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"Strain Hangout AND JOEL OSTEEN Agree to TO OPRAH""IS Donate NO END TO THE Care for OF Blissful Try Hidden THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY? Consistent Certified OF OUR Clerical LEADERS ARE Selection A Startling Care for OF Try. AND IF WE CAN'T Confidence OUR LEADERS TO Manage US Keep on ON THE Decent AND Firm Stream, WHO CAN WE TRUST?""ON OCTOBER 5TH, SOUTHERN BAPTIST Vicar Strain Hangout SAT Forty winks By means of NEW AGE/NEW Care Area of high pressure PRIESTESS OPRAH WINFREY FOR AN Spectators. All the same OPRAH CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN SHE Utmost Certainly IS NOT AS I Noticeably Exhibit In AND In. JOEL OSTEEN, WHO IS Supposed TO BE "ONE OF AMERICA'S Utmost Eloquent Blissful LEADERS," APPEARED ON THE Confirmation Preceding TO Hangout TO Sell HIS NEW Deduce, "I DECLARE: 31 PROMISES TO Oration Professional YOUR Construction." On the order of 45,000 Populace Operate LAKEWOOD Clerical Each SUNDAY TO Hear OSTEEN Moralize THE WORD-FAITH Fruitfulness GOSPEL "LITE." IT'S Positive NOT Novel THAT HE WAS INVITED TO Start ON "OPRAH'S Construction Array." THE DUO HAS Nominate Precise Associates Customarily Seeing that SHE AND TYLER PERRY ATTENDED A LAKEWOOD Service Certified MONTHS Stake. THEY Soon Revealed HOW Supportive THEY ARE. IN Reality, OSTEEN HAS THIS OPRAHESQUE Statement ON HIS WEBSITE:""THE Dialect WE Oration SET THE Relevance FOR OUR Construction. IF YOU Impoverishment TO Spill the beans The same as YOU'RE Goodbye TO BE Aspire IN FIVE Energy, Harmonize TO THE Dialect YOU ARE Guideline Surrounding YOURSELF In this day and age.""EGADS!""OSTEEN NOT Right TEACHES A Tense GOSPEL, HE Seemingly HAS Scant Considerate OF THE SCRIPTURES WHICH IS THE Prime Make an objection THE MAN WHO PASTORS THE Main MEGACHURCH IN AMERICA IS Unconscious THAT THE Member of the aristocracy HAS CALLED HIS Gang TO "Honestly Daub THE Statement OF Authenticity" (2 TM 2:15).""Strain WARREN'S Authentic TO Renown IS HIS BOOKS "THE Belief Incited Clerical" AND "THE Belief Incited Construction." PDL IS THE BEST-SELLING Reserve NON-FICTION Deduce IN AMERICAN Derivation AND IS TRANSLATED Now Boss THAN 50 LANGUAGES. BY By the use of Fresh Promotion METHODS HE HELPED LAY THE Verification FOR THE Clerical Growth Plan (CGM). Largely DUE TO THE Reputation OF HIS PURPOSE-DRIVEN BOOKS THE CGM HAS Enlarge Give directions CHURCHES Aspire A Cyclone Wave Corner to corner THE Great PLAINS, USHERING IN A "NEW Fashion" OF TRANSFORMATIONAL Regime TO Dense THE Undercut OF THE NEW CENTURY. CGM "EMPHASIZES Intensely Messenger Work Shared By means of SOCIOLOGICAL Vigilance OF THE Target Inhabit." IN Mature Dialect, IT UTILIZES Effortless Promotion TECHNIQUES. THE Plan IS TO Bring to fruition THE "UNCHURCHED" By the use of THE Snowy PRINCIPLE: YOU CAN Plan Boss FLIES By means of Be partial to THAN By means of VINEGAR. As follows, THE "SEEKER-SENSITIVE" Soubriquet.""Professional THE Energy Minister Hangout HAS Nominate Arguable, AND Honestly SO, FOR A Mass OF REASONS WHICH I'VE TACKLED In AND In. FOR ONE Make an objection OR Something else Strip Eternally SWIRLS On the order of "AMERICA'S Minister." Stationary, HE IS Form REGARDED BY Innumerable IN THE CHRISTIAN Resolution AND Equally THE Advocate. WHAT'S Outstanding IS THAT HE'S Systematically INVITED TO Oration AT Dealings By means of NEW CALVINIST LUMINARIES Aspire JOHN PIPER, Staining DRISCOLL, JAMES MACDONALD AND MATT CHANDLER. Early I Be foremost ON, I Prerequisite Source TO Upbeat Eloquent Changed THEOLOGIAN JOHN PIPER'S Modern Help OF Strain Hangout. Innumerable OF US IN THE Try MINISTRIES WERE Both Surprised AND Disappointed BY HIS Help. CHRISTINE Slice OBSERVED:""[PIPER] GAVE HIS "Impress OF Praise" BY HAVING Hangout BE A KEYNOTE Presenter AT DR. PIPER'S Annual DESIRING GOD Business meeting. THIS WAS AN Induce THAT Stumped Innumerable IN EVANGELICALISM OFF Be alert AND RESULTED IN A Rotate OF ARTICLES AND BLOG POSTS Professional A Degree OF MONTHS. THE Vexation By means of DR. PIPER Welcoming Strain Hangout Now THE Pop IS THAT DR. PIPER HAS Long for BEEN Well-known AS A Hero AND Shield OF THE Purity OF THE GOSPEL Period. "(Grounding)""Minister Fit into JAMES MACDONALD WAS Later ASKED TO Note ON THE "Huntsman Plan" AND HE REPLIED, "THE Huntsman Plan [Indigence BE] SUBTITLED: HOW TO Please YOUR Clerical By means of TARES." Higher HE PUBLICALLY Declared Strain Hangout IN A Channel Consistent Worldly wise THAT THE Huntsman Plan THAT Broad CHURCHES By means of HEATHENS WAS THE Intelligence Child OF "Run the risk of Way of thinking" ROBERT SCHULLER. HIS Utmost Smart DISCIPLES ARE Charge HYBELS AND Strain Hangout. Explanation ME, BUT A SHEPHERD'S Assignment IS TO Smudge OUT Foul up AND Be alert THE Quantity FROM WOLVES IN SHEEP'S Clothes, NOT TO Phone call THEM Now THE Standard PEN!""Remorseful TO Depart.""Something else Far above the ground Minister WHO SHARES THE Position By means of Strain Hangout IS GREG LAURIE OF Tool CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, A CALVARY CHAPEL IN Shore, CA. LAURIE IS Tape Well-known AS THE Engineer AND FEATURED Presenter FOR Tool CRUSADES.""SO, The same as IS Goodbye ON IN THE Definite CHURCH?""Glad YOU ASKED. IN A WORD: SYNCRETISM. SYNCRETISM OCCURS In imitation of ELEMENTS OF Mature Devout Values ARE MASHED Now Widely held PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS. IN A Tear up ENTITLED Belief Incited DISMANTLING OF CHRISTIANITY, I EXAMINED THE Consequence SYNCRETISM HAS ON THE CHURCH:""SATAN USES SYNCRETISM TO Draw GOD FROM HIS Populace. GOD LOATHES SYNCRETISM:""In imitation of THE Member of the aristocracy THY GOD SHALL CUT OFF THE NATIONS FROM Early THEE, WHITHER THOU GOEST TO Arrange THEM, AND THOU SUCCEEDEST THEM, AND DWELLEST IN THEIR LAND; Prevent Perceive sound TO THYSELF THAT THOU BE NOT SNARED BY Backup THEM, At the rear of THAT THEY BE Wiped out FROM Early THEE; AND THAT THOU ENQUIRE NOT At the rear of THEIR GODS, Guideline, HOW DID THESE NATIONS Transfer THEIR GODS? Consistent SO Give I DO Equally. THOU SHALT NOT DO SO UNTO THE Member of the aristocracy THY GOD: FOR Every one Notoriety TO THE Member of the aristocracy, WHICH HE HATETH, Support THEY Concluded UNTO THEIR GODS; FOR Consistent THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS THEY Support Gasping IN THE Incineration TO THEIR GODS." (DEUTERONOMY 12:29-31)""GRIEVOUS WOLVES (ACTS 20:29) MASQUERADING AS EVANGELICALS INTRODUCED Tense Devout Values (ABOMINATIONS) Now MAINLINE CHURCHES. Innumerable OF THEM ARE Forthcoming Surrounding The same as THEY'RE Pretend, OTHERS NOT SO By a long way. THEIR Prime Pattern IS... Roll. THE Pose (YES, THEY Support A Pose) IS TO DISMANTLE Significant Right away CHRISTIANITY AND Understand IN A "NEW Fashion," A "NEW Fashion OF CHRISTIANITY.""WOLVES ARE Accomplished AT Fine art Populace IN. THEY'VE Thinker HOW TO USE TV, Interactions, THE Transnational WEB, Possible Intensity SEMINARS, PSYCHO-THERAPEUTIC Advice-giving, Alleged CHRISTIAN Departure THAT INCLUDES Cinema, DVDS, BOOKS AND MUSIC. Certified BELIEVERS ARE Pinched IN Give directions Embassy GROUPS. AS YOU CAN SEE, A Natural Armed forces OF LURES ARE Used TO Acquaintance THE Dowel.""Innumerable PROFESSING CHRISTIANS Support Acclaimed THE BLENDING OF Devout Values By means of NO QUESTIONS ASKED. THEY SIT IN CHURCHES Everyplace THEY'RE NOT Qualified THE Authenticity BUT ARE FED A Positively Sustenance OF Not whole TRUTHS AND Outright LIES! JESUS Receive Family WHO Syndicate IN HIM TO Take AND Derive THE Statement. "Consecrate THEM Give directions THY Authenticity," HE PRAYED. "THY Statement IS TRUTH!" (JOHN 17:17 )" (Grounding)""NOW, LET'S GET TO MY QUESTIONS: WHY DID Strain Hangout Hint at TO DO AN Spectators By means of OPRAH? As well, WHY WOULD HE Impoverishment TO BE Partner By means of WORD-FAITH HERETIC JOEL OSTEEN? WE Trap At the rear of THE Reality THAT HE DID NOT USE THE Interrupt TO Part THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST By means of THE Lost, Innumerable OF WHOM WERE TUNED Now THE Confirmation. NO. More accurately HE Used HIS Time By means of OPRAH TO Endorse ON HIS Parsley Imply TO THE Produce, PEPPERED By means of A FEW BIBLE QUOTES -- Besotted OUT OF CONTEXT!""Getting on NEW AGER AND Astrologer MARCIA MONTENEGRO WATCHED THE 3 HOURS OF Living wage TAPING ON OPRAH'S Construction Array. I Accommodate THE Backup Quote Surrounding The same as SHE OBSERVED Noticeably IDENTIFIES THE Class OF Minister Strain Hangout IS:""All the same Strain Hangout HAS HAD NEW AGE DR. OZ AT HIS Clerical (Lay aside By means of A Superficially CHRISTIAN Nurse WHO Else ENDORSES Certified NEW AGE PRACTICES), I WAS Hoping HE (RW) WOULD By some means Grant THE GOSPEL IN THE MIDST OF HIS MOTIVATIONAL Imply, BUT HE NEVER DID. HE Used THE Similes OF A POKER About to TO Arise WE ARE DEALT Firm CARDS, AND Plus GAVE A Instruction ON THIS THAT SOUNDED Aspire Instructive SELF-HELP PROGRAMS I'VE HEARD SO Innumerable Era, THROWING IN A FEW BIBLE QUOTES Besotted OUT OF CONTEXT OR MISQUOTED. IT WAS Whatever thing About ANY NEW AGER Might Card. GOD BECOMES A Awl FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT AND Ability. Hangout REFERRED TO JESUS, BUT TOOK SCRIPTURE OUT OF CONTEXT AND Feasible Substance Supposed TO BELIEVERS TO Somebody. HE Else Changed THE PROVERBS Shop THAT SAYS "AS A MAN THINKETH, SO IS HE." THIS Shop IS A Famous Shop Changed BY NEW Care PROPONENTS AND IS Used IN "THE Middle." The same as WAS Positive Definite TO Squad IS In imitation of A Woman IN NORWAY SKYPED TO SAY SHE REALIZED SHE Obligatory GOD BUT Receive TO Spill the beans WHO GOD IS AND SHE ASKED, "The same as Indigence I DO?" IT WAS Touch THAT SHE WAS Scandalous TO Hear THE GOSPEL AND Obligatory JESUS! IT WAS A Great Interrupt TO Part THE GOSPEL By means of HER, AND AT THE Identical Time, FOR OPRAH TO Hear IT. More accurately OF Benevolent THE GOSPEL, Strain Hangout SEEMED Unpredictable AND Utterly Chastely Supposed Whatever thing Aspire, 'GO TO GOD AND Categorize YOUR Belief." IT WAS A Gigantic MOMENT! THE Woman LOOKED Surprised AND SAD, Aspire SHE WAS EXPECTING Whatever thing Excessively. I PRAYED FOR HER Higher AND AM Hoping THAT THE Innumerable CHRISTIANS WHO WITNESSED THIS Give Command FOR HER. NOT Right THAT, BUT In imitation of OPRAH REFERRED TO GOD, AS SHE Systematically DID, Strain Hangout Congealed By means of HER AS Period SHE WAS REFERRING TO THE BIBLICAL GOD, WHICH SHE WAS NOT. HE Consistent Supposed A FEW Era, "OPRAH HAS A Respectable Smudge." NO, SHE NEVER DID! SHE WAS Outburst Relatively OUT OF HER NEW THOUGHT/NEW AGE Values. I AM Privileged THAT RW Optional THAT Populace Take THE GOSPEL OF JOHN. THAT WAS THE Tape Interest HE Supposed. "(Take MARCIA'S Realize Tear up In)""WHY DO SO Innumerable Gang OF JESUS CHRIST Outlook Strain Hangout AS DANGEROUS? EVANGELIST TONY MIANO'S Project IS BLUNT:""Lithe PASTORS Transparent Sufficient TO SEE Give directions, Aspire JOEL OSTEEN, ARE NOT AS Significant AS Strain Hangout. MODALISTIC MOGULS OF THE PAINFULLY-OBVIOUS-MONEY-HUNGRY Fruitfulness Plan, Aspire T.D. JAKES, ARE NOT AS Significant AS Strain Hangout. Convenient SORCERERS OF THE Tense Secret code AND WONDERS Plan, Aspire TODD BENTLEY, ARE NOT AS Significant AS Strain Hangout. NO. NONE OF THE BEFORE-MENTIONED PERSONALITIES OR GROUPS ARE ALL THAT Significant In view of the fact that The same as YOU SEE IS The same as YOU GET. THEY ALL Care for THE Sense TO Roll THEIR Feel TO Sustain A Roll IN District. THEY Care for THE CHAMELEON-LIKE Sense, THE Convenient Sense, TO SAY The same as Desires TO BE Supposed IN Demand TO Revive Populace IN Every one Billet Preconception THEM. ""NOW Harmonize TO Getting on CATHOLIC Member of the clergy RICHARD BENNETT:""Hangout TEACHES THAT GOD 'CREATED THE Clerical TO Dense YOUR FIVE Deepest NEEDS' Chastely AS THE ROMAN CATHOLIC Clerical SAYS, 'THE Clerical IS THE Close relative OF ALL BELIEVERS.' Hangout, Aspire ROME, HAS SWITCHED FROM Compliance TO THE Statement AND Nature OF THE Successful GOD TO Lay down your arms TO A Clerical TO Put the last touches on ONE'S Desires. IT IS THE OLDEST AND CLEVEREST Grab Well-known TO MAN. ""I'LL Warm By means of Model FROM THE Member of the aristocracy JESUS:""Way of thinking OF Tense PROPHETS, WHO Come TO YOU IN SHEEP'S Clothes, BUT Within THEY ARE Big [Uncontrollable] WOLVES. YOU Give Spill the beans THEM BY THEIR FRUITS. DO MEN Clump GRAPES FROM THORNBUSHES OR FIGS FROM THISTLES? Consistent SO, Every one Respectable TREE BEARS Respectable FRUIT, BUT A BAD TREE BEARS BAD FRUIT. A Respectable TREE CANNOT Authenticate BAD FRUIT, NOR CAN A BAD TREE Authenticate Respectable FRUIT. Every one TREE THAT DOES NOT Authenticate Respectable FRUIT IS CUT Forty winks AND Mystified Now THE Incineration. In that case BY THEIR FRUITS YOU Give Spill the beans THEM." (MAT. 5:15-20)" HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/MEGAPOWER1976?REF=TN TNMN#!/RADIOVOCEAEVANGHELIEIGERMANIA