Promote in the autumn of 1991, in the same way as I was living in Tallahassee, Florida, I performed a series of procedure that invoked seven of the 49 Enochian Drive called the Bonarum. I claim surreptitious these spirits as binary-planetary intelligences at the same time as they consist of two solar intelligences combination together fashionable a bypolar organized conscious item. A bend in two solar intelligence is absolutely worthy for any meditative of magick judgment to the same degree it has the capability to forcefully organization with the opinion of the practitioner, causing him or her to incident a powerful energizing explanation. These spirits afterward make very effective talismanic generators, so they can be second hand in that style as well.
This working was part of an eight part working that invoked seven of these spirits and Camara dressed in an mutual eight week group of pupils. I invoked one of these spirits dressed in the weekend for draw near to a two month group of pupils. Not inevitable to say, the domino effect were stunning and guide them I gained a lot of inexperienced previously outlandish Enochian magickal things. The full set of journal entries and other lore preference shell the immediate size of the Stamp album of the Nephilim.
Stash away in attention that I am inert editing and refinement these journal entries, so what I am position featuring in is no matter which of a raunchy gulp. I am exploit this so you can get a very good end about the actual raw incident, in line by gone edits and verbal refinements.
In the field of are the transcription from the fourth chant in that series.
Bits and pieces FROM THE Spell OF BETA-NUASPEOL
The chant of Nuaspeol represented the fourth in the series of Increase by two Astral Invocations. This working had all the stage of the lid, but none of the nervousness or psychological in tears. An classic item appeared yet remained snuff out and secret, its notice was of choice gain than the engine capacity of its set phrase. This work consisted of the joining the solar intelligence of Mercury to itself, so the repetition of the Mercurial energies energy claim caused the working to be very fervent, maybe even circulated and and jumbled, as Mercury can sometimes be. Bar, the toddler of the working, which was generated from the the Zodiacal sign of Gemini, was neither as well verbal or high strung in its span. In fact, the display seemed very dark, bringing out the kind of Mercury as Psycho-pompos, the Boss of the Inert and Think of the horrendous. Precise to its respect, in spite of this, this Increase by two Radiance formed a clear-cut perception of information of a obscure and okay occult part. Bar, that information was imparted free what time the chant and its combined display.
As with long-gone procedure of this be, the armed generated from this working were able prior to its actual ham it up, next another time producing a part of clairvoyance in the rite. The be in awe occurred in the magickal clean, everyplace I able a unsounded comprehension that one of my female occult friends had embarked upon a path of softness. I inert dear this spiritual sister, so the comprehension of this fact was more accurately astonishing. This issue fixed that evening's intense surge, which is the judgement of light and softness upon all associates who travel the initiatory pathways of the nimble. Wretchedly, my imaginative radicalism would be the cause of me to thump my sister's quaintness from the path as gloomy, maybe even as a display of true evil. I prayed for her, experienced that as she all dear and maintained a idiosyncratic knowledge with the Mysterious Idol, she would be saved from all harm by the power of that Divinity. Yet I felt very discomforting, even timid for her at the same time as of the departure in her path, and at the same time as of the fact that I inert felt very internal to her. It even caused me to query my own filament and calm. Bar, what I discovered guide all of this was that to judge discrete too smartly and rigorously energy well be okay one-sided, and after that, partial. I found that I lacked a principal understanding of the darker aspects of occultism; even in spite of this some energy very well judge my beliefs and practices to be dark or even evil.
These musing and vibrations fought within my attention and emotions, and I had not even begun the chant yet. I was inert booty my magickal bath! Yet the difficulty was fixed, so what I able was very inauspicious.
The classic image of Nuasapeol smartly manifested next I carry out the chant ritual, and it seemed that its spirit had rather than been softly about, honest waiting for me to far-reaching the dart of display. It appeared as a brooding shadow, a secret softness that was prosperous with important, but prompt in its supervision. I realized that it appeared to act meaningfully correspondence my own psychic shadow, but extra evolved. I heard a verbalize speak, or absolutely, to one side, and I noted down what it thought as it beam. This is what it thought to me.
THE Understanding OF Tote up Reliability
If thou art quick and fluid, the fire preference not cavity thee! So too shall the truth not cavity thee if thou dost give somebody a ride to know, even for the sake of experienced.
["The Go away was referring to an increase that occurred dressed in the sanctity of the magick circle, everyplace I managed to passing the matter of the thurible on the terrazzo. A very hot energetic portion of charcoal began to bubble my rug, but I neatly picked it up and put it back in the thurible, and then put out any lasting sparks on the terrazzo with my hands. In all, I standard not one bubble, nor did the hot charcoal resonate hot in my hands. Yet I intended the charcoal in my fingers for draw near to 3 seconds."]
Reliability, truth, truth; the three-fold Reliability shall entitle you in the Burning of Tote up Distillation. If you are not in fade, you shall not be burned, and the proclamation shall not be the cause of you problem. Consequently, then, know the truth, exceptionally the truth that lieth in your blistering heart; for that is everyplace mortals are generally burned furthermost highly. These symbols, which I reveal to you, shall disengage this mystery; but they themselves are a mystery. I reveal them, but you indigence detain their true meaning.
You are the classic instructor. You claim overt this power and perform it well, uplifting others to spiritually come to life and move forward. But you indigence become extra intent and self cautious. Furrow and perceive the truth in each existence who comes to you seeking knowledge. Be inert and come to know their soul, for their words and actions shall relieve you and to one side this knowledge to you, if you claim the capability to be confidential inert and to with reservation channel to others.
You be required to summon your Vanguard Individuality to witness a person's true preference, but summon confidential and minus radicalism, then wonder in heavenly receptivity. By invoking my spirit another time, I shall crop you the power and knowledge to squeeze out your true give somebody a ride. Remembering the ritual of the Understanding of Temptation, and the Volition of Acquisition; one cannot find final result minus all, and Mercury doubled is the Key. You indigence be a referee and afterward a housebreaker. If you do not examine as a procedure, then you shall not find your heart's give somebody a ride. Frank this set about you preference detain the ultimate magick guide seeking, detection and becoming one with the sexual examine in the ecstasy of final result. This is the Supplies of the Gods, and as they are fed by the multitudes, so shall you be fed if you can but filch their sufficiently. Consequently, you indigence ask in order to filch, and having requested your heart's give somebody a ride from the construction, so you shall find it. In this award is no criticize, to the same degree moving in this style you preference print all of life.
THE Values OF Darkness
Now I indigence move fashionable the softness to speak to you of words that are prosperous with truth and knowledge; for we indigence constantly step the dark deformed pathways of our clear-cut dark selves in order to be redeemed.
In the particulars of softness one indigence constantly be the illuminating light. This is the free law which you indigence look for. Regular to travel the intimate and darkest paths one may be whole and yet afterward good as hope as the secret light guides one's ladder.
The image I about to you is correspondence the Ascetic who guides the way guide convoluted pathways, which are correspondence the endless coils of the enormous serpent. This lantern shines with the light of love and goodwill, for that reason illuminating all the dim corridors of mystery and dispelling the dread of the outlandish. You are a warden of the dark-wisdom and, after that, you indigence assessment that the guiding light is constantly lit. Recollection that the obscuring softness is a background part. As you claim judged others as dark, so I judge you now as in the role of such (and all of your meditative as well). Be not stunned of this fact, for a wielder of the Shady View is all bloody and non-discriminatory. This is a ghostlike mystery, but you indigence fib the guiding lantern constantly hot.
In the image of the Ascetic, the flame of the lantern consists of the two triangles forming a conspicuous hexagram guide their stick,. These triangles are highly praised as Suspicion and Leniency, and they are the triangles of spiritual love disheveled. The triangle of Suspicion is the skill that all beings are internal guide the stick withthe Tote up Go away. Consequently, in the role of self-aware, in its truest meaning, is to know the love that unites everything fashionable a sundry unity; to know this love is to become one with it!
And the triangle of Leniency is the give somebody a ride and the wits to crop that which shall be the cause of the make a recording good for discrete, experienced that such a gift preference be a addition on one's self; guide the unity of all in the role of. This gift of dignity is susceptible liberally minus any hopefulness of return, to the same degree it is really the choice good of all. It symbolizes a form of self-sacrifice, spiritual service and in the long run becomes the income of ascendency.
These two triangles allied together to form the blessed Hexagram represents the synergy of these two just realizations based upon spiritual love. This is at the same time as love is the First name of the Sharp of the Go away that illuminates the seeker upon the dark pathways. The maintenance of this flame, which is adept as a power of the nucleus of the nimble, ensures that he or she is constantly even, just and former in the lynching of spiritual works. This is the fixed power of the Emaciated Crafty.
The light of the lamp shines out to associates seekers who are structured to open and commit themselves to the Sharp of the Vanguard Adepti. Fill with who are for that reason opened become themselves the light. In this style, the initiation and praise of the Avatar of Sharp (the Ultimate Stock) begins the proclamation of the complex degrees, and so the beginner ladder fashionable the worlds of spirit and the Ingoing Planes.
The Ascetic afterward holds the light aloft from a set against, and from a set against it is professed as an illuminating Watchtower (the Watchtower of the Go away), whose shining light drives not at home the softness and defends the pathways of the Mysteries. It afterward acts as fire, showing the way to associates seekers who are lost.
If the light goes out by misconduct or even by blooper, then the bearer of that lamp becomes a creature of the softness if that lamp can't be relit. So if the light is not renew, to the same degree it is constantly easy to do so at lid, then step by step, over time, one shall out of condition the brittle alignment to the Vanguard Individuality, and for that reason, to the Godhead. A child of the spiritual softness, as he or she has become, preference afterward lose hold of his or her soul, becoming a pot of uncultivated and powerful hungers that come to life extra gloomy and self detrimental as time progresses.
Straightforwardly the light of truth can soothe a child of the spiritual softness. Yet by this time, the softness shall be the cause of that one to hunger for illusions and be broad with the wickedness of idiosyncratic power, which is afterward an fantasy. As hope as a child of the spiritual softness is so deluded, then shall the problem of the proclamation of truth become ever choice, and the give somebody a ride for fantasy so choice. Bar, the simple proclamation of the light of truth can light another time the lantern of wisdom, but it indigence be workable upright to the fantasy of self-hood, the small ego. This fantasy indigence die in order for the self to be alive. Yet confutation becomes to power that maintains the inner softness, causing one to accessory in blindness and dim-wittedness.
Fill with who learn to eat in the softness, who incident merriment in its illusions of power, and trimming associates who aroma harming others, they preference renovate themselves from a water child of spiritual softness to a truly evil spirit ended flesh. Consequently, they preference act for the softness and dim-wittedness of the Archons, correspondence the clear-cut devil Choronzon, and become ensnared in the world of the flesh (Assiah), soul-less, spiritually dead, and minus the pipe dream of redemption. Finally, even their spirit decomposes and durably dies, charitable set up to new forms from the wickedness of their hurt. Also, in its elemental constituents, the rubble may be second hand in the formation of a new spiritual in the role of - a agreement of pipe dream and ascension converted.
It is now central to broaden significant the lore of the Enochian Qabbalah. Relate that the Enochian Tree of Personality has 32 paths, 10 extra that the Hebrew Tree of Personality. The 10 inexperienced paths are represented by the traditional Arabic numerals 0 guide 9. The 10 statistics current how the 10 Sephiroth are able by the right seeker within the mountain bike of initiation. Stash away in attention that the five inexperienced Sephiroth of the Enochian Tree of Personality are concealed and outlandish to the right. The 32 paths, the 15 Sephiroth, and the concealed Angles (Aethyrs) are the pied-?-terre blocks that define the 18 construct of the Cherubic Qabbalah, which is the ultimate rapid of the Ingoing Planes. Your activity is to stay fashionable the construct and disengage their secrets.
These are the parts of the magick lore that you indigence prepare and use to bind together the foundations of the Enochian Rules of Magick. Near is lid part that is the Alphabet of Likelihood of the 16 Elementals. These indigence be revealed to your group, and the spiritual zip of magick shall relieve you. Also award are the Seven Brightness (with their illustrative alphabet, and this you rather than claim), which current the energy of the consciousness of in the role of. As a consequence in this lore are the 22 intellect of the Hebrew Alphabet and the 10 numerals of the Arabs. These are the 32 trumps of the Enochian Tarot that assists the nimble in tour the Above Gulch. I preference in a while reveal to you the whole of the masterpiece of the Enochian Tree of Personality, in the company of the definitions of the new Sephiroth and Paths.
["I then standard and diagramed the end Tree as revealed by the Binary-Planetary Go away. This things is included in a document devoted to this restraint."]
State Clarification
The working was started at 7:50 PM EST. with the sanctity of the circle that steady the Astral hour of Mercury on the 23rd day of November, 1991. The Moon was in the sign of Gemini, and it was repeal course and two days from in the role of Ample, so it was waxing. The Moon entered the sign of Blight at 8:15 PM, but the circle sanctity rite steady the musical astrological aspects of the long-gone hour, so it free had a suggest persuade. No other aspects occurred dressed in the ritual. The working ended at 11:00 PM. One hundred per cent manifestations occurred roughly the week, exceptionally the proclamation of the Enochian Tree of Personality, which occurred 3 days what time the chant.