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What went before is full of uncounted massacres by armies rapture a devoted identify, even though greatest such episodes were in ancient time with much less fresh grueling machinery and microscopically less important populations. The circulation of devoted exterminations of totality villages round history is countless, even though greatest had form counts song in the hundreds or thousands. Alexander the In height is approximate to delimit executed a million. 11th century Crusades killed deficient a million Jews and Muslims. Genghis Khan's massacres of totality populations of cities most likely totaled a million. The Aztecs in the manner of slaughtered 100,000 prisoners choice four days. An veiled circulation, most likely in the millions, died in the Devil's Draft action in Colonial India. Up to four million Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims died in post-Colonial India. The Ottoman Culture massacred two million Armenians choice the duration. Franco's Spanish Congenial War killed a hundred thousand. A million delimit died in Rwanda, deficient a million in Darfur. And Christian vs. Muslim nastiness has manifestly under enemy control our headlines for a decade, count wherever in seven figures.