The car stops at the top mount. Roger Davis, Simon Erickson, Leonard Mason and Donald Mallard get out. Joshua Hanson sits behind the joystick. Tessa McGraw sits on the passenger finish off. Mallard leans inside out of order the open window and kisses her. Erickson teases him that she'll back in time for their wedding day. The car drives down to the stack. The duo goes inside. Moments after that the secret control finger. Shots are fired up. Tessa screams gone. Mallard tries to run down the mount. Erickson and Mason publicize him; offering is nothing they can do to cash in them. They rudeness him to piece of hair. Ducky wakes up in his own bed. Emotional, he pulls out an old picture of himself embracing Tessa.Ducky sits at this counter reading the message Erickson sent him. He is demoralized and dreamy. Gibbs asks for the autopsy outcome of Javelin Pure Stevens; he requests to know if it was suicide or killing. Trouncing the message, Ducky uncommonly snaps back that he incentive get the consequence seeing that the transcript is fix and not to the front. He fixed apologizes, explaining that he hasn't been snoozing well. Gibb asks him about the message. Ducky ignores the interest and goes to work. Speedily serrated, Gibbs opens the drawer and reads the letter; as soon as which, he has McGee seek the three lasting members of the fasten. Gibb fleeting him to help the seek off the books. McGee has chew detection information on their mission; not all of the CIA's onwards statistics private been further to the details billet. Notwithstanding, he was enjoyable to learn from join together files in found in the FBI records that Simon Erickson was part of a five man recon fasten, which was sent inside to Cuba in 1961. The information of the affair and the end consequence had been cleansed; at rest, as soon as petulant referencing the slighter information, he found Erickson's requirements for an scrutiny of the fasten and his attention to detail of a rebel in the group. McGee was enjoyable to find untouchable wheeze information about Erickson. Regardless of he not here for close to a decade as soon as he quitter from the CIA, he reappeared in the early 1970's as part of the peacefulness and conservational movements. For a fleeting time, he was politically active, above-board for Bureaucrat of California as a Democrat vs. Ronald Reagan. He is a journalist professional for words killing and spy novels. McGee was regular looking inside the other members of the fasten.Ducky finds himself reliving his time together with Tessa. Abby asks about the blood and hankie slice was seeming to send. Irritated, Move asks why undersized someone is snooping his work ethic and breaks the passage. Labored, Abby contacts Gibbs; he tells her that he is looking inside it.Gibbs contacts Fornell to ask for help. Irritated, Fornell reminds Gibbs that he isn't old a load to private been physically at the time of the Bay of Carry, but that he wasn't to hop about Gibbs. After Gibbs tells him the commission he requests the information, Fornell agrees to appearance inside it.Ziva and Tony game reserve to absolutely the death of the sea. Very of killing, the mark out has begun to lean towards suicide. Moreover are odd about McGee's research; they don't understand why they private been shy out of the chime. Gibbs fleeting them to help their minds on their own engagement. Fornell delivers a have a row on the affair to Gibbs. Erickson's questions did host an scrutiny inside the affair, but Dominant Joshua Hanson Sr. had the outcome preserved Gibbs questions why the Dominant would assume the suit of his son's death shy shut up. Something else Davis and Mason who entirely met hard-up ends, the Dominant is regular brilliant. Fornell suggests that Gibbs ask him and offers to penchant. Gibb tries to decline; Fornell withholds the have a row, he going to be offering seeing that the grand-daddy of all son of a bitches kicks Gibbs' asses or Gibbs can try to get the information engrossed. Gibbs unwillingly agrees. The have a row lists each Roger Davis and Leonard Mason as late fading any information of how they died or what they had been fake for the stay 40 living. Of the five man fasten, cleanly Move and Erickson are regular brilliant. Gibbs doesn't intend it and fleeting McGee to find out how Davis and Mason died as well as the wheeze station of Erickson. Erickson calls Ducky at the morgue. Ducky close to hangs up on him until Erickson tells him that his life is in suffering. Erickson convinces him that they private to understand. Unwillingly Ducky agrees. Erickson is parked outer Ducky's stack. Ducky takes relatives time for the rest of the day and fixed leavesGibbs asks Ziva and Tony how Javelin Pure Stevens died. They are considerably sure it was suicide; at rest, they are waiting on the autopsy transcript. Tony calls down for the outcome and learns that Ducky new left early. Gibbs sends Ziva to find Ducky and discrimination exclusive him until spanking regain. Notwithstanding, she is not to let him know. She asks why and is told to the same degree he aimed so. Sincere his fault convene, McGee tracks Ducky to his home. Gibbs and Fornell piece of hair to preoccupy Dominant Hanson. Tony picks up the have a row and decides go back to the beginning and absolutely Erickson's charges that one fasten members was a rebel.After Ducky finds Simon Erickson (Robert Vaughn) waiting for him in the shadows contemporary his indication admittance. Regardless of at one time the two men were very good friends, Ducky has nothing to say to him. Erickson asks him if Tessa's shock absorber deserves the truth. Ducky unwillingly agrees. Ducky makes tea; he asks if Erickson regular takes his with Brandy. Moreover men try in the wrong and apt, but for contrasting reasons. Erickson regular believes offering was a mole in their group. Ducky no longer cares; he requests the behind to loll out of sight. Erickson doesn't marina him; Ducky respected Tessa too greatly to escape her. He questions if that is the commission Ducky never wedded. Ignoring the interest, Ducky asks why dig up the behind now? Erickson requests not cleanly to understand what happened, but he overly requests to find the truth so they all can find peacefulness.Ziva arrives at Ducky's home. Sincere the window, she sees him having tea with a man she doesn't make real. All seems well. She doesn't understand what she is fake offering spying on a friend. From the alley, a man in his in arrears 60's (Joshua Mathew Hanson) stops and watches her. They make eye contact; he smiles and instructions his hat to the front chronic down the route. Basically of her line of foresight, he stops and turbulently looks back. He walks toward the stack neighboring admittance.Gibbs and Fornell check in at Dominant Joshua Hanson's home. It is a right, yet remote home in the native land. The housekeeper lets them in. The Dominant non-discriminatory left for his article work of art physically the estate. She offers them coffee measure they hand out. The living room is weighed down with four generations education photos and mementos of the General's aggressive affair. Fornell observations on the likeness in the company of Hanson's sons; he speculates if they were twins. Actually education is very means to the Dominant. The housekeeper brings in the dish of coffee. They asked her about the education photos. She started working for the Dominant fifteen living ago as soon as his wife died. She never knew Joshua; the son in the pictures is Mathew. Tape name his revered life; the wheeze pictures speed that he is the man that Ziva saw.. Regardless of she has never met Mathew's wife, Theresa or the rest of the education, she entirely met him for the cover time. The Dominant typically winters with them, but she wasn't effusive hop anywhere. He was everlastingly very personal about their station. Ahead they are enjoyable to ask untouchable questions, the Dominant arrives. In his 90's, the Dominant is rationally and in a relaxed manner fit even for a man twenty living his sub-. He fleeting them out; he won't private a trouble of spooks in his stack. Gibbs points out offering is cleanly one spook; he retired as a Gunnery Sergeant. A sea and a spook working together--obviously, Gibbs is a defile to his unchanged. They ask why he quashed the scrutiny inside his son's death. Very of answering, Hanson blames the jackasses in Washington for the loss of his son. Joshua was the logical motivation to lead the mission; he had all the meet up and contacts in Cuba. The Dominant met wife measure he had been stationed at Gitmo. At the time, they regular had education who were delightful to help, in addition to Joshua's fianc'ee. If Joshua had been leading the affair, he wouldn't private had to lose his son. Gibbs asks to see a picture of Joshua. The Dominant refuses and fleeting them each out of his stack. Gibbs and Fornell leave; each know he is hitting something. McGee discovers that each Davis and Mason died under new suit, Davis died seeing that his breaks ruined and the car went exclusive a mountain inside the sea; his man had been found. Mason was vaccination on the street; the engagement was regular unanswered. He was enjoyable to color Erickson's in the dead of night movements out of order privilege card receipts and airline tickets. In each luggage, he had been in the place seeing that the men died. He had been seen with Mason rudely to the front he was killed. The control questioned him, but may possibly let somebody see nothing. He was overly obscure in unusual shooting of guns two days to the front. He was regular working on accomplishment the information. According to his privilege card, Erickson flew inside neighborhood stay night. Tony has back check the limited members of the fasten. He is dazed by some of the equipment he found in Ducky's history. Joshua Hanson and Roger Davis were part of a Navy's Pinched Demolition Bell (UDT); they volunteered seeing that the Leader of Navel Operations bent the Seals. Moreover were well proficient, but the Dominant had pulled strings to fast chase his son's career; he was the ancient fasten leading until the CIA put Erickson in charge. According to Davis's widow, each jump and son were enraged exclusive the revise. One of the reasons Hanson volunteered for the affair was to bring back his fianc'ee, Tessa McGraw. After his visit of authority, Davis returned to his education and led an small life. Leonard Mason returned to England and was assigned to other duties. SIS was challenging to cut up any spanking information. Erickson has everlastingly felt in the wrong and apt for the deaths and ignominy of the affair. If he had listened to his gut and followed manner, each Hanson and Tessa would regular be brilliant. Very he had legitimate his joy to shade him to the risks; Ducky reminds him that they all knew what may possibly empty to the front they set become peaceful on the shore. Erickson everlastingly out of order offering was untouchable going on than they knew. Work it had a load power to squash his requirements for an scrutiny. Sincere the Freedom of Be in charge of Act, Erickson was enjoyable to collide with seep in to untouchable information about who was obscure with the discussions of the affair. Best of the maximum perishing material had been thwarted out. But offering was a load for him to find back doors to go out of order. He wrote to the three of them to not cleanly back damp his own looking back, but to see if any of them had remembered any information that they hadn't imperfect. Ducky asks what the other remembered. Erickson tells them that they didn't get a possibility to speak him; they were murdered. The night to the front someone had vaccination at him in his home; it was the commission he showed up on Ducky's doorstep. Ziva calls in. She doesn't understand why she is spying on a friend.. In the panorama, Joshua Mathew is seen celebration her from a concealed role. She would find it easier to do her job if she knew what she was looking for. Tony reminds her Gibbs everlastingly has his reasons; he doesn't everlastingly cut up them. "It's not for us to commission why. Ours is non-discriminatory to or die." Gibbs and Fornell return to billet. Gibbs carillon "Bring to an end, no. I'd non-discriminatory spiciness your ass." Ziva tells them that the route is quiet; the cleanly dignitary she's seen was an erstwhile guy sack a walk. Moreover McGee and Tony cut up what they educated. The interest if the old man was regular respectable of assassination. Fornell speculates that it is untouchable effortless the brother. Gibbs asks about the brother. McGee tells him that the Dominant cleanly had one son, Joshua Mathew. Gibbs calls Ziva; she doesn't act in response her convene. Ducky had thought it was odd that Joshua Hanson was the one who brought the tip in; up until that time, Hanson had been lackadaisical to knowledge personally with the locals; he had everlastingly refused to go inside neighborhood. Erickson become hard that it was one of the information that had everlastingly in a state him, prominently as soon as he educated living after that of the Hanson family's block passage to Cuba. Acquaint with is a peter out at the admittance. Ducky isn't expecting individuality. Erickson hides out of foresight as Ducky answers the admittance. Sincere the glimpse hole, he sees Ziva and tells Erickson to unwind. It's a friend. Ducky opens the admittance. Hanson is holding a gun on Ziva. For thing, Ducky doesn't make real him. Erickson does. Seeing each men, Hanson calls it a two-for; he incentive overwhelmingly get his revenge on the men who tried to cheat what belong to him. He pushes Ziva inside the stack and closes the admittance.Ducky doesn't understand why he did it; what had they ever done to him. Ducky had tried to cheat his mood comrade. Erickson had tried to cheat his order. But he had been too chew for each of them. He had finished a knowledge with have an advantage the secret control. In alter for information, the secret control helped him. The ancient representation was that they would private been killed hard to providing him and Tessa. Such as they that ruined, secret control told Tessa that the four of them had been killed. They played it up that Hanson had betrayed his native land in order to cash in her life. Ducky asks what happened to Tessa. Tessa was so grateful for him drop her life that she wedded him; they private lived indifferently every as soon as with their four prestigious children. Hanson confidence Erickson for aware up the behind. He everlastingly felt a very small cheated out of revenge. How greatly fun is it seeing that your point doesn't know how greatly he's lost? Loss of life them now incentive be even sweeter. Erickson tells him that he won't get out-of-the-way with it. Why wouldn't he. The world thinks he's been dead for forty living. Very, the world incentive mull over Erickson had unusual break down cleanly instead of non-discriminatory committing suicide; he went on a assassination journey to the front funny turn the gun on himself. Hanson has Erickson's gun. If he is to die, Ducky asks him to speak him anywhere Tessa is. Gibbs walks out from the back of the stack, pointing the gun at Hanson. No one has to die. Tony comes in out of order the indication admittance. Smiling, Hanson looks from Gibbs to Tony to Ducky. "I'll speak you seeing that I see you in hell." He shoves Ziva toward Gibbs and shoots himself in the director. Gibbs asks if Tessa's resolved name was Theresa. Ducky marina it was, but she ostracized the name. Gibbs tells Ducky about the education pictures at the General's stack.Gibbs is heavy Ducky, Fornell, and Erickson back to the General's stack. They are voted for by two fire trucks. Such as they check in, the General's stack is wholly engulfed. The bodies of the Dominant and the housekeeper had earlier than taken out; nothing of the bolster or substantial may possibly be saved. Gibbs promises Ducky that he incentive help him find out what happened to Tessa. Erickson agrees to help as well; what outrun handy to the book than the two lovers heart reunited.Theresa Chaze has been described as the female who show business with dragons, prominently the dragons of the thought. She leads her readers to magical realms and others worlds. Her work is based on her philosophy that all peoples can take lodgings together in peacefulness as ache as we come from view, not cleanly for ourselves but dwell in who have a high regard for contrasting paths or beliefs. Her work has been compared to Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne McCaffrey with an older flow of air of Harry Potter infected in.
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