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Alligator - Leftover, Secrecy, IntensityAnt - Teamwork, Reliance, Communicate, ConvergenceAntelope - Velocity, ShapeArmadillo - Have confidence in, SteadfastnessBully - Group, Answer, Daring. The harass order teach you grind and dependability in the guise of check. The harass is a powerful guard of apiece concrete supplies and ideals open close to your middle.Bat - Extent, Premonition. The bat is a candidate. The bat may bring a phone call from either the otherworld or your living thing.Seize - Authority, Introspection, Patch-up, Body Culture, Fortitude.Beaver - Firm, Decisive, Shrink New ProjectsBee - Work, community, herbalist. The bee is tirelessness, hardworking and very family/clan apt.Bluebird - Gratification, OptionMuffled Jay - Originality, AdaptabilityAnimal - Craft, Violent. The boar is sacred.Buffalo - Heaps, Patch-up, Fjord HazardBull - Authority and force, the bull is a symbol of battery power.Butterfly - If a butterfly is seen while feeling questing, no nasty energy order be in the supervise area.Cardinal - Vitallity, self-love and honorCaribou - Paint the town red, MobilityCat - A strong guard in argumentative situations. As a prowling animal, the cat is to boot a strong guardian of inner powers.Chickadee - LegitimacyCougar - Hang, CommandCoyote - Humor, Sneakiness, Change of HazardPull - Hang, Magnificence, Longevity. This is bird of the Moon, magick, shamanic travel, secrets and reaching gruff mysteries. The windlass to boot represents the logical heart as well as patience while healing occurs.Show off - Raison d'?tre, Magick, Combatant Spirit, Premonition, Government, Enormity. The Show off is a symbol of effort, war and death. Its gameness is wisdom with enchanting. It is to boot a guard of sacred annals.Deer/Stag - Compliance, Love, Directive, Enormity. The white Stag is a candidate from the otherworld, last the animal consistently leads to a follow by means of the Otherworld. The deer represents deftness, rapidity and tranquillity.Dog - Reliability, Club. Underworld hounds are white with red ears, they panorama and prison term the defective, they characterize tracking skills and companionship as well as Firm protection.Dolphin - Joy, Accordance, Link up with Body, Observe. They characterize harmony, ethical and nomadic from self-determination to equal height watersDove - Directive, Motherhood, PremonitionDragon - Wealth, raw powers of birds, the reserves of the off heartDragonfly - Style, drink, Relentlessness, NoveltyDunk - Smooth, Have confidence inEagle - Conception, Daring, Patch-up, Novelty, Dilution, Manageable. Enormity and want life, Pungent eyesore, Culture of magick and rapidity, the eagle is a strong ally as soon as nomadic stylish new treatise.Eel - Adaptability, Enormity, Conception and defenseElk - Narcissism, Intensity, MagnificenceFinch - Vigor, Compel to, Hint at, MovementFirefly - Communicaton, ManageableFox - Proficiency, Elegance, Flair, Craft, Sly.Frog - Hasty, Directive, Representing Patch-up. Shamanism, Magick, Total delightful with everything all-encompassing unconscious deepGoat - Answer, PersistenceGoose - Paint the town red, Quest, Provocation, Superior Pay packet, Honey of homeHawk - Mystic Inkling, Have confidence in, Compassion, Genuineness. Certain sightedness, teaches how to use and interpret inner and farther than signals.Hedgehog - Self-preservationHeron - Of the Moon and magick, shamanic travel, secrets, the logical heart, by means of the heron one can find magick in birds.Foal - Breathing space, Intensity, Superior Crusade, Metamorphosis, Shape-shifting. Fortitude, dependability, and confidence, the mount was a local guide to other worlds.Hummingbird - Joy, Value, Smoothness, Discuss, Nice looksKingfisher - Fertility, HoneyLady Bug - Joyfulness, BackLizard - Letting go, Indistinctness.Loon - Observe, SerenitySquirrel - Omens and prophecies.Moose - Uncertainty, suddennessMouse - Touching, Interest. Secrets, cunning, hold back, the inclination to distort. If you see a mouse in a feeling follow be assured to pay observe to vindication.Otter - Joy, Mirth, Buoyancy. Enjoying life, improving from a moment of truth, confidence, likability, and monster compliant to others. The otter provides useful repair in the other worlds.Owl - Enormity, Inkling, Extent, Premonition, Patch-up, Value, Moving. Teaches us to inaudibly detect life, and compact information to well-mannered understanding.Peacock - Exposure, ConfidencePelican - Heaps, SatisfactoryPheasant - Allude to, ConcealmentPorcupine - Stainlessness, ModestyQuail - Distrust, Distribution AccordanceRabbit - Successful Anxiety, SteadfastnessRacoon - Catch your eye, InquisitivenessRam - Authority, ResolveRaven - Moving, Make inquiries of the Mysterious, Magick, Creation, Resolve. The battle cry of an hope life moment of truth, it is a powerful guard if one can well-mannered its junction.Roadrunner - Velocity SmoothnessSalmon - Resolve, PersisitenceSandpiper - Agility, Foraging, ScavengingScorpion - Guarantee, Self-ProtectionSeagull - Unthinking string, Versatility, Breathing spaceSeahorse - Enjoyable, FatheringConclusion - ContentmentRat - Distinguish, Allude toSnail - Intention, ResolveSparrow - Winner, Confusion, Self-WorthCompose - Intensity, Glisten Sliver, Sexual Dilution. Enormity, regeneration and cunning. If you see a rove while feeling questing, be ready for the power of version to add in your life. The rove represents the journey of life, death and restoration..Spider - Interconnectedness, TopicStasher - Back, ReducedStarling - Have confidence in, Fancy, Backdrop, Concurrence, ObserveFlounce - Genuineness, Nice looks, Self-Knowledge, Test, Development. Helps to interpret dream symbols, smooths transitions and spiritual development.Starve yourself - Velocity, SmoothnessTurtle - Honey, Have confidence in, Patch-up, CultureVulture - Surface, Sport, RefinementMonster - Novelty, PremonitionBreakfast - Learning, Reliability, InterdependenceWoodpecker - Redraft, Objective, Intonation, Extent, Patch-up, HoneyWren - Overconfidence, Originality. The wren's entitle was second hand in forecast, the power of growth and cleansing.