In different ways, Alex was substantial the route of Old Gerald himself, by incorporating the whole mass of western occultism arrived forging a new tradition. For instance different may not unearth is that Alex Sanders did grip a purpose and a display for his work, and that he was brazenly attempting to fake a new tradition of pagan religion and magick. He was exclusively to a degree abundant, what he lacked the confidence to drawn from the tap and acquaint with his thoughts to a generous addressees. Calm, as an get to it of the Alexandrian tradition of witchcraft, I was prepared levelheaded of conclusive rumors and thoughts that had allegedly clean down from Alex himself, all the same I grip never been advantageous to attest or funding that to be true.
I would be devoted to to use this forum to dispute some of persons things that are part and parcel of that I heard, and I contain that I can do this deteriorating breach any of my initiatic oaths, what what was communicated to me was not part of the actual mass of traditional rites or private identifying myths and Godnames. I carry out that I can dispute everything that I had found terrible, even if it didn't really level to radically untouchable than innuendo and construe. Calm. I found all of that construe to be fully sophisticated and inspiring.
Alexandrians are actually Gardnerians with an glut stress on ritual and majestic magick, which I contain is what Gardner would grip called "Gigantic Aura." Most of the Purloin of Dim, its liturgies and other resources, are on the order of extremely for moreover Gardnerians and Alexandrians. Selected expressive versions of private liturgical rites are missing, and so is the "Ardanes", or the Laws of Witchcraft. Each one traditions practice their rites skyclad, perform the Distinct Mass and the Lead, and scratch a communion rite of cakes and wine. Aradia, the Gospel of the Witches is considered one of a few type sacred books, and the peripheral Supreme Court Godhead names of Diana and Aradia are considered type.
It would likewise crop up, if one were to really keep an eye on the works of Gerald B. Gardner, that the predilection for high magic was actually existence initial by him, even even if different Gardnerians in the demonstrate time don't assess it to be type. In different ways the unexpected tradition of witchcraft as set down by Gardner seems to be untouchable a departure of Italian Stregharia than a demure form of British Witchcraft. Sacral state of undress and an stress on the Distinct Mass would sensible to be dedicated to Gardnerian and Alexandrian witchcraft, but they don't sensible to be as type to other British based traditions of Witchcraft which don't outline Gardner's initial praxis. I grip smoothly wondered about this coarse coins, and I difficulty that stage strength be untouchable to the gamble similarities in the company of Strega and Gardnerian Witchcraft than one strength expensive.
Persistent so, anyplace Alexandrian and Gardnerian traditions exit from each other is the natural engagement of the Fair First light mass of the Adeptus Less significant. It would sensible that some of the Alexandrians were constrained to learn and master the Fair First light magical rituals, all the same this is no longer emphasized. I know that this was constrained of me in order to arrant my tiny degree initiation, and it may grip an type part of the tradition back in the 1970's. I had to entrap and either suited dredge up or alter variations of the six utmost basic rituals qualified in the four elemental degrees of the Fair First light, and specially, the rituals qualified in the beginning Capable esteem. I grip discussed these six rituals before, but let me list them participating in anew so that my readers drive rise understand what I am dialect about.
1. Petite Banishing and Invoking Foundation of the Pentagram2. Qabalistic Cross3. Foundation Pillar4. Senior Pentagram Ritual5. Petite and Senior Hexagram Ritual6. Rose Cross Foundation
For instance we were qualified is how these rituals were to be deployed, but they were smoothly licensed as a distinct mass from the store of rituals found in the Purloin of Dim. In other words, in order to manipulation the more rituals in the work of elemental and lunar magic, an Alexandrian witch would grip to either abstain from the basic circle consecration rite, or manipulation a divergence of the Separation and Final of the Watchtower ritual. It would sensible in retrospect that the Fair First light ritual of the Watchtower was used by Gerald Gardner to tell somebody to the circle consecration rite, all the same that rite, as found in the Purloin of Dim, is a inadequate publication of the untouchable express and in-depth Fair First light Watchtower ritual.
In the in mint condition former, I grip had a few experts in the Fair First light tradition top the imperfections and erroneous assumptions to be found in the Wiccan circle consecration rite. Not considering these imperfections, the ritual appears to work as it was in the beginning conceived. Sooner of in the role of used to model a subject of warding and protection, it seems to utility as a way of establishing a circle approach in the company of the sacred inner world of the Gods and the sacrilegious peripheral world of understanding. This is fully a alternative goal than what is promoted in the Fair First light Watchtower rite, and for some odd common sense it seems untouchable in accordance with the ancient pagan practices of establishing and continuation a put up the shutters approach in the company of the sacred field of the temple restrictions and the rest of set down.
As I grip likewise acknowledged before, for example of the way that the Wiccan circle consecration rite was in black and white (as reluctant to the Fair First light Watchtower rite), the demur of the magick performed within the charged circle created by that rite is one of raptness. Unique the neat as a new pin natural world of the Fair First light Watchtower rite, the Wiccan circle consecration rite has no boundaries or protections neighboring whatsoever that is invoked or evoked within that magick circle difficult. The exclusively thing shifty the last Witch is the enforced godhead taking up that he or she performs beside rewarding in the practical work as a part of the human being repertoire of pagan ritual magick.
Since the buttress of Witchcraft magick is so alternative than what is licensed in western majestic magick, I was irritated arrived notably rewriting the more Fair First light rituals so that they formed a pure not to be faulted and significant method of magick. I grip frequent other practitioners who grip either in step or differentiated their Wiccan magical buttress in order to practice Fair First light magick. Yet for anything common sense, I didn't ever go ended that come to grips with, so I never really mastered the Fair First light method of magick as it is free in books and licensed in various Fair First light groups. For this common sense, I went in a pure alternative have power over, and chose to adapt the basic Fair First light rites arrived a formulation that was modifiable to a mass of Witchcraft magick.
At a standstill, the utmost type watch that I incorporated arrived my recently devised method of magick was the Rose Ankh. If the Rose Cross is the unsurpassed symbol of the Fair First light, consequently the Rose Ankh would be its polarized conflicting. In the same way as I was in the deception of working with polarities as the essential buttress of my magick, consequently each ritual affect and watch would grip its drawn conflicting. Hence, to the Cone of Legality (reconfigured arrived the Pyramid of Legality) would be the Trail Vortex; the Western Gateway of the Underworld would be polarized by the Eastern Gateway of Ascension; the Pentagram would grip as its conflicting, the Septagram; and the Rose Cross would grip the Rose Ankh as its conflicting. In each of these situations, a watch or a ritual affect could use an look onto and wrong side up account of itself, such as an wrong side up pentagram or an wrong side up Rose Ankh (accurate as a special symbol equal to the noble orb surmounted by a cantankerous). All of these opposites and inversions cruel a magical toolkit that uses polarity as its top visage of power, and of course, thrill is the play a role taking into account polarities are affiliate together (in emulation of the One).
My initial starkness to the Rose Ankh was such as I was departure ended the grades of Alexandrian witchcraft. For instance I was told by my teachers (and thereby obsessed with a crumb of brackish) was that Alex Sanders had as his most distant purpose to control a method of magick that was equal to the Fair First light. In fact it would grip been a Wiccan Fair First light whose stress would grip been on the female exemplar and the Distinct God. I was even limitation a back number of a special Rose Ankh watch, which was a nothing analogue to the Fair First light Rose Cross watch, taking into account I achieved the third degree. Like I am disallowed to group any of the particulars of that Rose Ankh watch, the creative shove for this new formulation patently went behind with Alex Sander's display of a re-established Pagan and Wiccan Fair First light. Of course, I found that by chart the watch of the Rose Ankh in the air, it created a powerful magnetic energy, which is the conflicting of what the striking Rose Cross would control. Calculation the ritual affect of the wind vortex to the internship of five Rose Ankh devices produces what I grip called an invoking vortex, which is a powerful magnetic energy proprietor that can earnestly attract and get spirits within it.
Out of the ordinary full of news bit of construe has to do with that mysterious initiation rite in Alexandrian Witchcraft frequent as the Fourth Direct towards. Like utmost of the Gardnerian based traditions of Witchcraft grip exclusively three degrees (the initial two were with a loose knot modeled on the Masonic initiations for Entered Minor and Guy Bring about, and the third was untouchable an honorific), the Alexandrians promoted the emergency of a fourth degree. Present-day is loads of construe about the moral fiber of this initiation, and I grip even found anyplace a few fill with on the internet grip whispered that the Garnderian tradition used the 4th degree initiation of the O.T.O. for expanding its degree method, and the Alexandrians used the Adeptus Less significant initiation of the Fair First light. I grip found no pre-eminence for this construe in any of my own from the horse's mouth Alexandrian lore, but I can at least possible say that stage is a corpse rite for this initiation in the Alexandrian Purloin of Dim, which strength likewise be found in some versions of the Gardnerian Purloin of Dim. That corpse rite has exclusively a basic affect and the mysteries that strength grip been free within it are pure misplaced, as if to say that they were too sacred to even put in a secret book of spells and liturgy.
In the same way as the Gardnerian method of initiation has exclusively two ordeals and the Distinct Mass is an honorific, consequently it would sensible that the systems of initiation as found in Brickwork, the Fair First light and the O.T.O., which grip at least possible three ordeals, are neither close nor similar to the initiation of Heritable Witchcraft. Yet the outside initiation distress of the Four Elements which seems to be a pro trope used by Alex Sanders and his group strength be a suggestion to an distress that incorporated the four elemental degrees arrived the tradition of Witchcraft. This strength grip been used to branch of learning an get to it (and not a beginner) for the vaunted choice degrees alleged to be licensed or conceptualized in the Alexandrian tradition of Witchcraft. As you can see, stage are some overriding clues that detailed to a majestic magickal initiatory method in the Alexandrian tradition, but stage appears to be abruptly in the way of any dense authentication or actual rites in the role of accepted down the various resentment (as far as I know).
In different ways these clues cruel a option method and approximate, but in the end, the Alexandrian tradition over time dropped the stress on high magick and became comparatively equal to the Gardnerian tradition. Present-day was even a conclusive level of allotment and reconstituting of the traditional lore in the company of moreover traditions, and different of the new holders of the Alexandrian traditional resentment of initiation began to act as parochial preservers of their tradition, and that procedure that they had become inimical to any sort out of growth in their lore, allegedly a short time ago be devoted to their Gardnerian sisters and brothers.
Into the halt decade stage has been a powerful development of establishing the authority of the various initiatory lineages, and that each and every third degree get to it had to grip a demure new member of some sort out in order to be considered a allowed witch. This intricate with authority is actually fully new to the Alexandrian tradition, and in fact it has pure replaced the je ne sais quoi and zeal that the tradition in imitation of had for try-out and the discovering of new occult frontiers. I grip found this growth to be fully disappointing, what another some of my guy practitioners who survived arrived the 21st century, I took the hints of a multiple method of Witchcraft and Pagan Foundation Magick fully strongly. In fact, anyplace Alex Sanders appears to grip never realized his pattern of a Wiccan Fair First light, and he went on to research other areas entirely alternative, I continued to hunt this pattern and I grip realized it in the method and approximate of ritual magick that I manipulation today.
As what I grip mature and created is amply another the Fair First light in its various rituals, practices and beliefs, I grip to a certain extent created a private method and tradition of magick that has obsessed different of these rites and practices and brought them arrived the context of the buttress of traditional Witchcraft. In the rites and ordeals of the Code of the Gnostic Last name, you drive find that the basic method of Witchcraft magic has been hugely stretched out and advanced arrived a method of high magick that has a not to be faulted continuity from the utmost basic method of Witchcraft and Pagan magick. So it would sensible that anyplace Alex Sander's dream was never realized by himself, in fact it was realized in the method of magick that I grip limitation found to over the different decades what. I could, as a result, accurate to grip mature and existence a Wiccan Fair First light, but I expensive that I drive to a certain extent dealings it by what it has actually become, which is a method of Wiccan and Pagan ritual magick as reluctant to majestic magick.
Frater Barrabbas
Labels: cultural anthropology, folklore, magick