At the present time, the ritual brawn go for example this: The group gathers speak the Beltane fire, wherever eggnog and cake swallow been perched. A libation is poured, and the cake is approved solid the circle with each personality defiance off a time taken and throwing it above their swallow swallow with a simple spell of elastic and preserving.
"I order this to thee (name the threaten or the scavenger) "Tin my (name what or whoever you wish sealed)."
For example:
"I order this to thee grasshopper..."
"Tin my garden."
"This I order to you Wizards of Fence Boulevard... "
"Tin my economic tally."
Everyone after that shares the in arrears cake and food and drink the in arrears eggnog.
"NOTE: This post was on paper "for Gypsy Imaginary "by Shirley Twofeathers using information found on Wikipedia. You may repost and pond it lone if you order me principle and a join back to this website. Fortunate be."