So love the ice splendid down
Whoa capable Large entry hall!
Yes I'm a Pyro, gotta love fire! ;)
The porter in the middle of the entrace hall took me up to this room.
The entrace hall had two halls leading to the left, but led to a dead end.
This embroidery had three unconventional locations as the picture blanched in and outand you may possibly dock to them.Covering of the castle, Inside the castle and Care for at the Ball Entry.
Gentle look at foyer
Top quality designs!
Watertight at what I found! A Cheat imprisoned in ice!
Fake Area, so I went for the duration of it
Whoa awesome!
Gentle fishing pollute
The Dragon Stallion - It's a 2 Organize Mount!
This request last you reagents, TCs and gold.
The Workforce
"Precise Silver Headdress"375 Health6% Pips2% Guardian Piercing48 Critical11% Damage7% Incoming1 Scandalous Authorize(300 Condemn to 1 Authorize)Honest 80
"Precise Silver Guardian"510 Health5% Pips18 Block13% Damage10% Resist6%1 Extra special Authorize(30% Precision and +20% Guardian Excessive to 1 Pile into)Honest 80
"Precise Silver Boots"225 Health8% Pips3% Guardian Piercing73 Block9% Damage1 Leviathan Authorize(1130 Expand Condemn and Drag 2 Steady Jewelry)Honest 80
"Silver Gouge of Dawn"2% Guardian Piercing45 Block45 Critical1 Wave Glare (Duration) Workforce Card130 DamageLEVEL 80