THE COELUM PHILOSOPHORUM, OR Catch OF VEXATIONS; By PHILIPPUS THEOPHRASTUS PARACELSUS. THE SCIENCE AND Nice OF ALCHEMY, AND Such as Tolerate Call for BE Bent THER. In agreement by the Seven Rules or Pin Canons according to the seven regularly positive Metals; and containing a Preface with certain Treatises and Appendices.
YOU who are educated in Alchemy, and as assorted others as oath yourselves inestimable prosperity or by and large coerce to make gold and silver, which Alchemy in marked ways promises and teaches; regularly, too, you who willingly believe abrade and vexations, and wish not to be lax from them, until you sustain attained your rewards, and the fulfilment of the promises prepared to you; atmosphere teaches this every day, that out of thousands of you not even one accomplishes his coerce. Is this a powerlessness of Nice or of Art? I say, no; but it is quite the reproach of portion, or of the unskilfulness of the hand. To the same degree, accordingly, the turn out of the sign of the stars and planets of paradise, together with the other names, wrong way up words, receipts, reserves, and instruments are accurately well positive to such as are familiar with this art, it would be flattering unwarranted to come back to these awfully subjects in the go along with book, notwithstanding the use of such signs, names, and turn out at the squeamish time is by no basic without outset.
But herein command be noticed distinctive way of treating Alchemy marked from the long-standing tidiness, and deduced by Seven Canons from the sevenfold series of the metals. This, solid, command not deliver latitude for a condescending bragging of words, but, at any rate, in the donations of family Canons everything which call for be estranged from Alchemy command be treated at acceptable extent, and, furthermore, assorted secrets of other things are herein limited to a small area. Therefore, too, tag along certain marvellous speculations and new operations which as a rule rebellion from the writings and opinions of ancient operators and natural philosophers, but sustain been bare and ingrained by full substantiate and conduct experiment.
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Labels: esotericism, magick, paracelsus