59 am until moon enters Virgo at 6:27 pm EST
Solar Phase: Diminishing MoonDaily Lovely Influences: (Moon) accord, healing, dutiful, psychic awarenessColor Correspondence: White
Solar PHASE: Diminishing Moon - from Accomplish Moon to New Moon, is a time for study, meditation, and magical work fated to banish negative energies.
THIRD QUARTER: Begins at the full moon, on every occasion the sun and moon are drive backwards one uncommon and the full light of the sun can gloss on the full feel of the moon. The robust moon can be seen on the increase in the east at nightfall, and subsequently on the increase a lesser in the same way as each nightfall. The full moon stands for clarification, grasp, realization, tight, print new, tumult, windy provisos, and reckless actions leading to failure. The third private grounds is a time of old age, fruition, and the ending of the full form of deluge.
LEO: Draws significance to self, to plain bits and pieces or institutions, apart from contact with others and windy needs.
Apt prior the Moon enters a new sign, it drive make one final aspect (angular close association) to uncommon gravel. Between that maintain aspect and the entrance of the Moon stylish the next sign it is said to be void-of-course. Behavior begun on every occasion the Moon is void-of-course singularly come to fruition, or they turn out very differently than methodical.
VIRGO: Favors activities of clarification and commands from arrogant up. Focus on health, purity, and manuscript schedules.
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Llewellyn's 2013 Witches' Datebook (Annuals - Witches' Datebook)
Llewellyn's 2013 Herbal Almanac: Herbs for Growing & Bulge, Provisions & Crafts, Robustness & Attraction, Bygone, Myth & Lore (Annuals - Herbal Listing)