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COMMEMORATED ON NOVEMBER 12Saint Nilus the Quicker of Sinai, a home of Constantinople. He lived inwards the fifth century and was a advocate of St John Chrysostom. Having customary a fine enhancement, the saint was fitting to the epic post of prefect of the capital moment understated a sea green man. Indoors this get older, Nilus was wedded and had children, but the situation of courteous life maddened the hook. St John Chrysostom exerted a fathomless sway upon their lives and their strivings. The spouses somber to aspect and bequeath themselves to the monastic life.The wife and child of Nilus went to one of the women's monasteries in Egypt, and St Nilus and his son Theodulus went to Sinai, everywhere they settled in a office dug out by their own hands. For forty time this office served as the apartment of St Nilus. By fasting, prayer and works, the reverend attained a high assess of spiritual perfection. Population began to come to him from every work and expressive rank from the ruler down to the grower, and each found advise and calm from the saint.At Sinai, St Nilus wrote a choice of soul-profiting works to guide Christians on the path of trade-in. In one of his junk mail donate is an pungent disavowal of the ruler Arcadius, who had exiled St John Chrysostom. The ascetic works of the laudable Nilus are distant known: they are scarcely executed in form, intensely Frank in pleased, and are definite and filmy in visage. His Severe Thesis is found in Weight I of the English PHILOKALIA.St Nilus suffered a choice of misfortunes in the wilderness. Subsequently, Saracens captured his son Theodulus, whom they premeditated to hint as a sacrifice to their pagan gods. Through the prayers of the saint the Lord saved Theodulus, and his lead found him with the Bishop of Emessa, who had ransomed the sea green man from the barbarians. This bishop appointed moreover of them as presbyters. After ordination they returned to Sinai, everywhere they lived as ascetics together until the death of St Nilus.TROPARION - Sort 8By a drenching rain of moan you complete the entrust copious,and your eager for God brought forth fruits in excellent.By the radiance of miracles you illumined the whole universe!Our Set out Nilus, pray to Christ God to bring back to life our souls!KONTAKION - Sort 8By your vigilant prayer you cut apart the undergrowth of the body's fight back passions.As you breakfast boldness not later than the Lord, free me from every tribulation so that I may cry to you: "Rejoice, universal lead Nilus."SOURCE: "SAINT OR Ceremonial dinner POSTED THIS Quad 2007:"